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Computer guys...I'm having issues...

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  • #16
    Not useless I've used HijackThis to help myself many times, that's why i told him to get it and post a log? Not guaranteed to be able to help, but i've never needed their support forums to help me figure it out.

    Good infos you posted for him tho.
    Last edited by Trem; 03-14-2010, 08:48 PM.


    • #17
      System restore?
      Very good advice and a very easy fix/resolve.

      You say you can't do a system restore?
      Okay, lets take a look to confirm for certain you can or can't.

      My computer icon on the desktop:
      Right click on it/properties/system properties/system restore tab... is it there? Do you see it? If you see it and it's not shaded out - you can do a system restore.

      If that's the case do...
      Click system restore/tiny box that says "turn off system restore" uncheck it if it's checked. It may take a few to complete the process.

      Not ALL but nearly all software ( virus, malware, adware and etc ) automatically does a system restore/back up function in case worse case scenario transpires, thus you can go back and restore to a previous time. Most software of these types do this silently behind the scenes for you.

      Most likely you have performed a so called "back up" if you have ran any of such software recently in an attempt to correct your machines problem.

      If you don't see "system restore" tab in system properties.

      Try this...
      Click start/search/type in the search field system restore/system restore will come up/double click it/ Welcome to system restore opens... pretty much self explanatory at this point... just read what your doing and you'll be fine in creating or reverting back to previous time to do a system restore.

      If you don't have a system restore or it will not run a system restore, meaning you try to but the machines fails to. Report back and will try throwing the XP OS disk in and boot up with it in and do a system repair that way if need be.

      First see if you can do a system restore... much simpler, easier and effective if you can.

      If I don't get back to you in time, there are others here that know how to guide you through the "system repair" if need be.
      Last edited by Soap; 03-14-2010, 09:17 PM.
      Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

      "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

      I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

      Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


      • #18
        Ok guys...lots of questions to answer..gimme a second.

        audiophile, you fixed my IE problem. It was the proxy setting. Again, I never use it, but it led me to believe I had a problem. my cd/dvd drive. I put a disk in and nothing happens.

        Soap, I can see/do system restore, it fails.


        • #19
          Originally posted by guitarsjb View Post
          Soap, I can see/do system restore, it fails.
          Here's a "how to" link to perform a system repair.
          It shows you step by step.
          Take time to read through it and understand it or if need be print it out.
          As you will see it's very easy and straight forward.
          Do what it says step by step and you will be fine.
          This is one of the last easier options you have left to resolve the problem.

          What's left is dealing with issuing commands at a prompt/commandline.
          Or re-install the OS.

          Not really necessary to state the obvious but your machine in infected and functionality is limited/restricted. Either you might wanna start saving anything that's important so you don't loose it.
          Last edited by Soap; 03-14-2010, 09:58 PM.
          Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

          "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

          I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

          Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


          • #20
            doesn't sound like you have much of a problem, at least virus related.

            i've never had system restore do shit for me, so i turn it off outright.

            i also personally turn off autorun don't use it either, i prefer to brows the disk.

            try right clicking on your dvd drive and look at the autorun tab, and there is a
            button that says restore defaults.

            maybe reboot and put a disk in see if you get the pop up promt for what action to take.

            System restore maybe once in a great while can help and old lady, however some viruses also imbed shit in your restore files as well, making you have to delete the restore points anyway.

            personal preference i guess, i've never been unable to get rid of a virus or had to reformat tho so i don't find i need it.
            Last edited by Trem; 03-14-2010, 10:06 PM.

