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Wanna know what pisses me off?

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  • #16
    NO shit. I know a guy that owns a boat dealership like that. Always trying to get the angle on makin the buck.

    My dad ALWAYS told me this, son, if someone is trying to sell you something THAT hard, it cant be that great of a deal for you.

    and boy was he right. fuckin people I tell ya.

    Good story. lots of good ones on here! Keep em coming!!!!!
    "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


    • #17
      Happens all the time. Music store guys turning their nose up at pointy guitars, etc.

      Everyone likes to take things and put them in a little box- the fewer boxes the better. It's intellectual and emotional laziness. Pointy guitars suck compared to dusty nitro cracking patina checking old guitars, whatever. Bufoons of this sort will always afflict the rest of society- it's annoying, but get used to it- they ain't going anywhere.

      Hell, even the jcf has some cork sniffers who insist that if it was made after 87 it might be ok but cannot possibly be as good as some axe they had in highschool. Let em have their beliefs- keep your searching open mind.

      I feel like it's that they got to a point where they said "ok time stand still" and everything in their old snapshot of reality becomes the best- because it's the only frame of reference they have, and their entire identity is tied into it. Change one thing and it can change it all, and they can't have that.
      Last edited by Vass; 03-12-2010, 10:14 PM.


      • #18
        k, #1. people that claim to be musicians but dont have their own equipment, so they borrow YOUR extra guitar and YOUR b/u amp rig and never buy their own.
        2. People that just have to play in a specific genre. Dont get me wrong, I prefer to play metal, but if I write something that isnt quite metal, Im gonna go with it and cant stand the closed mindedness Ive run into in the past.
        3. People that think that they absolutely have to profit or break even for a gig. I play cause I love to play, Id rather not play covers cause I dont give a damn if theres 10 people or a 100 people that show up, just as long as I was given the opportunity to take the stage. I make on average 15-20,000 a year(yeah shitty, thats why Im in college now) I have 3 kids and a fiance and Ill spend whatever I can to be able to do gigs and no one at home starves or sleeps on the street and others Im currently playing with make 60,000 + a year and whine that they lost money on the last gig. If it bothers you that you lost money on a gig in a small city in the midwest as a unknown band and thats all the sentiment you have at the end of the night, then fuckin sell your shit tomorrow to make up the difference and quit tryin to claim your an original artist.

        I wouldnt put up with # 2 and 3 if we werent actively being booked again. Now all the sudden after 3 years of all original music, we have to throw in some fuckin covers every 4 songs or so to "bring back the audience".
        #4. It pisses me off that I cant find people who are really in it for self expression!!!
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        • #19
          Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!!!!!! Sorry
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          • #20
            wanna know what pisses me off the most? Fucking country music and the assholes that play it. I have NEVER, EVER come across a bunch of close minded assholes like that ever in my life. these fucking people think their shit is ice cream, and everyone wants a double scoop of it. I love rock, classic rock, metal, and some other stuff in small doses, but dammit, I hate, and yes I use the word HATE country music and I cannot fucking stand the people who play it. they think they are all on some throne atop the music world. guess what mr white trash sister humper, your not. your just another talentless bum that thinks because you know 3 guitar chords your an artist and going to be the next big thing on CMT. well your not. you might as well put the guitar down and go back to midnight shift in the automotive department at the local walmart store cuz thats your destiny. I am serious, there is NOTHING more I hate than country music. NOTHING.
            "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


            • #21
              Originally posted by tonemonster View Post
              wanna know what pisses me off the most? Fucking country music and the assholes that play it. I have NEVER, EVER come across a bunch of close minded assholes like that ever in my life. these fucking people think their shit is ice cream, and everyone wants a double scoop of it. I love rock, classic rock, metal, and some other stuff in small doses, but dammit, I hate, and yes I use the word HATE country music and I cannot fucking stand the people who play it. they think they are all on some throne atop the music world. guess what mr white trash sister humper, your not. your just another talentless bum that thinks because you know 3 guitar chords your an artist and going to be the next big thing on CMT. well your not. you might as well put the guitar down and go back to midnight shift in the automotive department at the local walmart store cuz thats your destiny. I am serious, there is NOTHING more I hate than country music. NOTHING.
              +100, except I think (c)rap is just as bad
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              • #22

                I like lots of different kinds of music, I tend to go for the heavier stuff, but about any kind of rock (progressive, classic, hard, acid, etc) and metal, thrash, funk, jazz, blues, classical...

                I can't fucking stand Country. :dunno:

                There is something about that "Accent on 1 and 3" shit that just makes me want to murder people.


                • #23
                  I am tellin ya, country music is the worst thing in this world. period. why the fuck do they WHINE when they sing? not only the words, but the tone in their voice......... fuck its annoying. they whine about their broken truck, their broken heart, and their broken trailer. Do I look like I give a fuck about who your wife is fucking at the 7 eleven? NO. Should I care that you lost your job at the steel mill and have a mortgage? NO. why the fuck do people write songs about this shit?? yes, lets depress ourselves a little more and celebrate mediocrity at the same time. its no fucking wonder foreign countries are kicking our ass.
                  "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by tonemonster View Post
                    when you are out in public in a social setting, and somebody that knows you play guitar introduces you to some late 40's early 50's burnout loser that "is a great guitar player" to the uneducated ear..........and you be a nice guy and go along with it, and then the guy wants to start discussing gear. OK fine. lets talk gear.

                    what kinda guitars do you own man? is it a Les Paul?? ( I fucking hate that question)

                    No. its not. I dont like Les Pauls.

