Not really.
The custom stock for my HK SL8-6 arrived and while I was swapping the fire control group from the factory stock over to the new one, I decided to apply a 3-tone snakeskin paintjob. My scope and bipod are arriving today and once I have them, they'll be getting the same treatment. This is the product of 3 cans of Krylon, a mesh backpack, and a Paratrooper with cabin fever.
And now...the pics:

The custom stock for my HK SL8-6 arrived and while I was swapping the fire control group from the factory stock over to the new one, I decided to apply a 3-tone snakeskin paintjob. My scope and bipod are arriving today and once I have them, they'll be getting the same treatment. This is the product of 3 cans of Krylon, a mesh backpack, and a Paratrooper with cabin fever.
And now...the pics:
