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The Big Four Live!!!

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  • The Big Four Live!!!

    Just coming back from the cinema!

    Almost 4 hours of good metal!!!

    Brought my 15 years old son with me! He loved it.

    It was weird to see this in such a place. Eating popcorn and drinking pops. Most of the time I was like should I start screaming and putting my fist in the air! Weird! My son tought the same thing. :think:

    All in all in was pretty cool.

    Started with Anthrax. They rocked. Joey was good with the crowd. The whole looked like they were having fun.

    Megadeth: they're good but too static on stage. Dave's voice was weird at time, mostly in the upper register. Broderick is good but only stands out when he plays Marty's solo.

    Slayer... not much to comment, not a fan but they gave a good show and they have those memorable riffs that everyone knows!

    Metallica: they had a rough start with Creeping Death but overall they gave an awesome show! They brought everyone on stage at some point to play "Am I evil". Cool!!!

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    Gotta go for now! Who has seen that show?
    JB aka BenoA

    Clips and other tunes by BenoA / My Soundcloud page / My YouTube page
    Guitar And Sound (GAS) forum / Boss Katana Amps FB group

  • #2
    just got home a few minutes ago. it was an enjoyable experience for sure.

    anthrax sounded great with joey. i don't remember his voice being that good before. when the busted into "heaven and hell" it was great!!!! their set started weak, but really got going after a couple songs. it was funny seeing scott ian play an adrian smith jackson. it looked VERY large on him!!

    megadeth was technical as always. i agree about broderick - and it was too bad that they were showing a lot of mustaine during broderick's solos early in the set. i thought the guitars sounded pretty weak and buzzy - especially mustaine. the bass and drums sounded great, and i was really surprised to see jr. back in megadeth. i am not a big fan, so i guess i missed that one.

    slayer was slayer - fast noise with screaming. i was surprised that my girlfriend liked them the best....she equated them to the hardcore punk she grew up listening to, and enjoyed their aggression. i was happy to hear "chemical warfare" though...too bad they didn't play anything off "show no mercy".

    metallica was metallica - extra large arena rock, many guitar changes....hetfield has some AWESOME guitars i have never seen. kirk sounded consistent, and his old solos seemed pretty dead on to the originals. lars sucked ass as can that fucking guy claim to be a drummer?!?! he plays off beat SO much and his fills end in weird spots. i am not just talking out of my ass either - i have been a drummer 15 years now (and a guitarist for 25 years). it PAINS me to hear lars ulrich behind a drum kit....

    metallica played a long time too. TOO long, in my opinion. i got bored. their set was decent - a lot of old classics - hearing them play "hit the lights" was enjoyable, but hearing "fade to black", "one", AND "nothing else matters" in one set was too many snoozers, especially played kinds close together.

    the "big 4" jam on "am i evil" was cool. aside from dave lombardo, i didn't see any slayer guys up there....did they not participate because they really can't play, or is it because they don't like the other guys in the other bands? curious too, considering they interviewed kerry king separately from ulrich, ian, and mustaine - all of whom sat together.

    anyway, it was a good experience and quite a bit of fun. it was crazy watching fat guys mosh in a movie theatre!!! i am glad i went.

    some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

    some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

    and finally....

    i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


    • #3
      Yeah, I was bummed that Slayer didn't play Black Magic, or Megadeth not playing Take No Prisoners or Tornado of Souls, but I'm pretty sure they edited out alot of each band's set- the intro to In My Darkest Hour was missing, but still hearing that was a nice surprise, along with Chemical Warfare and Harvester of Sorrow.

      Fade to Black is really a boring song, I could never dig that one...or Nothing Else Matters. One I always liked though. And I noticed Slayer wasn't on stage either, and then there's some Big 4 group pictures floating around, and there's always someone from Slayer missing. I think that Slayer's probably still got a lot of their dislike for Metallica floating around, so maybe that's why they're kinda staying away...I also don't think that they mentioned much about how historic this tour was when they were on stage, compared to the other bands. They kinda just went on, played a good set and left.


