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Computer guys...I'm having issues...

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  • Computer guys...I'm having issues...


    I got a nasty virus a while back, thought it was all fixed. Things seemed fine for a bit and got hokey again.

    IE doesn't work (I never use it, but it still should) Firefox works. Can't upload pics/videos to myspace, or photobucket. Autorun doesn't work on my disk drive.

    Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    EDit: scratch that, go get the program "Hijackthis" run it and save a report.

    then get spybot search and destroy (this can sometimes set things to default values or deny access while it runs, then sets them back, but you may find some setting you need to redo yourself), malwarebytes anti-malware, and super anti spyware.
    All free, and each of them can catch things the other may not.
    I keep them on my drive in case of emergency, and use the free version of Avast! which does pretty well,
    but those three are my life savers if anything ever happens.
    Last edited by Trem; 03-13-2010, 09:37 PM.


    • #3
      I second the vote for Avast.. It is pretty aggressive for stopping viruses, I have been using it for over a year and have not had any problems at all.
      Bon Jovi is like a frozen Coca Cola.. It's cool, it's crunchy, but when all is said and done it is still pop....


      • #4
        Have Avast, Malwarebytes and Super Anti spyware...will try spybot search and destroy. Thanks.
        Not familiar with Hijack this..will do that too.

        I downloaded spybot S&D won't install, says can't connect to server (or something like that)..I guess add that to my list of troubles.
        Last edited by guitarsjb; 03-13-2010, 10:13 PM.


        • #5
          Hijackthis will give you a full report on running processes on your pc, that's all it does really, it takes some sifting thru but take note of any BHO: 'browser helper odjects' and any other things that look suspicious.


          • #6
            There's a website called, it's frequented by all sorts of people who have never kissed a girl, but they really know their shit with computers. The advice I got there really got my PC clean not so long back. Thoroughly recommended.
            So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

            I nearly broke her back


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
              There's a website called, it's frequented by all sorts of people who have never kissed a girl, but they really know their shit with computers. The advice I got there really got my PC clean not so long back. Thoroughly recommended.
              You can find a lot of good advice/links on that site. Saved me a lot of time and money a few times.
              The Buzzard does not fear
              The man in riot gear
              Harvest a skull of stone
              The Buzzard grows his own...


              • #8
                Restore your computer back a week or two. Then run Malwarebytes and it'll find your problem.

                Do that and let us know !!


                • #9
                  Thanks guys. I will do that heartfielder, and go to bleeping computer..I appreciate the help.


                  • #10
                    Jeri, it can save you a LOT of trouble just simply stopping using IE completely. That damn program should be banned from all PC's. Use either chrome or Firefox. And make sure the Superantispyware is up-to-date. That one can do wonders! Good luck!


                    • #11
                      Thanks..I never use IE..I just knew I had a problem when it wouldn't work . I can't do a system restore either.


                      • #12
                        This is why i have an external HD for backing up my computer. in case i get a virus and nothing else works i can just simply reinstall the OS and original settings and start over like it never happened. Sure i may lose some browser settings and memories but those will reset after i use it so no biggie. The only other is music and or photos that may have been added since the back up was created. I use Webroot antivirus with spysweeper and have had no issues since i installed it. Works well.


                        • #13
                          What's with all the IE hate? I've used it as my main browser since version 4 and have never had a spyware infestation.

                          Anyway, Jeri, run the Hijackthis and post the log here. Also make sure your anti-virus programs are up to date and then reboot into safe mode and run a scan. To do that, reboot and press f8 before the Windows loading screen comes up.


                          • #14
                            I was reluctant to switch from IE to anything else for the longest time, and when i finally tried Firefox and got it set up how i like, it's great, tons of addons and it's much more secure... Try it, IE bloweth the goat


                            • #15
                              Not enough info to truely diagnose. OS/ IE ver, etc

                              HiJack This is useless if you're posting inquiry here.
                              99% of people use it to create a log to post in a support forum where the 1% of folx who knows the jargon that comes out of it.

                              Aside from those. What IE behavior? Doesn't even open?, loads but browsing looks like you're not connected?, etc?

                              One common broswer hijack uses a proxy that breaks IE after cleaning.
                              Check Ctrl Panel, Internet Options, Connections Tab, Click Lan Settings and ensure 'Use a proxy...' is unchecked. Not sure if that affects other browsers.

                              And autorun for disk drive I assume you're refferring to an external drive plugged into USB/Firewire/etc? or is this for CDs?
                              Plug it in, go to my computer, right click on the drive and select autoplay.
                              Choose desired options (typically browse and uncheck 'always')
                              Remove drive and put back in to see if autoplay comes back up

                              If CD drive, not sure if this is same can try, otherwise it is a simple registry edit to enable autoplay on CDrom

