Well, today was James' birthday. Not complaining, but he's used to doing without mostly because things have been tight. This year was just a BIT different though.
A little over a year ago, I bought him a banjo. He loves the sound of banjo music, and really wanted to try and play. Well, the book, DVD and youtube stuff just never did much for him, so I promised to get him lessons as soon as we could afford it.
He took that all in stride, and never complained. He'd pick it up now and again and try to play..but he'd just give up. He knew lessons just weren't in the budget, never asked, but you could tell he WANTS to learn.
Well, over the last week, a LOT of things fell into place, and I got a guy to come to the house today and give him a lesson.
You should have seen the look on his face when the guy knocks on the door and says he's looking for James. Then he says, I hear you have a banjo. James' was like..uhm..yeah...then the guy (John) says I'm here to give you a lesson!!
It was great!
Needless to say I have one happy husband. John spent an hour here working with him, and we're going to get something regular set up for a bit for him. It was great to be able to do something for him.
He's a great guy and I love him dearly. Too see him happy made me happy for sure. Happy 64th honey!!!
A little over a year ago, I bought him a banjo. He loves the sound of banjo music, and really wanted to try and play. Well, the book, DVD and youtube stuff just never did much for him, so I promised to get him lessons as soon as we could afford it.
He took that all in stride, and never complained. He'd pick it up now and again and try to play..but he'd just give up. He knew lessons just weren't in the budget, never asked, but you could tell he WANTS to learn.
Well, over the last week, a LOT of things fell into place, and I got a guy to come to the house today and give him a lesson.
You should have seen the look on his face when the guy knocks on the door and says he's looking for James. Then he says, I hear you have a banjo. James' was like..uhm..yeah...then the guy (John) says I'm here to give you a lesson!!
It was great!

Needless to say I have one happy husband. John spent an hour here working with him, and we're going to get something regular set up for a bit for him. It was great to be able to do something for him.
He's a great guy and I love him dearly. Too see him happy made me happy for sure. Happy 64th honey!!!