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Sobriety, an Atomic Harangue

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  • #16
    Sounds to me like you ought to be out doing some Atomic Shagging.

    I don't take drugs, I don't drink. (weeee-eeeell, mostly. I do have the odd falling off the wagon, and it's usually epic, but my days of being a Piss Artist are well and truly past). I don't have many friends that I spend any amount of time with, just lots of acquaintances I see from time to time, yet don't expect me to come calling every week. I do, however, shag anything that moves.
    It doesn't even have to move. I have, in all honesty, lost count of the women I have boned over the past few years, whenever they ask at the pox clinic, I cannot even give an estimate. Some weeks it's none, other weeks I've humped 4 different women in one night. I love it, it's my religion.
    Swingers parties, bukkake, S&M, it's all good to me. I thoroughly recommend it, you won't get bored. (You might get bored out if you bend over in the wrong place though, so be careful)
    So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

    I nearly broke her back


    • #17
      Hey, man, I sincerely wish you strength in staying sober. The strength is in YOU, not in anyone else, but you need the right people in your life to remind you it's there sometimes.


      • #18
        How could you possibly be bored with the world cup going on right now?


        • #19
          Hey buff, the jets are on HBO's hard knocks this summer. all is well now-lol

          jazz, that is why I posted this here, the right people are here, there are no right people
          where I live, it's a madhouse, especially in the summertime. Smacker is right on target too.

          Lerx, very kind words, thankyou.

          I'm done pissing and moaning about it now, just scratching my head over why I can't have a beer
          or puff on a fatty if I wanted too this weekend while the rest of the world will be, that includes doctors,
          laywers, government workers of all kinds, etc. etc. etc., because of 2,340.00 worth of computer parts I sold.
          I would of been better off getting pulled over by the police with a kilo than what had happened to me. I'd have been in night classes
          for a couple of months for the first time offense. Federal guidelines are very stringent. But they do work-lol
          Oddly enough, some people still screw up even with the threat of going away. I don't know, I'm not built for jail. No bueno across the board
          on that one. Not to mention I'm so beautiful, I'd get eaten alive-lol

          You know what, this is supposed to be a harangue, fukk it, I'm back to complaining. Why can't I party this weekend God Damnit!!!!
          This country was founded by our forefathers, a bunch of guys who who didn't want to pay their taxes. They opposed taxation without representation,
          hey I agree with that too, but what do they do once the war is over? they impose the very same taxes that they were just so vehemently fighting against.
          it's the fukkin' goof of all time i tell you. Now that I'm a felon, I can't run for office either, I was gonna come in and save the day when i was elected president
          by legalizing marijuana and giving the economy the shot in the arm it so badly needs. it's a shit state of affairs.
          Alot of you know me, I've deserved everything i've gotten from this, I raised hell for most of my life, something was bound to happen. You just can't
          push the envelope and screw up all the time without something bad happening, that's a law. I'm grateful believe it or not,and it's good to know that
          I'm not gonna get in any situations that are gonna compromise my life, there is a little peace in that. Peace sells, but who's buying?
          Not helping the situation since 1965!


          • #20
            Know how you feel, been 6 years and I don't do AA. or god stuff! I guess JCF is one of my ways of dealing with stress I got hook on trading guitars( which in a way is not good for your playing : ) but I have owned some nice guitars and had a bunch of fun along the way! but I also do a lot of outside stuff(reptil hunting) that will put the pulse rate up a few hairs : ) keep it up, you don't have to work a progam to stay straight, just have to work life!
            I know the old saying that the value of an opinion is generally inversely proportional to the strength with which it is held.


            • #21
              I'm gonna start my own group, and call it AU, Alcoholics Unanimous
              Not helping the situation since 1965!


              • #22
                you only imagine that the rest of the known world is partying it up while you're stuck at home. I'm having a great ol' life and I don't do drugs and hardly drink. I'm not even catting around town looking for some strange. The other guys are right - you need a hobby. I get all the personal satisfaction I need between my bottle top collection and my collection of photographs of pigeons (can't keep actual pigeons because the dust on their feathers agitates my adenoids).
                Hail yesterday


                • #23
                  Hey Tommy - sometimes a little boredom is exactly what ya need.... take the down time to figure out what ya want to do - that won't get ya into trouble! lol. Kinda like downtime when on a tour bus.... just try to keep the blinders on and do your own thing
                  Any time you need to talk bro - just gimme a yelp.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
                    you only imagine that the rest of the known world is partying it up while you're stuck at home. I'm having a great ol' life and I don't do drugs and hardly drink. I'm not even catting around town looking for some strange. The other guys are right - you need a hobby. I get all the personal satisfaction I need between my bottle top collection and my collection of photographs of pigeons (can't keep actual pigeons because the dust on their feathers agitates my adenoids).

                    And all them backpackers you torture and kill.
                    So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                    I nearly broke her back


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
                      And all them backpackers you torture and kill.


                      • #26

                        I didn't read the whole thread and chances are somebody already beat me to it,'s my .02

                        Tommy, you got the rare gift of GUITARIST-MAXIMUS !!

                        Dude you are one the very best 'undiscoverd' guitar talents out there. The couple of times i saw you play, I was blown away. Mad skills...the kind most of us here dream about...despite some of our big collections.

                        Spend your 'bored' time on the guitar. Shoot for session work...or whatever.

                        I know it's a long shot these days but just *maybe* you'll strike gold with the right break.

                        You certainly could do it. After all this is still America...right?

                        Good luck to you whatever the path.
                        Kahler...Killing guitar values DEAD since 1981.


                        • #27
                          Atomic T-Boneshank,
                          I'm super proud that you've been able to keep yourself in line. Granted, with the threat of being thrown in the can looming over your head, I can see how you've been able to motivate. I agree with ol' Stumpy Hellraiser in that you're one gifted mofo, and hell....aren't you still in training? You could be pitching soon!

                          Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
                          Sully Guitars on Facebook
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                          • #28
                            thanks curt, honestly, thanks, that's a nice thing to say to me, but I haven't played in over 2 years now,
                            I know that's wrong but I just haven't been into it.
                            I am not in training anymore, I've found out I'm more fit for front office work, I want Cashman's job,
                            and I'm going after it with vicious intent as well especially after he didn't resign Matsui. Fukkin' job is mine.
                            Not helping the situation since 1965!

