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Golf... I must confess...

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  • Golf... I must confess...

    Is kinda fun!!!

    To make a long story short... I just moved to another job 2 weeks ago (see the formal dressing thread) and today I was invited to play golf with some other folks from the office.

    To be true, I had never played golf of my life. N... e... v... e... r...

    I had the very old golf clubs from my dad (he gave them to me before he died over 11 years ago). These clubs had been collecting dust in my yard house. Anyway, that first experience was cool. The whole team had fun and the manager is planning another game in a few weeks. Cool!!!

    Golf tournament for the company is in a few days... I'm now less stressed to show up there and try to play golf with the higher management guys.

    So that first try at golf won't make me addictive and I don't plan spending all my weekends on a golf course, but, if ever I get invited by some of our clients... I won't be afraid of it at all. But I would need to get some sort of training to at least learn... How to hit the ball properly!!! I did a few good shots but I definitely need to learn the damn thing...

    Any golfers out there?
    JB aka BenoA

    Clips and other tunes by BenoA / My Soundcloud page / My YouTube page
    Guitar And Sound (GAS) forum / Boss Katana Amps FB group

  • #2
    Yep. I've played for years, and no its not easy at all. To learn to hit the ball properly you may get a training club, or go to lessons, and make sure you grip the club right. Its like playing guitar, the more you practice, the better you'll get.
    If I ever get my score below 85 I'm buying a new set of TaylorMade clubs tailored to me. That's something else to look at too, make sure your clubs are the right length for your height.
    Oh yeah, my favorite thing to tell the guys on the course, "You can't hurt your game by improving your lie." This works on so many levels, but don't do it in a tournament.
    "illegal downloading saved people from having to buy that piece of shit you tried to pass off as music" - Nighbat


    • #3
      I've played for ages.

      My key advice? Watch the ball. Make sure it isn't there and THEN look up. so many people want to be like Tiger Woods where it's just swing, head snap in one fluid motion.

      You will be surprised how much better you hit the ball doing this.

      Also, learn to swing, and don't try to murder the ball.
      I like EL34s.


      • #4
        I grew up taping M80's to golf balls, having a friend light them and launching them wherever.
        Not helping the situation since 1965!


        • #5
          Since I'm a hockey player I can drive it long and straight, get on the green in 2-3 whacks but I can't put at all. I've only golfed a few times. The best part is teeing off, driving the carts and chasing down the beer cart to


          • #6
            Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
            I grew up taping M80's to golf balls, having a friend light them and launching them wherever.
            Now that's hilarious!

            Oh yeah, have a beer a hole, 'ups the FUN factor.
            "illegal downloading saved people from having to buy that piece of shit you tried to pass off as music" - Nighbat


            • #7
              Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
              The best part is teeing off, driving the carts and chasing down the beer cart to
              Lol... My new team of coworkers kept the game quite "dry"... No one was drinking beer...

              Thanks guys for all the comments... I'll keep ya posted on my progress!!!
              JB aka BenoA

              Clips and other tunes by BenoA / My Soundcloud page / My YouTube page
              Guitar And Sound (GAS) forum / Boss Katana Amps FB group


              • #8
                I love playing although I must say I am not very good (cant break 90). For something that looks so easy it is very challenging and at least to me relaxing at the same time. I would recommend getting a new set of clubs, but don't go overboard. Also remember what Eric "Otter" Stratton said "Don't think of it as work. The whole point is just to enjoy yourself."


                • #9
                  No. It would take away from what little guitar time I have.


                  • #10

          's playing with marbles for people too lazy to bend over
                    "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

                    -"You like Anime"



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Jason1212 View Post
                      I would recommend getting a new set of clubs, but don't go overboard.
                      Hey buddy... That means less money for guitars and gears...

                      Originally posted by DonP View Post
                      No. It would take away from what little guitar time I have.
                      JB aka BenoA

                      Clips and other tunes by BenoA / My Soundcloud page / My YouTube page
                      Guitar And Sound (GAS) forum / Boss Katana Amps FB group


                      • #12
                        the main gist of golf is that you are away from all the headaches for around 6 hours.
                        Not helping the situation since 1965!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Jason1212 View Post
                          I love playing although I must say I am not very good (cant break 90)
                          hell, im lucky to break 115. I dont care though, I still have fun


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
                            the main gist of golf is that you are away from all the headaches for around 6 hours.
                            Same with fishing, just a beer, a buddy (maybe) and a bank (or boat) and who the hell cares if you catch anything. Its more exciting if you do but not needed.
                            HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Twitch View Post
                              Same with fishing, just a beer, a buddy (maybe) and a bank (or boat) and who the hell cares if you catch anything. Its more exciting if you do but not needed.
                              Fishing!!! It's better than a therapy!

                              I would only correct one thing in your above statement: "...just a beer"... Should be edited to... "a few beers"...
                              JB aka BenoA

                              Clips and other tunes by BenoA / My Soundcloud page / My YouTube page
                              Guitar And Sound (GAS) forum / Boss Katana Amps FB group

