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Nhl 2010-2011

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  • Originally posted by Hellbat View Post
    Yeah that was a freak play where he busted it. I thought he just jammed his wrist. Pretty good game, Luongo wasn't at his best unfortunately.
    Bobby Lou *cough*cough over rated * cough* cough* over rated *cough*cough*


    • Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
      Bobby Lou *cough*cough over rated * cough* cough* over rated *cough*cough*
      You won't get an argument from me on that. He's drives me because he will make like 8 saves he shouldn't be able to and then lets whiffers from the blue line through. And it's always somebody elses fault...
      GTWGITS! - RacerX


      • No Gaborik, no win. Rangers are a confounded organization.
        Not helping the situation since 1965!


        • Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
          where's Rupe and Razely???!!! This never happens, much less twice this year.
          Rangers over the Penguins!!!!!!!!!!! Haaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally some joy!!!!!!!!!
          they've beaten the Hawks, the Capitals, and the Pens twice. I'm good for the rest of the year.
          They'll tank now, don't worry.
          Had to hide in shame over that one. Was Elliot a stud Sunday night for Ottowa or what? I was surprised Crosby got the fluke goal.


          • 2 more for Sid tonight plus an assist...25 game scoring streak. Not too shabby...and minutes left.

            What a sick takeaway/goal by Letestu in the 3rd.


            • Brutal sucker punch by Shelley in the Canucks/Flyers game. I think he'll get a game for it, maybe more if he has past history.
              GTWGITS! - RacerX


              • <------- Ranger fan

                <------- Moron

                <------- Hates Crosby

                <------- Idiot
                Not helping the situation since 1965!


                • and by the way, for all the people who were "offended" by all the cursing Rex Ryan did on "hard knocks" (not saying you guys were) fukk you!!!!
                  watch an episode of 24/7 on HBO and listen to what really goes on. seriously, i think people
                  are delusional. i heard all kinds of crap from people after hard knocks. your coach is a trash mouth, no class, all he does is curse (which is accurate) etc. etc.
                  Boudreau curses even more. do people think these guys are gentlemen or something?
                  we're talking about two sports that basically comprise of someone always trying to kill
                  you at every point of the game.. i swear to god, it makes my stomach turn. people get so shocked-lol
                  fukkin' ridiculous. it's a cool show, you guys should watch it.
                  Not helping the situation since 1965!


                  • Jesus christ, just got kane and hossa back, now toews is out for two weeks. Damn.
                    Its a complete catastrophe. But Im a professional, I can rise above it. LOL


                    • this winter classic is awfully close to being turned off because of the gargling Emerick, but
                      what's with the camera angles? they're retarded. i've watched two periods now and i can't see,
                      i can't see, i can't see.
                      Not helping the situation since 1965!


                      • Who is worse Kovalchuk or Kovalev?

                        Unreal. It seems that the Kovalchuk decision was so opposite of what The Devils have done for decades. Floater...not just in the hockey sense of the word either...
                        My Duncan Designed pickups are way better than Seymour Duncan regular pickups you fanboy.

                        Yeah...too bad the forum doesn't have a minimum IQ.


                        • I thought the Winter Classic was a good, entertaining game myself. great action, a heavyweight bout, lots of hard hitting, refs let them play (and dive) and the Penguins lose and don't shake hands...wished would have been snowing instead of raining but it was a good event. The Penguins vs Capitals is becoming a great NHL rilvary.

                          They should do an NHL winter classic at the Big House in Michigan and beat the record of 113,400 they had couple weeks back for U of M vs MSU college hockey game.

                          Tommy, the 24/7 on HBO is funny as shit. I liked the first one the best where the Caps coach dropped about 20 F-bombs in a 40 second ass lashing of his team in between periods and Ovechkin telling the ref "maybe he has sensitive skin) after the ref told him the dudes neck has a huge gash from the crosscheck. I havent yet been able to catch the other episodes in full. HBO was replaying them but were muting the swear I was tellign my son how hard I was crackin up about Boudreau's rant and when I found it being replayed I called him in to watch it and it didnt have the same comedic impact with the F-bomb mutes. You can't follow a hockey conversation if you take out all the cuss words, you'll be listening to silence


                          • Originally posted by goodwood View Post
                            Who is worse Kovalchuk or Kovalev?

                            Unreal. It seems that the Kovalchuk decision was so opposite of what The Devils have done for decades. Floater...not just in the hockey sense of the word either...
                            Kovalchuk is what happens when an owner tells a GM "I want this player, I don't care what it takes."
                            GTWGITS! - RacerX


                            • Stuart is out 6-8 weeks with a fractured jaw. Detroit is getting hit by the injury bug pretty bad this year.
                              GTWGITS! - RacerX


                              • No Modano, Datsyuk, Cleary, Stuart, Filpula or Osgood for tonights best of the west showdown between Vancouver and Detroit. I sense an ass kicking coming the Wings way.

                                Kostopoulos should receive a suspension as it was a blindside hit to the jaw on Stuart. Tough week for Stewie, took a slapshot tot he back of the head, staples and stitches earlier in the week, brokwen jaw and 6-8 weeks from last nights hit...

