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A Lesson for You Trolls & Haters

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  • A Lesson for You Trolls & Haters

    I think this may be one of Blazer's buds:

    I see a lot of you are still rascist agianst Furries. i will have to leave this video up in hope that someone lerns from your mistakes. You are the ones goin...

    The funniest thing about it might be his dad just sitting there while he rants. He should be kicking his ass.

    If anyone else was wondering what the hell he's talking about:

    There is no one single definition of what a furry is. Even within the furry fandom, people cannot always agree on just what makes a person a furry or not. Some would argue that to be a furry, you must think and talk like one (i.e. use furry specific words and phrases). Even if you go to conventions, wear a fursuit, draw the art, writes the stories etc but don't talk using furry lingo, you're not a furry. Basically, someone that may walk the walk but doesn’t talk the talk. Others would argue that even liking anthropomorphic creatures makes you a furry. You may have no idea the furry fandom exists or have ever heard of a furry convention, let alone any of the websites; simply liking 'anthro' critters makes you a furry. The way I see it, if or if you don’t consider yourself a furry is a matter of personal opinion. As with any hobby, most furries are normal people just like anyone you'll meet at work/school or going to/from work/school or anywhere. Then there is the small percent that are hard core fans and have taken what for most is a hobby and perverted it (sometimes in an all to literal sense). As is with so many other things in life, the few that take it too far tend to be the loudest. The silent majority are often forced into silence by the loud majority for fear that people will label them as being in the same class as the minority that have perverted it. One unfortunate side effect of the internet and the relative anonymity that some sites grant their users is people are able to engage in activities (even if only on a virtual level) that they would never even consider doing in real life. An example of this is trolls of message boards that say things to people they’d never say to them in person. I think a lot of the stereotypes associated with furries are because of this. In conclusion, as with any hobby, there are some furries that have taken it too far and/or perverted what for many is a fun harmless hobby.

  • #2
    Poor kid why'd he put that up
    "Too bad Kurt didn't teach John how to aim a gun."
    Jackson Shred

    "maybe i should do what madona does and adopt a little chineese kid and get them to knock up a couple of guitars for me" cookiemonster


    • #3
      I remember something about it from this

      and of course the glorious finish
      "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

      "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


      • #4
        check this guy's youtube profile

        Hobbies:Webcam chat, Guitar Hero
        Movies:Saw (all of them but the first one is not that good) Inuyasha, Naruto, Bleech, Deathnote, Code Geas, Sky Girls, Hamtaro, Love Hina, Code Lyoko (coolest scifi anime i have seen), Yugioh
        Music:Good Charlotte, Fallout Boys, Simple Plan, 50 cent, Eminem, Tokio Hotel, ICP

        conclusion: yes, very gay
        "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

        "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


        • #5
          I consider myself an open-minded and understanding person.

          However, people who fuck stuffed animals or dress up like bears or deer or whatever and then fuck, well, I dunno. It's pretty weird. That's all I'm saying.


          • #6
            Originally posted by dg View Post
            I think this may be one of Blazer's buds:

            The funniest thing about it might be his dad just sitting there while he rants. He should be kicking his ass.

            If anyone else was wondering what the hell he's talking about:

            Yeah I thought it was just some stupid ranting about nothing thanks for the urban dictionary link it was much needed .


            • #7
              I wonder if his dad has any idea what he's talking about? I feel kinda bad for him, but hey, he raised the kid.


              • #8
                Is that kid's "furry" codename beckstrat?
                Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

                "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dg View Post
                  I wonder if his dad has any idea what he's talking about? I feel kinda bad for him, but hey, he raised the kid.
                  You know what they say DG "The apple doesnt fall far from the tree"


                  • #10
                    The kid reminds of Francis the WoW/Star Trek Online guy...

                    Lighten up Francis!
                    GTWGITS! - RacerX


                    • #11
                      OMG, check this one out w/ Francis:

                      Thank God the dude is just acting:

                      He had me hook, line & sinker. Kevin Smith should put him in a movie.


                      • #12

                        It's pretty epic when he starts smashing his mouse into his skull...
                        GTWGITS! - RacerX


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by dg View Post
                          I think this may be one of Blazer's buds:

                          The funniest thing about it might be his dad just sitting there while he rants. He should be kicking his ass.
                          Notice the dad is stroking a cat!
                          "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                          • #14
                            sorry I was immediatley drawn to watch Trixy (top video on right).


                            • #15
                              I felt the need to post a reply to his video.
                              Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


