After having 14 static line jumps under my belt as well as a yearlong deployment to Afghanistan, I have to say that my jump today tops it all in terms of sheer freaking-me-the-fuck-out.
We jumped today from about 700ft AGL and when I exited the bird my chute didn't catch air and I had what's known as a "cigarette roll"; where the chute deploys from your pack tray but doesn't expand. As soon as I noticed I was freefalling, I pulled my reserve. After my reserve caught air, I was maybe 100ft off the ground and still falling fast. I landed in a patch of thick brush which, coincidentally, broke my fall enough to keep me from seriously hurting myself.
Yep. Definitely the worst jumping experience of my life. 15 jumps and this is the first time I've ever had to pull my reserve.
Oh...and the obligatory pics...
Rigged up, waiting to file onto the bird.

March of the penguins...

124 Paratroopers, 1 C17

Prior to taking off...I had NO idea what was about to happen.

First pass hooked up, ready to go.

My reserve stuck in the brush.

Quick shot of my harness immediately after landing. I got the FUCK out of that satanic garble of fuck as soon as possible.

All in all, I'm a little shook up about it, but it's not going to keep me from jumping again. It was one of those one-in-a-million kind of malfunctions and unfortunately today was my day. Hopefully my next jump goes a little better.
We jumped today from about 700ft AGL and when I exited the bird my chute didn't catch air and I had what's known as a "cigarette roll"; where the chute deploys from your pack tray but doesn't expand. As soon as I noticed I was freefalling, I pulled my reserve. After my reserve caught air, I was maybe 100ft off the ground and still falling fast. I landed in a patch of thick brush which, coincidentally, broke my fall enough to keep me from seriously hurting myself.
Yep. Definitely the worst jumping experience of my life. 15 jumps and this is the first time I've ever had to pull my reserve.
Oh...and the obligatory pics...
Rigged up, waiting to file onto the bird.

March of the penguins...

124 Paratroopers, 1 C17

Prior to taking off...I had NO idea what was about to happen.

First pass hooked up, ready to go.

My reserve stuck in the brush.

Quick shot of my harness immediately after landing. I got the FUCK out of that satanic garble of fuck as soon as possible.

All in all, I'm a little shook up about it, but it's not going to keep me from jumping again. It was one of those one-in-a-million kind of malfunctions and unfortunately today was my day. Hopefully my next jump goes a little better.