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How and where do you get music?

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  • How and where do you get music?

    I never got into napster. I still buy CDs, typically used for $5.99 or less at used record stores or pawn shops. It's getting harder and harder to find stuff I'm missing.

    Looking for suggestions. Maybe I should try ebay?

    EDIT: Also, how do you keep track of what you have and what you need to get? I got a bunch of CDs tonight, but I think I might have them already. Fail. I won't know for sure until I get back to Cincinnati.
    Last edited by DonP; 04-15-2010, 10:35 PM.

  • #2
    MP3s stink as far as sound quality goes. Plus I like having the physical material.

    I typically buy CDs on or, used if available. Occassionally I'll look around the local FYE store but there's no way I'm paying $18 for a CD I might not like.

    For finding new artists I listen to Pandora and


    • #3
      Pretty much exclusively Amazon, there's no decent music store in my neck of the woods. I'll occasionally buy on Ebay and trawl second-hand and charity shops.


      • #4
        iTunes. Quality schmality. I can't hear the difference.

        Used CD shops - rarely - mostly have crap at those places anyway - Rap & R&B flavor of the weak. Won't pay more than 3.99 for a shiney coaster.
        Blank yo!


        • #5
          I prefer not to have CD's or any removable media. My CD/DVD drive makes a lot of noise. I would rather save my money for recording gear anyway.
          Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

          "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


          • #6
            I've turned to mp3's because of the instant gratification (5 beers deep with an instant urge to hear some Motley Crue....that CD is packed up somewhere in my college crap from a decade ago....I'll just download it!)

            One of the things that has been great though is Pandora- It's free, it adapts itself to your tastes over time, and it hits you with "new" music that seem to fit your tastes. Free, as I said, but it's cost me some $$$ as I've discovered bands that I didn't know that I really dig.


            • #7
              I buy CDs and rip them to MP3 or I just buy the MP3s from Amazon.


              • #8
                I like having the CD around too.

                As far as stinky CD players, mine is a Teac 6 disc changer from 1990. I bought 6 cartidges back then, so that I could have 6 CD's of any Artist / Mix.

                For playing a single CD. I go through an ancient Apex DVD player -> TV -> Stereo, but I get a lot of hum from the TV.

                It works for me.


                • #9
                  CD Warehouse, ebay, Amazon.


                  • #10
                    Pandora, then iTunes to seal the deal. Used CD's from or my local store if the need arises for a complete album.


                    • #11
                      1. Sign up for the free trial of Rhapsody.

                      2. Install Audacity (freeware).

                      3. Play the song(s) you want on Rhapsody while recording it in real time with Audacity.

                      4. Save the captured song as an MP3 (with the LAME encoder installed).

                      5. Win.
                      Member - National Sarcasm Society

                      "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by PowerTube View Post
                        5. Win.
                        But holy christ who has that much time? Recording in realtime? No thanks, my time is worth more than the $10 I'd save.
                        Blank yo!


                        • #13
                          There are still a couple of decent shops around here, but I generally buy CDs (used if possible) from Amazon.


                          • #14
                            I'm not into hell.........I just dig the soundtrack.........


                            • #15
                              I try to buy CDs as well, but used. Amazon, Ebay and Second are all places I frequent. Very rarely do I buy something just on MP3 and download it.

