Bring yer tomatoes! Step right up & heckle me & my quickly thrown together bandmates for yes, yet another My-band-gets-called-up-to-play-at-the-LA-Marathon-on-short-notice Sunday morning gig!!!
RUN! Your sweat-soaked ass past us and hear about 30 seconds of thrash-tinged classic rock!(if you're already in the Marathon)
LAUGH! at the selection of tiny Rhoads' being molested by my fat meathooks!
CRY! As I butcher classics by ZZ Top, the Beatles, Stones, Pink Floyd, the Ramones, maybe even The Who & (gasp) Led Zeppelin!
When: Sunday Mar 21 8 am - 12 n
Where: Bristol Farms (north driveway on Doheny Dr)
9039 Beverly Boulevard
Beverly Hills that is, CA
"Mile 15"
RUN! Your sweat-soaked ass past us and hear about 30 seconds of thrash-tinged classic rock!(if you're already in the Marathon)
LAUGH! at the selection of tiny Rhoads' being molested by my fat meathooks!
CRY! As I butcher classics by ZZ Top, the Beatles, Stones, Pink Floyd, the Ramones, maybe even The Who & (gasp) Led Zeppelin!
When: Sunday Mar 21 8 am - 12 n
Where: Bristol Farms (north driveway on Doheny Dr)
9039 Beverly Boulevard
Beverly Hills that is, CA
"Mile 15"
