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simple rant

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  • simple rant

    Yesterday morning, at work at about 0430 I slipped one the ice and went down a little hard. While sitteing on the ground I thought to myself with amusement "this is gonna hurt up with a small chuckle and went to wipe the snow off my ass. As soon as my hand touched my clothing....INSTANT PAIN!!!!.....I immediately cupped my injured hand with my good one and thought WTF is wrong with my hand?!?!

    I went over to the light and looked down at it...(imagine that your hand is laying palm down, fingers flat on a table. Now imagine that the pinky finger at the very last knuckle, is pointing directly upward at a 90 degree angle . Think of an "L" lying on it's back.)...after my confusion as to what I was looking at I concluded either broken or dislocated. what's done is done . I thought to myself "man this is gonna hurt" as I grasped the finger with my other hand and attempted to pop it back into place....after hopping about for about 5 minutes, not able to curse, whine, or say a word because of the pain I had just inflicted on my injured finger, I talked to myself once again (yes out loud) I said to myself "well that sure as fuck ain't gonna happen. However after wondering what to do, going over my options through my head (silently this time), I came to the conclusion that broken or not it has to go back into place...I had stuff that I had to do that morning, and I was determined to go do them, but I could not with a fingertip that points back at myself if I look at the back of my hand. Frustrated, I laid my hand palm down on a table...looked at it....lined it up..and karate chopped/leaned onto the fingertip hearing it "crunch" back into it's socket. I yelped like a fucking puppy as soon as contact was made, but, once everything was back where it should be, relief was immediate, just a very slight dull throb, not too much pain. So I go ahead and do my work for the day and get home at about 5pm. So approx 12 hours of using the finger. I knew it was not broken, I had just dislocated it.
    Onto my rant...
    I get home for lunch today (I live very close to work) and call a doc's office just for advice. The receptionist ...just doing what she's supposed to....tells me that the doc cannot really give advice without seeing me. She asks if it happened at work, and I say in order for me to be seen by my doctor (which I don't want to do anyway), I have to go into work, find the person that handles workman's comp claims (about a 20 mile drive from my actual worksite), re-explain the entire story to that person, wait for a claim number, then go see my doctor (given that all paperwork is in order). I chuckle to the receptionist and tell her ...nevermind I'll just use my insurance that I have (that is paid for by my work anyways), and she says that I cannot since she cannot ethically allow me to now that she knows it happened at work. I tried .."oh my mistake, it was on the way to work" dice. Why the fuck do I have to go through all this rigamorale just to have someone say "take some motrin (anti-inflammatory) and keep it iced, let me see you in a few days (ANOTHER APPOINTMENT) to see how its coming along"

    That last sentence was word for word what I said to her over the phone...she didn't appreciate it . Needless to say, I'm just gonna deal with it and see how it goes for the next few days. If it's slowed me down, it might've been by maybe 3-5% of what I usually do, so i don't really see the need to go through all of that BS.
    Last edited by bombtek; 02-05-2010, 01:42 PM.
    I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.

  • #2
    Ouch! I'd definitely get it x-rayed to make sure nothing got damaged.

    I think I would have feinted if I saw my finger bent up that way!


    • #3
      Liability, they are afraid of the "what if". What if you have nerve damage, develop circulation problem and then a clot, and so on and so forth. That and not getting paid by the insurance company. They deal with as much BS from them as we do. Go into a pharmacy and show one of those guys. They will tell you what you need.


      • #4
        After I snapped it back into place ...1st thought....DAMMIT NO PICS!!!!...had my phone with me too
        I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Jason1212 View Post
          Liability, they are afraid of the "what if". What if you have nerve damage, develop circulation problem and then a clot, and so on and so forth. That and not getting paid by the insurance company. They deal with as much BS from them as we do. Go into a pharmacy and show one of those guys. They will tell you what you need.
          Good call...didn't even think about the pharmacy!
          I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


          • #6
            I know dealing with Workers Comp can be a pain in the ass, (yes I work for a workers comp agency where I live) but if it did happen at work you really should report it and follow the procedures.

            Say two years from now it pops out again at home and shit goes sideways and it something that is going to take a while to get better. You miss 4-6 weeks work while it's splinted and or in a cast. Your health insurance may ask and you say yeah it happened a few years ago but didn't cause you any problems. They say, sorry - pre existing condition.

            If you have it on file now then they can cover you in the future for any time loss, even if you have no time loss on it now it would be a health care only claim.
            GTWGITS! - RacerX


            • #7
              Dude, I broke my hand a couple of years ago punching an elevator wall ( ) and it STILL hurts sometimes.

              I swore it wasn't broken and just taped it up. Boy it was fun to drive a stick. I am stuborn as hell, though, and I didn't want to get it checked out.

              Get it checked out, if you have the means. And by that, I mean, if you can talk yourself into taking the time to get it checked out.


              • #8
                Go to the emergency room. Done.
                Blank yo!


                • #9
                  ouch!! check this out, in my last game of varsity football during my high school career, my left thumb got pinched between two defenders helmets and was compound fractured on the spot, bone sticking out, and half my thumb dangling by skin in the wind.
                  it was fukkin' grisly, but the drugs they hit me with were el fantastico as i actually watched the doctor repair my thumb in a wonderful numb haze. it's still not completely right to this day.
                  Not helping the situation since 1965!


                  • #10
                    ITS not really that big a'd be perfectly fine cept for the swelling...looks like a sausage that was overstuffed .....i really see no need to have medical get "hands on" ....all i wanted to do was ask a competent medical authority advice as to whar "he would do" know what treatment from here on out aside from ice/motrin. Its not like I haven't dislocated then self treated dislocation before, I just wanted to know if he'd do something different than I would.
                    I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bombtek View Post
                      ITS not really that big a'd be perfectly fine cept for the swelling...looks like a sausage that was overstuffed
                      It'll be perfectly fine except for the nasty arthritis you'll have for the rest of your life.
                      Blank yo!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Grandturk View Post
                        It'll be perfectly fine except for the nasty arthritis you'll have for the rest of your life.

                        +1000..... Dude dont fuck around with that get it checked, they are flippin the bill and its a honest claim. Make sure YOUR ok, you arent an ortho guy and you dont know if there was any internal damage done. You should listen to what hellbat is saying he works in the biz, you have nothing to lose dude you go during work hours so your getting paid for it; so there is no loss of salary. They pay you per mile that you drive to go to docs and what not so KEEP A MILEAGE CHART if you go So you have nothing to lose, but the most important thing is to protect yourself its better to be safe then sorry; so take care of yourself!!!

                        Dont wait on it; take care of it now!!


                        • #13
                          Worst case scenario, you jamming broken bones together causes an internal infection and your pinky has to be amputated.

                          If you don't want to maybe LOSE your pinky finger, go to the doctor. Don't be a dumbass..
                          Ron is the MAN!!!!


                          • #14
                            Massive swelling usually means broken. I broke one my little toes once and didn't know it. I just thought I stubbed it really bad.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by bombtek View Post
                              ITS not really that big a deal.....
                              Thats what I thought when I hurt my back 16 years ago - I still see a chiropractor monthly.
                              You sir, can go you fuck yourself and don't let the door hit you in the vagina on the way out.
                              You're such a pretencious, phony, boring, transparent, self righteous worthless fuck..You are amusing as a genital wart!
                              --horns666 - 12/08/08

                              Hey, if those are fake fake titty fuggin' cheatin'? I say no!
                              --horns666 - 12/29/08
                              I think your dad jacked off in a flower pot and you were born a blooming idiot.
                              --LouSiffer - 06/25/09

