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Mustaine, the book

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  • Mustaine, the book

    I just finished reading it and thought it was over all an enjoyable read, not a lot of pictures and they incorrectly labeled a Jackson KV1 as a dean VMNT(chapter 11/ opposite page). There was nothing about Dave's endorsements or attempting to buy Jackson, however it was insightful about his many attempts at sobriety and several consequent failures.

    It went into a good deal of depth about the Poland years, slightly less on Young, very little about Freidman. Then really dropped discussion of Pitrelli and Drover, nothing about Broderick aside from mentioning his name once.

    Overall I felt it was worth reading as a fan, anyone familiar with his history knows a great deal of what was covered. There were some interpersonal stories of the earlier years that were cool and not found in 300,000 guitar mags.

    BUT(since this is a guitar board), no discussion about gear choices or anything relevant to the recording process' employed by Megadave(the only exception being that he states on the first 2 albums, his rhythm is tracked left and right ~ while Poland's was tracked to the center).

    An easy read, I spent about 4 hours on it. Much better than most of the stuff on the super market book shelves.

    Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...

  • #2
    I am almost done reading it, I just got past the MD.45 part and his separation with his wife.

    I would have liked a lot more of the "inside baseball" stuff as well, as far as more stories about the creative processes and the challenges and approaches putting together the various albums. I also would have definitely liked to read more about the Jackson deal but then again maybe he's trying to keep it equally interesting for his fans who aren't guitarists.

    I think it was still a good read. I finished it fairly quickly and it definitely kept my interest as well.

    I was kind of bummed out that he referred to Marty's Carvin as a bargain basement guitar (or something similar to that). Other than that I was surprised by the fact that the tone of the book was a lot more humble than I expected and with a lot less trash talk. Maybe when Dave actually has a chance to look over the things he says he is able to be a lot more tactful. Or maybe the lawyers just took a lot of the nastier stuff out. For example I didn't see any mention of that whole Jeff Young/ Australia story that Jeff was on about a couple months ago.

    Anyway to make a long story short, I second the recommendation!


    • #3
      Sounds cool. Would either one of you fellas consider sending the book around the JCF so we can all (us cheapskates anyway) read it?
      "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


      • #4
        Originally posted by RacerX View Post
        Sounds cool. Would either one of you fellas consider sending the book around the JCF so we can all (us cheapskates anyway) read it?
        Pay it forward!!! Me, me, me, want to read.
        MakeAJazzNoiseHere: You kidding me? I'd suck her fartbox dry in a heartbeat. 9/29/2011 quote about Megan Fox

