franky is smoking sherm in that pic. that's why he walks like he does.
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Wanna know what pisses me off?
Originally posted by tonemonster View PostSmoke up there Franky. woh......wait a minute...... did you pay Eddie to use that Frankenstien picture? ya know........he invented frankenstien.
actually its pronounced FronkenSTEEN......
"Igor could you give me a hand with the bags"? "Certainly, you take the blond and I'll take the one in the turBAN" .......:ROTF: classic movie
Originally posted by fordsho90 View PostNope sure didnt.....
"Igor could you give me a hand with the bags"? "Certainly, you take the blond and I'll take the one in the turbine" .......:ROTF: classic movie"clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder
Originally posted by fordsho90 View PostNope sure didnt.....
"Igor could you give me a hand with the bags"? "Certainly, you take the blond and I'll take the one in the turBAN" .......:ROTF: classic movie"clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder
Originally posted by tonemonster View PostOK Oracle, here we go.
Was moses stoned when he found the 10 commandments? and was there originally 15 of them like Mel Brooks said?
Since Tommy wont touch the religious part....I will
No he wasnt stoned, more like tripping balls; lets look at the facts shall we?
1. A burning bush talked to him (more then once)
2. He had a staff that turned into a snake.
3. He went up the mountian for FORTY DAYS and only came down with 10 comandments?
4. When he came down after the forty days he then destroyed the tablets...Side bar...I think what happened is he was so fried that he totally forgot to write down something and had to play it off and when he came down he saw that the people had already started the party without him even after he gave specific instructions not to it gave him the window of opportunity.
5. He had to go BACK up the mountian for another 40 days, :think: AGAIN.
So there you have it
here's my thing with religion, if you're into it and it works for you, i think that's great,
i wish i had some kind of faith at all in anything, but when it comes to mankind, we're hucklefukked anyway you slice it. not because of all the religious warnings and predictions of armageddon and the rapture, etc. etc., but because of when mankind finds out that there is no god after all, this world may just self destruct on its own. could you imagine if some scientific evidence ever comes forth that totally confirms something like that? people would totally lose it. i've been watching too much history, discovery channels in between sports viewing. i was born roman catholic but it didn't take to me whatsoever. just not religious. not against it, not for it.
call me Father Sweden on this subject-lol or is is it father switzerland? who's neutral over there?Not helping the situation since 1965!
Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Posthere's my thing with religion, if you're into it and it works for you, i think that's great,
i wish i had some kind of faith at all in anything, but when it comes to mankind, we're hucklefukked anyway you slice it. not because of all the religious warnings and predictions of armageddon and the rapture, etc. etc., but because of when mankind finds out that there is no god after all, this world may just self destruct on its own. could you imagine if some scientific evidence ever comes forth that totally confirms something like that? people would totally lose it. i've been watching too much history, discovery channels in between sports viewing. i was born roman catholic but it didn't take to me whatsoever. just not religious. not against it, not for it.
call me Father Sweden on this subject-lol or is is it father switzerland? who's neutral over there?"clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder
bow and genuflect at the altar and local franchise distribution church of
dear old Father Switzerland. By the way, the leather seats in my private jet are starting to crack, send money please, the Lord spoke to me and told me to ask this of you.
F. Switz.Not helping the situation since 1965!