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Nhl 2010-2011

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  • #31
    23 man roster set. Wings play the Fucks on Friday Ready to get his season on already


    • #32
      Sadly, my tradition of being at the home opener has been spoiled. With the popularity of the Blackhawks and the raising of the Stanley Cup banner, I have been priced out of the game. SRO tickets are going for 5x face value.
      Occupy JCF


      • #33
        Not like the good ol days when there was only 6-8000 people that cared huh? hehe.
        GTWGITS! - RacerX


        • #34
          Originally posted by Tekky View Post
          Sadly, my tradition of being at the home opener has been spoiled. With the popularity of the Blackhawks and the raising of the Stanley Cup banner, I have been priced out of the game. SRO tickets are going for 5x face value.
          Bummer...I've noticed a huge price bump for decent seats in the Pens new arena as well. Unless its for business, I don't see me shelling out that kind of cash for a hockey game...much like I rarely attend major concerts these days. Ticket prices have far outpaced inflation for both sports and music events.


          • #35
            all these new stadiums in every sport are built to sell luxury corporate boxes.
            the new yankee stadium is beautiful, but it's also laid out like a shopping mall
            and littered with restaurants and vendor stands with $42.00 sandwiches.
            it's a fukkin' joke. you have to be an earl or a duke, or mortgage your house for
            good seats, and when you price out the plumbers, cops, firemen, construction workers, etc.
            and fill the stadium with wall street pansies and spoiled listless fans, you actually lose a lot
            of what home field advantage means. i've never heard a louder stadium than the old yankee
            stadium, the new one still has great fans but they are scattered upwards and outwards only.
            it's not even close to the original. "priced out" is going on everywhere.
            Not helping the situation since 1965!


            • #36
              Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
              all these new stadiums in every sport are built to sell luxury corporate boxes.
              the new yankee stadium is beautiful, but it's also laid out like a shopping mall
              and littered with restaurants and vendor stands with $42.00 sandwiches.
              it's a fukkin' joke. you have to be an earl or a duke, or mortgage your house for
              good seats, and when you price out the plumbers, cops, firemen, construction workers, etc.
              and fill the stadium with wall street pansies and spoiled listless fans, you actually lose a lot
              of what home field advantage means. i've never heard a louder stadium than the old yankee
              stadium, the new one still has great fans but they are scattered upwards and outwards only.
              it's not even close to the original. "priced out" is going on everywhere.
              yep. I heard some of the "good" seats (behind home plate) were around 1k per game. Hey, kids, lets go to the yankees game! It will only be 4000 dollars! YAY.

              edit: and rupe- yep. I only go to concerts anymore if i can get free tix thru connections, or my band is opening. Last concert i paid for was ozzy in 07- that was 83 bucks after ticketraper fees. Not again.
              Its a complete catastrophe. But Im a professional, I can rise above it. LOL


              • #37
                some of the seats were 2500.00 a piece cliff, they lowered the prices about 3 weeks into the season.
                Not helping the situation since 1965!


                • #38
                  Pens vs Flyers tonight...I can't focus today I'm so anxious

                  DROP THE PUCK!!!


                  • #39
                    get back to work you slacker.
                    Not helping the situation since 1965!


                    • #40
                      I'm looking forward to the game too Rupe. Time to see what the Pens can do.


                      • #41
                        for the folks who have DirecTV and no Center Ice package they have a CI free-view for the month of October


                        • #42
                          The costs are gettin up there no doubt. I went to a pre-season game, had 2 free ones, bought 2 more at half price pre-season seats (41 bucks each) for lower bowl seats. Although the cost was about 25 bucks eack for 4 tickets (vs $400-500 for regular season) parking was 15 bucks, beers $7.50 a pop. I spent about 65 dollars for food/drinks when we first got in...3 more beers at $7.50 eacd and gave 20 bucks to eack of my sons if they wanted something else plus whatever my wife spent (prolly another 40 -60bucks).

                          Nothing beats being there but for a family of four during the regular season you can drop $700-1000 on one night of Hockey...I'd rather watch em in HD on CI than fork out that kind of money.

                          You can get great deals but I don't want to see the Stars play basement dwelling teams and sit in nose bleed seats.....


                          • #43
                            Shawn, I love the Center Ice freeviews. Let's me watch a lot more hockey!


                            • #44
                              Go leafs?


                              • #45
                                I can't wait to see the Flyers open up the Pens' new building with a thorough beating.

                                Except for goaltending, I see no faults on the Flyers team this year. Maybe a Cup to go with the Phils' World Series trophy?

