We played a benefit for the Christmas Connection in Oklahoma City. 5 bands, TONS of raffle items (SEVERAL worth 200+ bucks) and a great support system to pull this off. I'm a member of the NYDM (We are the Oklahoma Chapter)
At the end of the night, we raised $1,000+ bucks in cash, and a huge box full of toys. I won a free piercing worth $30 bucks...so, got my eyebrow done yesterday.
We are delivering the stuff Wednesday, I'm really looking forward to that. Hope to get some good pics of that day too.
Anyway..just content in knowing we did a good thing..here's some pics.
Me hackin up a solo of some kind...

having a bit of fun

Our singer on TOP of the speaker...

You get the idea...and oh yeah...check out THIS headstock...
At the end of the night, we raised $1,000+ bucks in cash, and a huge box full of toys. I won a free piercing worth $30 bucks...so, got my eyebrow done yesterday.
We are delivering the stuff Wednesday, I'm really looking forward to that. Hope to get some good pics of that day too.
Anyway..just content in knowing we did a good thing..here's some pics.
Me hackin up a solo of some kind...

having a bit of fun

Our singer on TOP of the speaker...

You get the idea...and oh yeah...check out THIS headstock...
