while i log in daily..at 46 yrars old i decided last december t go back to college to get ny aas in computer engnerring
fuck working full ti,e amd going to school is taking up every second of every day.made the deans list last semester ....but when do have time i pick up a giutar my left wants to type out a report as opposed to hitting the right fret
this summer semester is a real bitch ....work 8-5 then hit class from from 5.30 -930 pm
add in couple of internet classes.....fuck me i aint got time to think
now throw in the fact that i have met the woman of my dreams...casino mananger for our location in greensboro .but she lives 200 miles away
plan is to get through this summer semester....move to grensboro open up our our own little sweepstakes parlor together ,,,,she can do her last semester in law school and i can just be the dumber than a box of rox technician she has chosen to fall in love with
fuck working full ti,e amd going to school is taking up every second of every day.made the deans list last semester ....but when do have time i pick up a giutar my left wants to type out a report as opposed to hitting the right fret

this summer semester is a real bitch ....work 8-5 then hit class from from 5.30 -930 pm
add in couple of internet classes.....fuck me i aint got time to think
now throw in the fact that i have met the woman of my dreams...casino mananger for our location in greensboro .but she lives 200 miles away
plan is to get through this summer semester....move to grensboro open up our our own little sweepstakes parlor together ,,,,she can do her last semester in law school and i can just be the dumber than a box of rox technician she has chosen to fall in love with