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Tribute to Doc Dryer - his old website and photos

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  • #16
    Very cool! I bought some pickups and also did a guitar trade with Doc. He's missed.
    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


    • #17
      Here are a couple of Doc's business cards I have saved. Doc was one of the original Admins on the KramerForum and I dealt with him a lot from 2002-on. Unfortunately he fell on some hard times both health-wise and financially toward the end of his life and that affected his interaction with people too. I'll always remember the talkative, generous Doc who would call my cell phone very late into the night, with the last 4 digits of his phone coming in as "5150." I miss him.


      *Edit* I have Doc's '82 Pacer Imperial too.
      Last edited by AimingHigh; 01-10-2010, 11:09 PM.


      • #18
        Was Doc still making 5150 replicas when EVH's lawyers put the hammer down on anything with stripes? Just wondering if it affected his biz. I do remember him posting some comment when the lawyers were on the hunt. Did they serve his garage door!

        I remember a Charvel model 5 with his 5150-paint that I was so tempted to grab, but it had a Kahler flatmount, which I don't mind, mind you, but an EVH paint requires a Floyd!

        Oh, and I always wonderin where he got the EVH-striped sneakers! This was well before they were made available to the public.
        "Your work is ingenius…it’s quality work….and there are simply too many notes…that’s all, just cut a few, and it’ll be perfect."


        • #19
          I also had a couple of deals with Doc and always enjoyed our conversations as the deals were going down. Very cool guy and a shame he's gone. RIP, Doc.
          Tarbaby Fraser.

