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health care reforms

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  • #16
    Alright already!
    This is why this site has a platinum forum for this kind of discussion.
    Go there and vomit all your political seech!
    Its hard enough to be civil in political and religious discussion, somebody always gets offended and insulted.
    Don't make this nonsense public keep it in the private in platinum forum!
    That's why it was created.
    Your violating your own rules! Cheez people don't make an easy thing hard!
    Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

    "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

    I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

    Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Trem View Post
      not to be a dick, but i'm sick of hearing ignorant dipshits , hey i'm from europe, we have free healthcare why don't americans want it? let's see...
      hows your tax rate? like paying import duties,? how much is gas petrol over there?
      those are some indications of why and you don't have to look beyond your own nose to answer your own question.
      btw, if you get pmed by endrick about giving him a golden shower, just ignore it, he's a bit off, but harmless.
      we love the "not to be a dick" preface here on the JCF. It gives everyone licence to be a complete dick.

      Seems that both sides can often be accused of the same thing. I've seen quite a few "ignorant dipshits" telling those of us in countries with institutionalised healthcare that it will never work, or that they seem to think that we support the system because we're still in some kind of honeymoon period despite our arguments that for many of us it has been working in our home countries for decades. So it's not new, and it does work.

      I'm not going to argue which system I prefer, mainly because while I enjoyed the discussion with those who actually want to discuss it last time, it was exhausting trying to make my point to those who just didn't want to hear anything that might contradict what they have decided is the truth. I just wanted to point out that ignorance is a two way street around here.
      Hail yesterday


      • #18
        Originally posted by Nightbat View Post
        Not to sound like a dick but
        you rather go bankrupt paying hospital bills than count off a bit more tax?
        Not to sound like a dick but .....

        Yes I would rather go bankrupt paying hospital bills* , then go bankrupt paying for all of the programs that your implying are to protect me from going bankrupt!

        *(falsehood for 99.9% of the US population))

        My comments do not reflect whatever other countries policies are, merely the American proposal which is not really about health care at all. I also find it to be very interesting that no matter what, in all of these threads it becomes so much more about foreigners understanding of their system vs. what they seem to feel may or may not be included in the American proposal. I'm glad that your system works for you guys, but with the exception of one thread I started - Where I point blank asked about the different benefits as you recieve and standards of treatment, this is and should mainly focus on The American Proposal.(OP)

        There are quite a few things in the 2 different bills that should cause some attention, but more precisely know one really knows as the bill has not even been reconciled yet(and they're still talking of trying to pass it to be reconciled later(WTF????)). This is transparency in work, I can see they don't give a fuck!

        Continue, now with the name calling and whatnot

        Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


        • #19
          I personally think the US has excellent healthcare, it's the ability for people to paid for it that sucks. The biggest problem the US has, and don't think its a big problem elsewhere is the lawyers sucking everyone and everything to death. Would Tort reform lower the cost of healthcare overnight? It would help, but not just in less lawsuits, but doctors wouldn't have to order a battery of tests just to satisfy lawyers in a possible suit.

          The other big thing in my mind, is US politicians can't just pass a healthcare bill. They need to find a way to control people, and there habits all in the name of good health and cost savings. IE, charging more for smokers, or overweight people. I don't know about the rest of the world, but alot of Americans tend to be suspect of there government, and not trust them to do the right thing, just make a big mess of things.

          I'd love to see the country get a handle on healthcare, but needs to be about healthcare. I had thing very arguement with a Canadian friend of mine, and I don't think he realized the impact that lawyers have in this country on everything, not just healthcare.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Endrik View Post
            *How the Pope saved Eastern Europe from USSR
            *Liberals are communists
            *History lessons by world renowned anthropology professor Rush Limbaugh
            Sounds about right!

            *How good Jesse Helms' cock feels inside your asshole
            Whoa! This just the most recent thread where you made a gay comment out of nowhere! Not to be a dick, but Endrik, are you gay?
            "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


            • #21
              Originally posted by Nightbat View Post
              Not to sound like a dick but
              you rather go bankrupt paying hospital bills than count off a bit more tax?

              but shouldn't have to be that way - if you take care of your finances, you see in the USA anyone with 2 cents to their name can become rich.
              it's the benefit of living here, that you have the right to chose that destiny, if you squander it, it's your fault, not everyone elses.
              yes some have it harder, but even they have it better and actually have a chance than most compared to a lot of the rest of the world where being poor is a life sentence, thanks to socialism or totalitarian government.
              Last edited by Trem; 01-20-2010, 10:52 PM.


              • #22
                One thing no one can deny - nobody in the UK ends up losing everything they've worked for their entire lives because they are unfortunate enough to get sick. Can't say that here in the good ole US of A. I don't care how you rationalize it, there is something entirely wrong with that picture.
                You sir, can go you fuck yourself and don't let the door hit you in the vagina on the way out.
                You're such a pretencious, phony, boring, transparent, self righteous worthless fuck..You are amusing as a genital wart!
                --horns666 - 12/08/08

                Hey, if those are fake fake titty fuggin' cheatin'? I say no!
                --horns666 - 12/29/08
                I think your dad jacked off in a flower pot and you were born a blooming idiot.
                --LouSiffer - 06/25/09


                • #23
                  Originally posted by joelayres View Post
                  One thing no one can deny - nobody in the UK ends up losing everything they've worked for their entire lives because they are unfortunate enough to get sick. Can't say that here in the good ole US of A. I don't care how you rationalize it, there is something entirely wrong with that picture.
                  No you're 100% correct, instead you get something like my wife's Uncle having a mini stroke and instead of keeping him the tell him to go home and see a Dr on Monday. Or things like her Grandmother needing surgery and being out on a waiting list...

                  Gotta love free healthcare... but remember, these are the same people that manage mdeicare, social security and the good old post office. All of which run flawlessly ...
                  Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~

