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Sobriety, an Atomic Harangue

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  • Sobriety, an Atomic Harangue

    It's been a little over 2 years now since I have been completely on the level. I'm bored out of my fukkin' socks, I do not work a program, nor do I go to meetings anymore. I'm not a religious person, and the last two times I went I got gang raped by wolves hounding me to turn my life over to God or I'm a goner. I'm not against anyone who is religious, in fact, if that's what makes you feel whole and or happy, then that is just fukkin' ducky with me, I like to see people happy, always. I do not have a malicious bone in my body, well, yes i do, I like to make fun of people a whole lot, but i'll also be the first one to bash the fukk out of myself to, and believe me I deserve it. Anyway, some these people lecturing me had 3 weeks of sober time and since they'd turned themselves over to God 3 weeks earlier, the world had taken on a much rosier hue. Unfortunately , two of these people relapsed less than a week later. I'm no stranger to relapse, the reason I have not this time around is due to consequences if i do, as in I go to prison if my piss is dirty. It's been easy to stay clean with that kind of hammer ready to come smashing down on your melon. I was arrested for selling "unauthentic" Cisco parts. The parts worked, but they were in fake labeled Cisco boxes. I did not try to deceive the customer, in fact the customer i sold them to had made millions off these parts for years, they new exactly what they were buying from me as I told them they were fake, and the dollar amount was $2,340.00 worth of parts. This was a very stupid
    thing I did, and yes it is a crime, i do realize that. It's not far off from selling fake Gucci bags or Oakley sunglasses, same ballpark, but it's still a crime. And I am guilty of it. There were no drug charges against me, and since i had no prior criminal record (unreal how lucky I had gotten up to this point the way I used to party) that was the main thing that kept me from prison time. Many many many companies had been indicted in this, and many people had gotten prison time and are serving right now. I have 6 months left of probation, the repercussions for the 8 months of pre-trial and up to now have knocked the living snot out of me. Remaining sober is a strict guidline of my probation and pre-trial. I cannot tell you how many times I've been tested, it's nearing the 200 times level. A fukkin' nazi-regime like program. But, it did clean me up. Is it a fair trade? yes , it's gotta be, how could it not be? It's nice not having to have 40.00 worth of stuff just to get moving in the morning, not having to make and take 35 phone calls from fellow buzzards before 8 a.m. who are already up and running, not having the whole "sick" thing hanging over you, people coming and going from your house all freakin' day. I could write all the positives forever, there's so many, but I gotta tell you i'm fukkin' bored.
    Bored to the point of nausea. i don't know any sober people, well, i do, and they're great, but so are some of the people I know who are not sober. I really don't feel like going out and making a whole new set of friends, it's a headache. The meetings turn me off, I can't say that I can speak for all of them because i have not truly searched any good ones out. I guess "God" for me is the threat of prison. Now that's a powerful, not to mention tangible, God I can fully worship-lol This God makes me check in, write written monthly reports, and up until 3 months ago I had to call every single night at 7 p.m. to see if i had to go in for drug testing the very next day at 4:30 a.m. a half hour away from my house. Every single night. And I was tested up to 3 to 4 times a week many times. A real pain in the fukkin ass. I couldn't plan my next day until I knew if i had to go in or not. the testing hours were from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m., if i left any later than 4:30 a.m., then I wouldn't get home until hours later with the morning traffic coupled with all the other people in trouble who you'd be behind in line at the place. Not to mention, having to hold your piss in all the way to the place when you first wake up in the morning so you could piss when you got there and not sit there waiting until you can thus making you get home hours later. It sucked the sweat off a yaks balls, but again, I digress, in the end it's a fair trade. hey, I should look on the bright side right, I mean, it sucks that I have to put down "convicted felon" on any future job applications, but then then again when it says "if Yes, please explain" and I put down "Trafficking of Counterfeit Goods" maybe, just maybe, they'll actually like that I can sell stuff and maybe I'll get a shot at the job, who knows. Hopefully the interveiwers will be as sick in the head as I am and see it that way too.
    I'm not even allowed to have a glass of wine. I stopped drinking anyway around 7 years ago, drinking is too much work anyway, so that part of it was no big deal. I miss pot. Boy do I miss pot. That was a tough giveup. It's been nice though with the other crap out of my life. I just find myself at a standstill. Should I have some sort of program in place for when I get off probation? Yes, probably, but I don't think you'll catch old Atomic even jaywalking ever again after the shitstorm I've been through the last two plus years so far.
    If I was in Las Vegas 20 years ago, and there was a futures betting board on what was finally going to clean me up, here's the possible bets you could have made-

    July 1st 1990- Current Odds on what will Clean up Tommy Futures Board-
    1-Possession- even money
    2-Funerals from many friends who died from drugs- 25-1 (they never made me change)
    3-DUI - 30-1 (Not codoning the act at all, but i was a great driver no matter what i was on)
    4-Rehab- 10-1 (i'd been to a few, and it worked for a little while, then I'd eventually fall and fall hard)
    5-Requests and pleas from family and loved ones -100-1 ( I'm an asshole)
    5-Selling Electronics-lol What's the fukkin' odds? I gotta put them at 750,000-1
    maybe even a higher payout than that. Who'd have ever thought this would be the
    the clincher.
    "Coming around the clubhouse turn and into the home stretch, it's selling electronics!!!, the long shot!!! running away from the field and taking the winners circle!!! Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!!"

    I'm fukkin' bored. It's been a distinct pleasure to write this out and put it up on the
    old reliable JCF.
    Not helping the situation since 1965!

  • #2
    Tommy, sounds like you need a hobby or something else to occupy your time and keep your mind off that s**t. That hobby should be playing guitar, like the bad mo'fo that you are. Other options since you're in SoCal: surfing, hiking, skirt chasing, biking, skirt chasing, celebrity bodyguard...did I mention skirt chasing?