      • #4
        BTW, this tour could have been "The Big Four-ty Something Live"... Most of these guys on stage were in their forties!

        As I'm 41... Made me feel good and gave me hope to keep playin' my guitar loud!!!
        JB aka BenoA

        Clips and other tunes by BenoA / My Soundcloud page / My YouTube page
        Guitar And Sound (GAS) forum / Boss Katana Amps FB group


        • #5
          What was this cinema thing? Is there a movie? I thought they were just touring EU together?
          Blank yo!


          • #6
            They filmed one show in Bulgaria and then broadcasted it into theaters. I heard they're doing it again tomorrow now?


            • #7
              Joey started off weak and sounding a bit weird in the lower register. Then he got a lot better. Rob Caggiano is lazy. He'll play some of the major melodies of Danny's solos, then just widdle. He's a capable player but he comes off as not trying hard enough. I could do without Got the Time and Antisocial. Joey did a good job on Heaven and Hell and seems like he's having a good time. Charlie: holy fuck. Insanely good. Did anyone catch the Where Eagles Dare fill at the end of one of the songs? The camera was behind and above him at the time.

              Megadeth was tight as hell. Broderick nailed all the solos and can clearly play anything. The camera wasn't on him enough. Mustaine's mewing voice...WTF? Sounded horrible in the higher registers but fine in the lower ones. To me they were a wall of impenetrable thrash metal. The sound at my theater was good but Mustaine's guitar was very shrill. When Broderick kicked in, there was more low end and ooomph. I've been learning a lot of Megadeth rhythms lately. Mustaine is a genius to invent and play that stuff. Hetfield is a punk compared to him.

              Slayer. As my friend said: Hanneman looks like a hamster in leather. Tonight we dine in hell! And Burger King. And McDonald's. And Krispy Kreme! Lombardo is a freakin monster on the double bass. The guitar tones were pretty shitty but I felt Slayer brought the evil and was very happy with them. Not a lot of clarity to the mix at all times. I've also been learning some of the faster Slayer rhythms lately and like Mustaine, I kneel at their sacrificial altar.

              Metallica. Why are they still popular? They have a big stage, a spectacle, and know how to work a crowd. They put on a good visual performance. It is grand. Musically...lets start with James Setzer, er Hetfield. The 50's radio mic and rockabilly hairdo combined with the yodel and complete lack of grit in the voice. You are METALLICA. Please own the name. Don't borrow it. He's fine on guitar and always has been but seriously, Mustaine and Co. make him look like a has-been. Kirk was decent, better than usual. He didn't strangle the notes on the Fade to Black solo and played most of the solos note for note. He took a solo spot and started to play UFO's Rock Bottom riff. It was a bit sloppy and unnecessary. Then he widdled a bit. He's just an OK player. He's like a 9th grader at Guitar Center with some chops. He could be so much more but just doesn't push himself. The harmony at the end of Creeping Death BABAY MUTHAFUKKA YEAH...could they be more out of tune? C'mon, you've had since 1984 to play that in tune. Can't you match each other's bends? I really tried to have an open mind during their set, but was just bored. Lars...ugh. Why is Christina Ricci in the band? He has 1 drum rhythm. Doom-chh. Doom-chhh. Doo-doo--chhh. I left during Master because I was falling asleep. I think nostalgia keeps them in business.

              I was discussing all this with a friend at work today. He says I'm too critical. I said, when I pay money to see a band and they can't reach a note on their guitar, it upsets me. What he calls "feeling" I call slop and laziness. I don't want to hear Metallica sung by Chris Isaak. I don't want Jaymz to sing along with the rhythm at the end of Fade To Black.

              Overall it was a cool experience and it was kinda funny to see 2 guys in the theater standing up going nuts during Angel of Death.


