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Wall hangers for guitars

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  • #31
    My friend has these and works pretty well, gotta spread 'em for some, but make sure the vinyl has NO tears or rips in it or your axe will roll out (Dean Bass nearly went Curt Kablooey.)
    Hey-hippietim-the RacerX in the first pic, is he trying to snag your gear? I love it!
    Last edited by Scooter; 12-29-2009, 03:36 AM.
    "illegal downloading saved people from having to buy that piece of shit you tried to pass off as music" - Nighbat


    • #32
      I know this thread is a bit old BUT I figured this info would be useful to those looking for info on wall hangers.....

      I've been using the wooden style String Swing wall hangers for probably 10 years now. Never had a problem with them... until recently. And the issue it caused made me sick to my stomach because I'm not sure if it can be fixed and still look like factory "new". I own several Vs (Y2KV, KV2, KV Pro etc) and have had them hanging on them no problem. But recently I noticed my KV2 (with the pearl Jackson logo inlaid into the headstock) is showing signs of the clearcoat lifting around the logo near the bottom. So I checked out the side of it near the binding and the clearcoat seemes to be seperating near the binding and lifting off the headstock. After further inspection its PRECISELY where the String Swing grasps the neck. So it musta been the culprit.

      That being said, I'm now reluctant to recommend them. Anyone else have any issues like this? I have since STOPPED using them for my main Jacksons. I hate that it did that to one of my favorite guitars, but thats life I guess. I just hope it doesnt get worse.

      Anyway, just wanted to give my input. Perhaps it can save someone else the problem I had.
      - Adam


      • #33
        Originally posted by adoxtater View Post
        I know this thread is a bit old BUT I figured this info would be useful to those looking for info on wall hangers.....

        I've been using the wooden style String Swing wall hangers for probably 10 years now. Never had a problem with them... until recently. And the issue it caused made me sick to my stomach because I'm not sure if it can be fixed and still look like factory "new". I own several Vs (Y2KV, KV2, KV Pro etc) and have had them hanging on them no problem. But recently I noticed my KV2 (with the pearl Jackson logo inlaid into the headstock) is showing signs of the clearcoat lifting around the logo near the bottom. So I checked out the side of it near the binding and the clearcoat seemes to be seperating near the binding and lifting off the headstock. After further inspection its PRECISELY where the String Swing grasps the neck. So it musta been the culprit.

        That being said, I'm now reluctant to recommend them. Anyone else have any issues like this? I have since STOPPED using them for my main Jacksons. I hate that it did that to one of my favorite guitars, but thats life I guess. I just hope it doesnt get worse.

        Anyway, just wanted to give my input. Perhaps it can save someone else the problem I had.

        This thread is only a couple months old, nowhere near the 5-year thread resurrections we've been havin! Maybe Newc will chime in if he came up w something.

        What material on the String Swing contacts the guitar? From the above pic, it could be rubber or something similar which could be the culprit in softening the headstock/clearcoat. Even foam in addition to foam rubber could do this. I've heard people covering the contact points with cloth. I am not in a position to mount them on a wall at the moment but would like to clear this up when I do!
        "Your work is ingenius…it’s quality work….and there are simply too many notes…that’s all, just cut a few, and it’ll be perfect."


        • #34
          Thanks for the response dude. Sounds like you could be correct. I am not sure what exactly that material is but its closer to foam than rubber, but is sort of rubbery... if that makes sense haha. I'd totally be all for using cloth over them if that will help. Can anyone else chime on on the cloth idea? I am limited on floor space as well in my home studio so it would be nice to still be able to keep them on the wall... but for now they're in regular stands.
          - Adam


          • #35
            I haven't used a regular stand in almost a year since I have no room to keep em out. But the 4 stands I have are ancient, so old that the surgical rubber at the bottom and top that contact the guitar totally rotted off. I used some pipe foam insulation from Home depot to cover these regions and used some zipties to keep it in place. This stuff did not react with any guitar finishes in the couple years I used em. Maybe u can do something similar? BTW, the pipe foam insulation wasn't my idea but was from someone at this board.

            The only other guitar stand I used held 5 or 7 guitars, I think by Rockstand. It had thick black rubber foam covering the contact areas. It reacted to the paint or finish of a home made paint job on a guitar body I got second-hand, but the stock import charvels had no problem.
            "Your work is ingenius…it’s quality work….and there are simply too many notes…that’s all, just cut a few, and it’ll be perfect."


            • #36
              Wilksy Baby has got a beautiful pair of hangers

              and some hooks he hangs his guitars on too. I'm sure he'll be pleased to drone on about them to you.
              So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

              I nearly broke her back


              • #37
                On another forum, somebody was saying that it is ill-advised to put wall hangers on exterior walls (i.e. on inside walls that are exposed to the elements on the other side of the wall). I guess it depends on where you live and how wide the temp/humidity variants are, and also how thick and well insulated the walls are, but what are your thoughts on this? I've had 6 String Swings up for awhile with no problems, but 5 of the 6 are mounted on exterior walls.


                • #38
                  Hippietim... I'm not worthy comparing my music room to yours! I really like the way you stored all your guitars.

                  Here are the one I use:

                  Screwed into the vertical beams of the room (every 16 inches in my case). All my guitars used to be on regular floor stands but once, one of my kids, when he was quite young, managed to make one guitar fall and it chipped a good piece on the headstock. Luckily it was my el-cheapo acoustic!

                  Here is my wall of fame:

                  Saddly... Only one spot left in my case...
                  JB aka BenoA

                  Clips and other tunes by BenoA / My Soundcloud page / My YouTube page
                  Guitar And Sound (GAS) forum / Boss Katana Amps FB group


                  • #39
                    If you need mroe space, or some won't fit in stands, sell them to me!
                    I hooked up my accelerator pedal in my car to my brake lights. I hit the gas, people behind me stop, and I'm gone.

