What a messed up year for me. I hope you guys fared better.
March 29- Heart attack, myocardial infarction, the LAD 100% blocked, 3 stents inserted via cath.
April 6- Made it to 38 but found out I'm severly allergic to ALL Statin drugs (cholesterol reducing drugs)
May 12- another round of stents, RCA 100% blocked, 3 stents inserted, 1 more in the circumflex, 7 total.
May 13- Dr. says you are disabled, you MUST not return to your 15+ year career, or it WILL kill you.
retirement started in Sept. SOB's cut 30% off my pension for early retirement.
Nov.- Mom is sick, wondering WTF?
Jan.- Mom has cancer, passed on Jan 27,2010. (still dealing with that one)
Feb.- Stress test shows eschemic rythmn, another cardiac cath- whoopee! This one left a 4x7 cm hematoma above the femoral artery, and the 'Mother of all Bruises' from my crotch to my knee, felt like my testicles where used as a speed bag in the boxing gym.
March- my health insurance ends, either pay $960 a month or keep your house.......hmmm, I gotta keep a roof over the kids heads at least......no brainer
April- First holidays without mom, sucks. Made it to 39.....
Yesterday (4-9-2010) going to cardiac rehab at the hospital, some teen in a pizza delivery car darts in front of me from a side street, I can't swerve because of another car beside me, we hit nose to nose, and I'm off to the hospital again, my back killing me. They give me a shot of morphine and send me home, didn't check my heart or nothing, but I'm still here thankfully. Police report ready by Mon or Tues. If they don't cite the kid at fault I'm definately going to court. HE pulled in front of ME! My car is undrivable and I'm unable to work on it until the insurance companies inspect it.
Thanks for letting me rant, the stress is getting out of control.
