So I bought a house! Yay, here we go, nice place, etc. Pretty old, but in good shape, decent upgrades....but electric really doesn't seem to be one. I plan on upping the house current from 100 amp to oh, 200 if possible, less if not. What's really bugging me, however, is this: Federal Pacific box, sitting before the breaker. House has 100 amp service, and there is, in addition to this and the main panel, a sub panel in the back for some of the heavier appliances.... 2 separate issues, one, wtf is with this thing, and two, I really feel like the previous owners were stretching the service with the sub panel...I am no expert, not even close, but it doesn't seem ideal...

Old school fuse blocks...

Model info...

And an old 100a/250w fuse sitting on top since before the Korean War.

I want to get rid of it, but, like anything else, we have our priorities. I am ***NOT*** doing it myself. Just looking for, first of all, an answer to "WTF do I call this thing when I call the electrician so he knows what he's dealing with"...saves him a trip. TWO, can I just cut it out of the current set up, get a new panel, and get PSEG (our local) to up the line outside without it costing me a million bucks?
And most importantly, how much of a shit show is this thing? Would you put your loved ones in a house with that thing active or do I need to get it out? I have a few weeks before I move in anyway, so if it needs to go fast, it's going. I know FPE had problems with breaker boxes, but this obviously way pre-dates that.
And if it's ok to leave, where in the world do I find fuses for this sucker? Eh, if it's only 100 I guess it's gotta go anyway if I upgrade, but just thinking in the interim, if it isn't going to set the house on fire....
Thanks in advance guys.

Old school fuse blocks...

Model info...

And an old 100a/250w fuse sitting on top since before the Korean War.

I want to get rid of it, but, like anything else, we have our priorities. I am ***NOT*** doing it myself. Just looking for, first of all, an answer to "WTF do I call this thing when I call the electrician so he knows what he's dealing with"...saves him a trip. TWO, can I just cut it out of the current set up, get a new panel, and get PSEG (our local) to up the line outside without it costing me a million bucks?
And most importantly, how much of a shit show is this thing? Would you put your loved ones in a house with that thing active or do I need to get it out? I have a few weeks before I move in anyway, so if it needs to go fast, it's going. I know FPE had problems with breaker boxes, but this obviously way pre-dates that.
And if it's ok to leave, where in the world do I find fuses for this sucker? Eh, if it's only 100 I guess it's gotta go anyway if I upgrade, but just thinking in the interim, if it isn't going to set the house on fire....
Thanks in advance guys.