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What was your very first guitar??

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  • What was your very first guitar??

    Mine was some no name classical acoustic thing that I borrowed from a family friend. It had the nylong strings and they sucked ass (being new to the guitar thing). I learned what metal/grunge I could on this for a couple of months until I got Epiphone electric. But I almost didn't stick with it thanks to those strings.....
    "I would have banned you for taking part in hijacking and derailing a thread when you could have started your own thread about your own topic." - Unknown

  • #2
    A BC Rich Bich....didn't have an amp and got discouraged. I was in the Marines at that time and never stuck with it enough to learn much.


    • #3
      Mine was out of the JC Penny catalog. Got it for Christmas. I think the name on the guitar was Harmony, but not sure. Anyway, the guitar and small amp were $99. The amp didn't even have any distortion! But... I was only 11 and that was the greatest Christmas ever.
      Breaking Point, my all instrumental CD available here:


      • #4
        a brand new 1982 candy red,white pick guard, maple neck HONDO strat. that son of a bitch was heavy/ les paul looked good and sounded like tin though a 10 or 15 watt peavy decade. you coulda killed a bear with that guitar. kinda wish i still had it now and put a charvel maple neck on it, the sustain would be insane.
        DK2 EERIE DESS
        KE3 CUSTOM
        KELLY PS6T W/ DK2 NECK
        RR3 PRO
        TWIN CRATE 4X12 CABS


        • #5
          1976 Les Paul Custom Black Beauty loaded with 3 DiMarzio SD's.
          Bon Jovi is like a frozen Coca Cola.. It's cool, it's crunchy, but when all is said and done it is still pop....


          • #6
            Metallic red Jackson JS1.


            • #7
              1986 - 12 years old - Black Hondo H76 strat with a Ross 8" 15 or 20 watt amp. I got the Ross instead of the Gorilla because it's my last name. $150 out the door. And the only brand new guitar I ever bought.
              Every man dies... Not every man really lives!!


              • #8
                white 86 Charvel Model 2 that I got when I was in the Navy. I still have guitar and won't sell it.


                • #9
                  Crap behringer strat copy and a Behringer amp to go with it. A year later I painted it pink, turned out pretty nicely but the neck sucked.

                  Here is a pic. To the right is a B.c Rich I also painted at same time.

                  I have no Idea why I chose those colors ><
                  The Warlock, would be my main guitar for a few months and actually wasnt replaced as my main guitar until 3 years later when I finished my King V (The warlock has been seriosly modified tho, its white now, with sperzels and Dimarzio. There is a picture of him in my signature)

                  Guitars: Jackson King V, Jackson Kelly, Jackson DXMG, Jackson DK2M, Squier Stratocaster MIJ '85 and B.C Rich Whitelock
                  Amps: Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier, Marshall Valvestate 8100 and Peavey Windsor halfstacks.


                  • #10
                    a cheapo Kay acoustic from the little music store in my town, I was 11

                    I literally never learned to play it and I think I gave it away before going to college and then really learned how to play on a 1984 Fender Squier Tele MIJ.
                    the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


                    • #11
                      Early 1985. Aria Pro II RS Classic. 3 whimpy (4K?) single coils. Amp was a Gorilla TC-35 "tube crunch".

                      Horrible tones (I wanted metal), but you learn by being a newbie. Wish we would have had the web back then. People nowadays have it easy.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by DonP View Post
                        Wish we would have had the web back then. People nowadays have it easy.
                        "I would have banned you for taking part in hijacking and derailing a thread when you could have started your own thread about your own topic." - Unknown


                        • #13
                          I didn't start playing until I was 19 (that was 1992). A friend of mine was needing money and had a 1987 Washburn KC-60V superstrat and Crate 10 watt amp for sale. My parents bought it for me as an early Christmas gift. Thankfully, I still own it. I have other guitars that are nicer, but it still holds its own and has a certain mojo to it. I still play it a decent amount.


                          • #14
                            Mine was called a Johnson Strat knockoff. I think it was johnson actually, but not completely sure. It sucked ass, and I FUCKED up the tremolo unit SOOOOO bad.
                            I hooked up my accelerator pedal in my car to my brake lights. I hit the gas, people behind me stop, and I'm gone.


                            • #15
                              1985-ish Kramer Focus 1000, sold in 87 to buy a model 1, never bought another until '07.
                              "illegal downloading saved people from having to buy that piece of shit you tried to pass off as music" - Nighbat