                    (the guy makes a face like I just called his mother a whore)

                    Oh, well what do you play then?

                    well, I mostly own Jackson USAs.


                    JACKSON USA, they are made in know....Charvel....Jackson......

                    Oh....... I never heard of them.....

                    what kind of "great guitar player" that plays rock has never even heard of jackson? come on man, what fuckin psychedelic mushroom you been sleepin under for the last 30 years?

                    I am serious about this, I run into this shit fairly often.

                    I will probably get flamed here, but I get so frustrated with guitarists that ignore any other brand but Gibson guitars and Marshall amps. you know people, there ARE other great brands out there.

                    Go ahead, tell your stories. Ever run into musicians that piss you off??

                    please discuss.
                    I have a similar delimma, but mine is more with the players. I've talked to a lot of burnouts who praise Clapton, Beck, Page, or the other old-school players to the sky. Many of these types are rednecks, by the way. Hmmm... I wonder....

                    "Man, can't NOBODY never outplay Jimmy Page!!!"

                    "Man, Clapton is the SHIT!!!"

                    "Joe Perry is the greatest GIT-TAR player in the world!"

                    "Ing Vay WHO? Ain't never heard of nuthin' like that!"

                    And by the way, here is my official flame invitation: Jimmy Page had the shittiest lead technique I've ever heard. Every solo I've ever heard from him sounds like a slop job. He was a great songwriter/riff writer, but his solo technique sounds very choppy to me.

                    Flame Invitation #2: Stock Fender Stratocaster pickups (single coil) sound way too thin and nasally.

                    (sigh) I guess I'm just a Jackson snob.
                    Member - National Sarcasm Society

                    "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by tonemonster View Post
                      I am tellin ya, country music is the worst thing in this world. period. why the fuck do they WHINE when they sing? not only the words, but the tone in their voice......... fuck its annoying. they whine about their broken truck, their broken heart, and their broken trailer. Do I look like I give a fuck about who your wife is fucking at the 7 eleven? NO. Should I care that you lost your job at the steel mill and have a mortgage? NO. why the fuck do people write songs about this shit?? yes, lets depress ourselves a little more and celebrate mediocrity at the same time. its no fucking wonder foreign countries are kicking our ass.
                      Here's something you can use on them:

                      Q. Why are cowboy hats like hemmoroids?

                      A. Because sooner or later, every asshole has one.

                      Member - National Sarcasm Society

                      "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by PowerTube View Post
                        I have a similar delimma, but mine is more with the players. I've talked to a lot of burnouts who praise Clapton, Beck, Page, or the other old-school players to the sky. Many of these types are rednecks, by the way. Hmmm... I wonder....

                        "Man, can't NOBODY never outplay Jimmy Page!!!"

                        "Man, Clapton is the SHIT!!!"

                        "Joe Perry is the greatest GIT-TAR player in the world!"

                        "Ing Vay WHO? Ain't never heard of nuthin' like that!"

                        And by the way, here is my official flame invitation: Jimmy Page had the shittiest lead technique I've ever heard. Every solo I've ever heard from him sounds like a slop job. He was a great songwriter/riff writer, but his solo technique sounds very choppy to me.

                        Flame Invitation #2: Stock Fender Stratocaster pickups (single coil) sound way too thin and nasally.

                        (sigh) I guess I'm just a Jackson snob.
                        Ive never understood peoples fascination with Zepplin. I dont notice anything spectacular in their music so I just dont get it. And, ooooh, heres a good one, EVH is only thought of like he is cause he was 1st. Any one of any of us can name a dozen other guitarist that are as good or better than him and dont get the attention he does. Piffle and poo I say!
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                        • #27
                          I'm not really a huge Zepplin fan but I gotta give credit where it's due. Whole Lotta Love is a landmark piece of music/studio wizardry.
                          GTWGITS! - RacerX


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Hellbat View Post
                            I'm not really a huge Zepplin fan but I gotta give credit where it's due. Whole Lotta Love is a landmark piece of music/studio wizardry.
                            Ok, Ill grant that one, but what did it start, who did affect that made a huge difference in the art of music. This is where I guess Ill have to give EVH, some credit, Eddie, thanks you for the Floyd Rose. Now, the Beetles(not a huge fan here either) started something huge that will forever affect the rock community and by sheer happen stance, Revolution with the torn speaker in the studio. Giving rise to what at first was a fad leading other bands to purposely tear holes in their speakers for the new "fuzz" sound the grandfather to the modern high gain distortion. This was I see to be the most influential happening to affect rock music as a whole, and who gets more attention from the classic rockers and metal heads, Zepplin.
                            Now Ill throw out a disclaimer, sorry to derail the thread, though this does piss me off.

                            JCF assumes no responsibility for the opinions stated above nor do they agree or disagree with statements made herein. Furthermore if Twitch is sent anthrax in the mail or other such destructive or chemical devices, Jcf assumes no liability for such actions. These are opinions of the author and only the author.
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                            • #29
                              Fuck yea. Eddie invented the Floyd Rose. Floyd was just along for the ride and too mooch royalties off of him. Eddie invented the internet too. Al Gore was full of shit on that one.
                              "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


                              • #30
                                Zepplin Blows. Period. Page was a hack on leads. Vai sucks. Beck? yea right..... try again. and who the fuck died and made Clapton god?? Clapton is WAY over rated. he is mediocre at BEST. this is all shit I just dont get. People worship these 2nd rate guitarists.
                                "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder

