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USA Wins!

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  • #31
    Bad officiating all around yesterday. In the 1st game, the guy was giving out yellows like candy for simple, normal fouls. Since he started the game off that way, I guess he felt compelled to continue in that fashion. 6 yellows in the first 24 minutes and Klose was sent off very early for 2 yellows, the 2nd of which was in no way, shape or form a bookable offense. You could tell some of the Germans were almost scared to even attempt tackles for fear of getting booked or sent off.

    We all know what happened in the 2nd game. Horrendous. There were at least 4 other fouls during that match where a Slovenian committed the offense, but the US was called for it. The US battled back and had Slovenia reeling in the 2nd, but they never should have been in that position in the first place...bad mistakes in the 1st.

    The final officials were even needed for this match. Very lackluster performance from the Brits. Pretty boring match other than a few attempts by the Algerians!

    Because it's an international tourney, there will ALWAYS be political motives behind the officiating. It has been there since day 1 in the WC and will always be there. You know it's there, can't really prove it and just always have to wonder. I don't particularly care for the way FIFA handles things typically, but what else can they do here? All you can do is schedule officials from third-party countries who you believe will have no bias for each match and hope for the best.

