Originally posted by Scooter
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At the next rehearsal you should bring up the fact that if the basist wants to even be able to book short notice gigs, he has to be able to confirm that bandmembers' schedules are open or that you are willing and able to adjust - and most of all, that you need an adequate setlist. You could sit down and brainstorm some songs that all of you already feel you know, and then run through them for arrangements' sakes and to make sure you all know them in the same keys. These songs can go on the back buirner as far as your serious intentions, but if you want to play some gigs you'll havd an adequate setlist to draw on.
Nothing sucks worse than playing your 4 songs, people digging it and wanting to hear more, and you don't HAVE any more! Total embarrassment! And tell the drummer if he can't STFU, they make machines for that now!