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Some heartache for ya

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  • #16
    Agreed re she's as much to blame as he is.

    Go be a neanderthal teenage moron and beat either one of them up (gotta be the absolute most ignorant and childish response I've ever fucking heard from a so-called adult), or simply let them both know they can feel free to kiss your fucking asshole any day of the week, but to never ask you for a fucking thing for as long as either one lives.

    Oh, and fuck Haiti. That place isn't exactly known for its sparkling waters and pleasant peasants. From heroin to despots, payback's a bitch.
    I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

    The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

    My Blog:


    • #17
      While beating someones ass is fine and dandy for kids I would not do that if I were you. You can end up in jail which will compound your pain.

      Time heals, tell both of them off and dont hold back your true feelings. Purge yourself of them both and move on.


      • #18
        +1. And better to know now than later, when you might've been married. Ditch the cheater ASAP, and your so-called "friend", too. Surround yourself in life with people you can trust and love. The rest will take care of itself, with time.


        • #19
          Been there, it sucks, but the pain goes away. A police record on the other hand will stick with you so any type of revenge thats breaks the law should be avoided.

          Lose both of them and move's too short to let the emotional baggage hold you down. And next time, look for character instead of a chick who gives hurricane blow jobs...she'll quit once your married anyway


          • #20
            It's always the girl's fault. We by nature hit on girls but women are the ones who actually decide if there's gonna be any physical action or not. Usually can't blame the dude but since he's your friend then you have the right to be angry with him.
            I wouldn't call her a slut or a ho' since I don't know her. Love is not exclusive to one person. She may have strong sincere feelings towards him. I don't know.
            I wouldn't beat anyone or start calling any names. Just forget about them and get as much ass as you possibly can. There's some great women out there, you just need to find them.

            Originally posted by GodOfRhythm View Post
            you allow yourself to become vulnerable towards her
            I've noticed this a couple of times in relationships of my friends'. When the the guy becomes vulnerable and isn't alpha towards her anymore, then the women sleeps with another guy and what do you know, the other guys is a friend of the boyfriend. Sometimes women "cheat" when their man's personality changes.
            "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

            "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


            • #21

              Dude I know where you're coming from and it does totally suck!!! However, this is also a part of youth, I think that prolly 80%+ of us have had a similar story. I don't say that to be insensitive, but to let you know that it isn't your fault.

              They're both to blame as he was supposedly your friend, and she was your girlfriend. In both cases that's a breach of trust and friendship. Ultimately it will hurt for a while, and meaningless casual sex won't make the pain go away, it will take time and you forgiving yourself.

              On a positive note, this could be a really strong creative force for composing music. Things that affect a man as deeply as love and love lost are great motivators for writing, just try not to be to emo <hahahahaha>.

              Again, I'm sympathetic with you on this one. Give it some time, start dating again and find what you really are looking for ~ as it may be quite different than what your thinking now.
              Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


              • #22
                So did you get your cell phone back?
                I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Jayster View Post
                  On a positive note, this could be a really strong creative force for composing music. Things that affect a man as deeply as love and love lost are great motivators for writing, just try not to be to emo <hahahahaha>.

                  A lot of my favorite Dokken stuff is like this / written about this. In fact I think something similar is what got me into Dokken.

                  Go for older stuff like the Tooth and Nail CD. Breaking the Chains as well. I need to find that on CD still.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by DonP View Post

                    A lot of my favorite Dokken stuff is like this / written about this. In fact I think something similar is what got me into Dokken.

                    Go for older stuff like the Tooth and Nail CD. Breaking the Chains as well. I need to find that on CD still.
                    Haha, this reminds me of a friend that was in a long distance relationship with this chick he was completely in love with. She broke it off with him and started immediately dating a guy he knew that lived close to her. He actually recorded a tape with nothing but back to back Dokken - Alone Again and Gary Moore - Empty Room and moped around for months listening to nothing but that tape. We would go over and force him to listen to other stuff to break him out of the cycle.
                    GTWGITS! - RacerX


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
                      While beating someones ass is fine and dandy for kids I would not do that if I were you. You can end up in jail which will compound your pain.