    Seriously, stay strong and stay sober. I'm sure it's easier said than done, but boredom would be a pretty @ss dumb reason to F up the rest of your life. Or the lack thereof. Hang tough, bro. Sending positive vibes in your direction.


    • #3
      thank you sir, but to fall of the wagon now and fukk up would be the absolute silliest and stupidest thing
      I could possibly ever do, especially after the immense headaches i've went through to get here as it is.
      Now way shred, it's not gonna happen. That you can bet on.
      Not helping the situation since 1965!


      • #4
        I just called Vegas and they say the odds of you staying sober are the same as the Yanks winning another pennant. ...I like those odds, bro!


        • #5
          My odds are off the board-lol
          Not helping the situation since 1965!


          • #6
            Congratulations Tommy, you can make it through it. Think on the bright side, better being bored on bender beach than bored in a concrete cell with a cellmate named bubba who'll love your long hair lol.

            I consider myself a sober person although I do drink a few beers when I go out to eat. I like the weed too, love warming up and just improvising but after a while I get used to it and its a waste of $ so I dry out for a few months at a time I have an extremely addictive personality so I have to stay away for a lot of stuff.

            As far as religion goes, it works for me. I'm not a bible waiver or out to pressure people to become Christians but it has got me through a lot of crap over the years, yeah Jesus does rock indeed. I read the bible ever couple years or so and every time I do it speaks to me differently...there is a time for everything and I'm often puzzled by why the light bulb didnt go bing the first serveral times I read it

            Find a healthy hobby that is time consuming...running on the beach, get lost in guitar, join a band etc...

            Thank God for MLB, NFL and NHL lol....if your really, really bored I'll send you my two teenage sons for the rest of the summer until NFL traning camp opens up so i can get some rest lol.


            • #7

              Try not to think about penguins, lol...
              750xl, 88LE, AT1, Roswell Pro, SG-X, 4 others...
              Stilletto Duece 1/2 Stack, MkIII Mini-Stack, J-Station, 12 spaces of misc rack stuff, Sonar 4, Event 20/20, misc outboard stuff...

              Why do I still want MORE?


              • #8
                Originally posted by nor View Post

                Try not to think about penguins, lol...
                well that's my day at work taken care of....
                Hail yesterday


                • #9
                  Good on you for staying the course.
                  A Hobby can help with the boredom.

                  Kinda wish Horns would chime in as he's better at this.
                  He'd probably tell you to make a hobby of pulling your pud.

                  Me, I would try something artsy, maybe try painting or photography or something...
                  Build a man a fire and he's warm for a day, set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life.


                  • #10
                    I know you said you weren't looking to make new friends, but maybe just try going to a different part of town to see what's there. Who knows, you might find a great restaurant, or a neat hole-in-the-wall guitar shop, or some place offering cabinet-making courses.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
                      5-Selling Electronics-lol What's the fukkin' odds? I gotta put them at 750,000-1
                      maybe even a higher payout than that. Who'd have ever thought this would be the
                      the clincher.
                      "Coming around the clubhouse turn and into the home stretch, it's selling electronics!!!, the long shot!!! running away from the field and taking the winners circle!!! Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!!"

                      I LOL'D here at work!

                      Hey Tommy, that was a great read, thanks for the insight into your life the last couple years!

                      Say, remember when you were gonna pick me up in your Benz that one day? I waited & ass But I'll still be your friend! Hell, I'm only like 8 miles north of you. Gimme a call, we can jam on guitars, play tennis, check out a surf band at the pier, whatever!

                      Will PM you my digits. I screen the calls.
                      "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                      • #12
                        I'm just belly aching cuz I can't go off this weekend like the rest of the town.
                        The 4th of July is always a doozy in huntington beach and newport beach, it's a fairly
                        ridiculous scene every year. I will watch from a distance as the others defile themselves-lol
                        Not helping the situation since 1965!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by RacerX View Post

                          I LOL'D here at work!

                          Hey Tommy, that was a great read, thanks for the insight into your life the last couple years!

                          Say, remember when you were gonna pick me up in your Benz that one day? I waited & ass But I'll still be your friend! Hell, I'm only like 8 miles north of you. Gimme a call, we can jam on guitars, play tennis, check out a surf band at the pier, whatever!

                          Will PM you my digits. I screen the calls.

                          Way cool junior!!!
                          Not helping the situation since 1965!


                          • #14
                            Well my friend, whatever it takes to stay clean is a good thing. If you feel it's the threat of the prison hammer, then consider this: you may be off probation in a few months, but now you have a prior that can be used to saddle you with stronger penalties for anything in future. So even a possession charge of something serious, well they have 3 strikes in Cali,. right? Or is that just for violent felonies? Not quite sure....

                            You know, there's a big difference between pot and the other shit, but you might still want to try and stay as clean as possible. I haven't smoked weed steady since 1996, or bought any drugs for personal stash since then, but I've occasionally dabbled when friends offered. But I have to say, especially here where the cops don't have enough to do and still like to pull people over "on suspicion", it's a big relief to know they're not gonna find anything.

                            Are you playing guitar, Tommy? Maybe you should write some songs and record 'em on your computer, just for yourself, man. You've got a killer mind and a way with words. Write music, write a book about the things you've done. You're an awesome dude and a kick in the ass to read here, I('m sure others would dig reading your thoughts too.

                            You're the fuggin' man, Tommy, never forget that! You're the man!
                            Ron is the MAN!!!!


                            • #15
                              Hey Tommy, I've never gone to these but my friend has: Laguna Beach Art Walk - tonight

                              I can't make this tonight, but check it: free tacos!
                              "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)