              • #8
                An absolute great Megadeth tune.
                Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

                "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

                I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

                Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


                • #9
                  Ok, quick question: when they did pan over to Broderick (they did only a couple of times) I noticed it looked like he had opened his pick hand, and I swear it looked like he was using a thumb pick. Anyone else see/know anything?
                  "illegal downloading saved people from having to buy that piece of shit you tried to pass off as music" - Nighbat


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Grandturk View Post
                    What was this cinema thing? Is there a movie? I thought they were just touring EU together?
                    Originally posted by SlaytanicDude View Post
                    They filmed one show in Bulgaria and then broadcasted it into theaters. I heard they're doing it again tomorrow now?
                    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                    • #11
                      Saw it last night myself. I didn't get to enjoy it as much as I would have liked unfortunately. I had a brutal leg workout earlier that day and didn't get to eat anything before I went to the theater, and then I started having MAJOR stomach and bowel problems right before I got to the theater. I felt pretty hypoglycemic and kind of out of it most of the night :/. Pretty good shows though by all I'd say. Brian McDonald and about 5 other Jackson employees where sitting right behind me. I talked to Brian for a few minutes. He's a real chill dude.

                      I never really got into Anthrax personally, but I had heard most of the tunes before and I enjoyed their set.

                      Megadeth put on a great set, minus Dave's vocals being a bit off at parts. I've been a huge Broderick fan for awhile, I was little pissed that he didn't get more camera time with the solos. I thought it was badass that the rain didn't seem to phase them a bit. I'd kill for Jackson to sign Broderick.

                      Slayer put on a good show as usual. The crowd in my theater went pretty insane through their set. They played most of the songs I wanted to hear.

                      Metallica was alright. James' voice is awful, and Kirk was being queer with his Wah as usual. I can't say too many bad things about them though, after all, they are Metallica. They played most of the classics that I wanted to hear.
                      Last edited by TVTiZtiK; 06-24-2010, 03:41 AM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Scooter View Post
                        Ok, quick question: when they did pan over to Broderick (they did only a couple of times) I noticed it looked like he had opened his pick hand, and I swear it looked like he was using a thumb pick. Anyone else see/know anything?
                        He is in fact using a thumb pick. There's a video somewhere, can't find it though.
                        Dreaded Silence - Boston Melancholic Metal


                        • #13
                          That Am I Evil jam was fucking BADASS though.

                          Dave onstage with Metallica was really cool. I was half expecting him to toss Kirk into the crowd at any given point in time.

                          Why didn't slayer jam it out? Retaining thier "evil-ness"? I'll give you an evil band - It isn't fucking Slayer.

                          Also, that snare drum garbage was fucking lame. Kick Ulrich off his fucking throne and have Shawn or Charlie play it, would've done a much better job. None of the drummers deserved to look like total degenerates hunched over the snare drums that were set too low.

                          Anyway, Metallica pissed me off as usual. Someone give Kirk his V back so he can't wank his floyd off so much please.

                          Still, I enjoyed it a lot.

                          Mind you, the quality I watched it on wasn't the greatest, because it was my friend's camera that he filmed it on in the theater but it films in HD sound so it was pretty damn good. I plugged his camera in and played it on my 50" through my sound system it was pretty awesome.
                          I like EL34s.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Sinistas View Post
                            He is in fact using a thumb pick. There's a video somewhere, can't find it though.
                            Thanks man, I thought I saw it, but wasn't for sure. That's really weird to me, I don't think I could do it, looks like it would be harder to play metal that way. I might have to try it just for S&G's.
                            "illegal downloading saved people from having to buy that piece of shit you tried to pass off as music" - Nighbat


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Scooter View Post
                              Thanks man, I thought I saw it, but wasn't for sure. That's really weird to me, I don't think I could do it, looks like it would be harder to play metal that way. I might have to try it just for S&G's.
                              It's not a true thumb pick. It's his own design which I think he'll be marketing soon.
                              "Your work is ingenius…it’s quality work….and there are simply too many notes…that’s all, just cut a few, and it’ll be perfect."