                      Time heals, tell both of them off and dont hold back your true feelings. Purge yourself of them both and move on.

                      You'd be surprised. One of the guys who fucked my ex was my brother's best friend, who was 15 years older than we were. I was 20 at the time, my gf was 17, this dude was 35.

                      Went over to his house, called him out, and we started fighting. I didn't have my heart in it until he rocked me with a couple of good shots, then I dug in and started fucking him up pretty good.

                      Here comes his neighbor, "What's going on here?". My friends walk toward him saying "Stay out of it" - then he produces his gun and his badge!

                      Everybody stops what they're doing. He says "Why shouldn't I arrest you right now?", pointintg to me.

                      "Because this 35-year-old dude just fucked my 17-year-old girlfriend! Aren't there laws against that shit?"

                      "Well, yeah, there are - do you want to file charges?"

                      "Nah, I just wanted to beat his ass, and I reckon I've gotten enough of that. Best watch this fucker though, he likes 'em young, and my gf isn't the youngest he's fucked either"

                      Sheriff laughs and says "Go on, get out of here - oh, and Ronnie? I need to talk to you, boy!"

                      Granted, that was 30-odd years ago and about the best way it could've played out for me, but all you need is a witness to say he swung on you first, then it's self-defense. Just make sure you nail him where HE dosn't have witnesses...
                      Ron is the MAN!!!!


                      • #26
                        We all get jacked up. 2 promises I have for you:

                        1) Every relationship you have in your entire life will fail except for the one that doesn't


                        2) Someday you will look back at this without even the slightest twinge. Get yourself to that someday as soon as you can.


                        • #27
                          It's happened to all of us GoR. I'd be more upset at your friend.


                          • #28
                            "The one constant in all your failed relationships is you"

                            And for God's SAke, don't waste your time moping around with some crapass pussy rock like Dorkken and don't wrote some sappy ballad about it. You don't have to write the next Reign In Blood, either, but the world does NOT need any more songs from guys weeping about losing a woman.

                            I'd say go get tested to see what kinda crotch rot she may have been passing around.

                            As for Endrik's comments about not blaming the guy since she's the one who accepted his advances; bullshit. Any guy that puts a move on another guy's girl is a dick. Would you want someone to come and drink the beer you just opened or eat the meal you just cooked for yourself? No, you'd prefer they wait for your leftovers, wouldn't you? You want to spend a day in the kitchen cooking a meal that someone else is going to get to eat first and YOU get their leftovers after YOU did the work to make the meal? Fuck that. Dude's a cunt for trying and she's a whore for buying.
                            I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                            The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                            My Blog:


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Newc View Post
                              As for Endrik's comments about not blaming the guy since she's the one who accepted his advances; bullshit. Any guy that puts a move on another guy's girl is a dick.
                              next time read more carefully what I wrote
                              "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                              "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                              • #30
                                GOR, mate, I really feel for you, I can still feel the pain of being cheated on 16 years ago, it's a physical pain. Anyone who says otherwise obviously hasn't been cheated on by someone they love. I've been single ever since, it's made me the Superhero I am today. You too could be just like me, look on it as a career opportunity, especially as I'm stepping down and setlling down with the True Love of my life, my Wilksy Baby. (Ignore all his protests, he's looking forward to being my bride)

                                Incidentally, don't beat your ex-mate up, both of you should double-team the bird. Make sure you give her Double A, that'll be a night she'll remember for a looooong time, she'll have an arsehole like a clown's pocket. You and your mate will forge a stronger friendship, there's nothing quite like high-fiving over some scrubber's back, and "accidentally" getting him with some friendly fire is quietly satisfying.

                                Above all, try not to let it get you down, it's the hand you've been dealt, shitty though it is, and you can't change it. Just deal with it, and remember that ALL women are the same - they are all pink inside.
                                So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                                I nearly broke her back

