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I guess I'm going to jail.

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  • #76
    I recall seeing an attorney making the talk show circuit about 10 years ago. He claimed he never lost a DUI case, but the cost was about $10,000. Capable DUI attorneys are out there--find the best one you can. You might want to spend the day in court on a day it covers DUI's. I sat through a few hundred DUI's once when I contested a speeding ticket. I think everyone got an ARD (Accelerated Rehabilitation Disposition). An attorney let me listen in on his conversation with a DUI client as they sat in the courtroom waiting for their turn--he was a nice guy and seemed to be canvassing the crowd for new clients. A trial lasting less than a minute followed and his client got an ARD like everyone else.

    Once convicted there will be fines and court costs--probably around $2,000. You won't be allowed to drink during the period of your sentence which will far exceed any time you spend in jail. Many employers want to know of DUI convictions so this is an additional problem you'll be dealing with for the rest of your life. When I go out if I'm driving I drink one or two beers over a period of a few hours and that's it for the night. Better safe than sorry considering the consequences.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Newc View Post

      Don't get a lawyer and try to get a reduced sentence. Walk into the courtroom like a mature responsible adult, waive your right to counsel, and assure the Judge that you know you screwed up and you know that the Law applies to everyone equally, and that you're man enough to admit your mistake and take the punishment.

      You had balls enough to break the law, at least have balls enough to suffer its wrath.
      this is the absolute stupidest amount of "advice" you could ever recieve.

      Its a complete catastrophe. But Im a professional, I can rise above it. LOL


      • #78
        Originally posted by clifffclaven View Post
        this is the absolute stupidest amount of "advice" you could ever recieve.

        I don't think Newc's advice was intended as a defense so OP could walk. I think is was about manning up and taking what you have coming to you. Something called integrity. Everyone fucks up at some point in their life; it's how you deal with it that determines your character.

        - E.
        Good Lord! The rod up that man's butt must have a rod up its butt!


        • #79
          Originally posted by clifffclaven View Post
          this is the absolute stupidest amount of "advice" you could ever recieve. DO NOT EVER DO THIS.
          Originally posted by AlexL View Post
          I don't think Newc's advice was intended as a defense so OP could walk. I think is was about manning up and taking what you have coming to you. Something called integrity. Everyone fucks up at some point in their life; it's how you deal with it that determines your character.
          Cliff's right. Get a lawyer. Period. I know a couple of lawyers and they think it's judicial suicide to not have one.

          When you go to court, the judge is basing their opinion on what they know about you and your character. It's one person's opinion of you. You need an advocate to represent you to insure that you are represented fairly and don't get the short end of the stick because the judge is having a bad day.

          If you're guilty, you're guilty and you're going to pay your debt to society. It's just a question of how much you're going to pay and that's where a lawyer comes in, to negotiate the price.


          • #80
            Gdet an attorney to mitigate the damage and yes, you probably won't serve jail time, or at least not 80 days. But if the attorney does get you out of jailtime, consider this a dodged bullet.

            In 1992 I had a DUI with accident. I didn't run, nobody got hurt, thank God. But I was having a pity party for myself for the first 3 weeks.

            Then on the other side of town, a guy ran a red light and killed 4 people, including his best friend who was in the car with him.

            He blew the same BAC (.014) that I had. I quit my sniveling right then and thanked God I didn't hurt anybody. I have never driven under the influence since and know I was lucky to get off as easy as I did.

            Don't sacrifice yourself, get an attorney. But learn the lesson, too. That's my 2 cents' worth.
            Ron is the MAN!!!!


            • #81
              Get a lawyer. It is your right. This is not about taking responsiblity, Burn doesn't have a choice, he will have to stand up in a court. A lawyer will probably get him a better deal, then if he defended himself. But, more importantly, a defense lawyer will/should ensure he gets a fair trial.

              I can't believe I just went to bat for lawyers.


              • #82
                See if that bloke who defended OJ during his original murder trial is available. Apparently he thinks he can get Stevie Wonder a driving licence.
                So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                I nearly broke her back


                • #83
                  Would you find 80 days extreme if you had run over someone´s daughter and not into a road sign?

                  I lost my GF to a drunk driver that fled the scene many years ago. I have no respect for people that knowingly endanger ramdom people´s lives in such a frivolous and "who cares as long as nothing happens" fashion.

                  It´s as respectable as firing arrows randomly into the air in a crowded area, and only slightly less dangerous.

                  I´ll save my opinion on what a fitting punishment is, suffice to say it wouldn´t be pretty...


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Matt_B View Post
                    Cliff's right. Get a lawyer. Period. I know a couple of lawyers and they think it's judicial suicide to not have one.

                    When you go to court, the judge is basing their opinion on what they know about you and your character. It's one person's opinion of you. You need an advocate to represent you to insure that you are represented fairly and don't get the short end of the stick because the judge is having a bad day.

                    If you're guilty, you're guilty and you're going to pay your debt to society. It's just a question of how much you're going to pay and that's where a lawyer comes in, to negotiate the price.
                    +1 exactly.
                    Its a complete catastrophe. But Im a professional, I can rise above it. LOL


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
                      See if that bloke who defended OJ during his original murder trial is available. Apparently he thinks he can get Stevie Wonder a driving licence.
                      LOL Johnnie Cochran died in 2005.
                      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                      • #86
                        I can't remember the last time I drove after drinking, even a couple of beers.
                        It was well over 20 years ago.
                        Whatever is coming to you, yes get a lawyer, but pay and learn.
                        No sympathy here either.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by toejam View Post
                          LOL Johnnie Cochran died in 2005.
                          Ah, that'll be why his diary is pretty empty then.
                          So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                          I nearly broke her back


                          • #88
                            Well, to be honest, I think it's been the biggest mistake I've made in my life thus far. That being said, 80 days still seems horrid. I've gotten a public defender, and I'm hoping to make a plea for less time, but I'm not really informed enough yet to know what to expect. As far as the leaving the scene charge, I was less than a block away from where the sign was when I pulled over. I have to make said plea by January 6th, so, we'll see...


                            • #89
                              good luck!
                              METAL, LIVE IT!


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Jayster View Post
                                This is by far the stupidest advice I've ever heard, get a lawyer, keep your mouth shut and be respectfully polite(No Sir your Honor, Yes Sir your Honor, etc...).

                                And the statement "the law applies to everyone equally" is the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard. We all know that connected people(with money) receive far softer sentencing. Remember Vince Neil he killed the guy from Hanoi rocks(did he serve any time)? Same guy shot someone to death(I think he did 30 days for that one). Ever heard of OJ? Bill Clinton perjured himself on national TV and most people applauded him:think:

                                Burn, get a lawyer, good luck and remember what you've learned from this experience(it's always cheaper to take a taxi).

                                And the great majority of the responses I've read on here are complete and total horse shit.

                                What if this, What if that?
                                Let's stick to the facts, even if you've had some kind of personal tragedy(that was someone else, not Burn).Remember he hit a sign, which is basically just vandalism in my book! I would advise him to go to a jury trial, but with so many fucktarded citizens that grew up in touch with their feminine side(he'd probably get a raw deal).

                                So in conclusion, go ahead continue to judge this guy and jump to wild conclusions, go ahead and try to scare him because after all - I'm sure that's what he was looking for when he mentioned this to a board of so called 'peers'.

                                And remember karma's a bitch, so be prepared to reap what you sow ....
                                You're a cock.


