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Band broke up

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  • Band broke up

    Cyborg Planet has imploded. Too many conflicting opinions and goals for the band. I can't say I was surprised when the email came around this morning.

    I'm contemplating taking some time off from guitar. Any opinions/suggestions? I'm not going to sell everything, but I do plan to unload my bigger gear (4x12, 100W amps, etc.). Most likely will be listing those on here once I get some money in my Paypal account to get Platinum status.

    Any suggestions for downsizing? I love tube tone but won't be cranking up anymore. I was thinking of getting a basic preamp and a small power amp...maybe the Behringer v-amp and a Crate powerblock? Anyone have experience with those? I can't stand the Line 6 feels too processed.

  • #2
    I would thoroughly wash the bucket seats and once dried, try not to think too much about it.
    So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

    I nearly broke her back


    • #3
      I wouldn't sell anything yet.

      Put the word out that you are looking for a new gig and something may come up fast.
      Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day, set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
        I would thoroughly wash the bucket seats and once dried, try not to think too much about it.

        They were sitting in my hot practice space for a while...I think it's baked in!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Flatpicker View Post
          I wouldn't sell anything yet.

          Put the word out that you are looking for a new gig and something may come up fast.
          That's true. I'll post an ad on craigslist and see if anyone contacts me.


          • #6
            Yeah, wait a bit and see what happens. If you enjoy being in a band..find another one to be in.


            • #7
              I have a 100 watt 1/2 stack and will probably never gig in my lifetime. I don't see why what rig you like has to do with gigging, unless it totally sounds like crap at lower volumes. I don't have any issues with mine.


              • #8
                I have approx (because I can't quite remember for sure) 6 4x12 cabs, an 8 x 10, 4 vertical 2x12s, 8x Marshall heads, amongst other goodies. My chances of playing live with it again? Practically zero, unless I win the Lottery and can afford not to be working all the time. So what? You never know, maybe I will use it in anger again.

                Meanwhile, I'm clearing a space in my warehouse to get it all together, then I'm going to set it all up, take off all my clothes, then crawl over it, like a perverted gecko, rubbing my balls over all MY stuff.

                There will be pictures, oh yes.

                Ahem, so, Spiv, find another band, start another band, fuck the old one! If you are happy with the sound you have, you just know that the moment you flog the stuff, you will get into a brilliant band but will have problems finding your mojo again.
                So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                I nearly broke her back


                • #9
                  I have a Crate PowerBLock, well 2 actually as back in the day it was so practical for carting round.
                  used to use it with an XT live and sounded ok then I bought a Powerball.

                  The powerblock is only useful for driving a cabinet, it sounds shit on its own and ok with multi effects.

                  If downsizing get an Engl Screamer or something like it.
                  Technical Progressive Death Metal.

                  Jim dunlop nylon pick> Daddario Strings> EMG Pups/SD Pups> Jackson SLSMG/Jackson SL3> Boss MT2> Engl Powerball> EHX small stone> MXR Carbon Copy> BBE Sonic Stomp> Korg Pitch Black> Celestion V30's ! that be the signal flow.


                  • #10
                    Hey- Don't sell your stuff especially if you have Marshall cabs and heads. You will end up being in another outfit sooner or later. It is the dead of winter right now and a lot of bands "implode"- when spring and summer come things could change. Go with a three piece if you can- works the best I have found. As far as a Crate Powerblock and a V-Amp goes, let me tell you this- I used one for quite a while when my 2204 800 head was down. Run the V-Amp into the effects jack in the back of the Powerblock, set it on Brit High Gain 4X12 and add a hair of delay and put the noise gate on, crank up the bass and mids and let it rip. Just erase any of the programmed stuff someone else might have put in it. I would add a Aphex Guitar Xciter pedal and that got things really whompin'. It will sound pretty good through a 4X12 cab but you just can't get that nice sustain and musical feedback a good tube head will give you.
                    Last edited by triplehold; 01-12-2010, 08:33 PM.


                    • #11
                      Dont sell anything you may regret it later if you ever get in another band.
                      "Too bad Kurt didn't teach John how to aim a gun."
                      Jackson Shred

                      "maybe i should do what madona does and adopt a little chineese kid and get them to knock up a couple of guitars for me" cookiemonster


                      • #12
                        You're doing it wrong, dude!

                        Now that you're not in a band, you NEED all those loud amps, so people can hear you wailing away in your living room and go "Shit, that guy is GOOD, let's fire our junkie flake of a guitarist and get this guy in the band!"

                        So, open the windows and crank it up, you'll be gigging again in no time.


                        • #13
                          Keep your gear unless you have to sell it. I can't tell you how many times I bought back the same gear I sold for some stupid reason.

