Gestures aren't so bad.
A couple of summers back I was slowing my motorcycle to make a left turn from a 2-lane highway onto a rural road and noticed that the only other car in sight, a small late model import piloted by a chick / cell-phone combination, was approaching rapidly from the rear. Said pilot was apparently completely oblivious to my flashing turn signal, hand signal indicating my intent to turn left & brake light as she was not bothering to slow down at all. Having seen this movie before, I prepared to swerve off the road to the right to avoid the imminent crash. Just before that became necessary the offending cage pilot, without signalling her intent and without slowing at all, passed me on the left. Had I attempted the left turn I'd planned to make I wouldn't be here to post this message today.
Rather than merely make a rude gesture in her general direction as she passed I caught up to her, pulled alongside, kicked her drivers' side door as hard as I could a few times, pointed to my still flashing turn signal and then and only then made a rude gesture.
Stupid? Sure. But I'll do it again next time as well. If you ride the life I save might be yours.
A couple of summers back I was slowing my motorcycle to make a left turn from a 2-lane highway onto a rural road and noticed that the only other car in sight, a small late model import piloted by a chick / cell-phone combination, was approaching rapidly from the rear. Said pilot was apparently completely oblivious to my flashing turn signal, hand signal indicating my intent to turn left & brake light as she was not bothering to slow down at all. Having seen this movie before, I prepared to swerve off the road to the right to avoid the imminent crash. Just before that became necessary the offending cage pilot, without signalling her intent and without slowing at all, passed me on the left. Had I attempted the left turn I'd planned to make I wouldn't be here to post this message today.
Rather than merely make a rude gesture in her general direction as she passed I caught up to her, pulled alongside, kicked her drivers' side door as hard as I could a few times, pointed to my still flashing turn signal and then and only then made a rude gesture.
Stupid? Sure. But I'll do it again next time as well. If you ride the life I save might be yours.
