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DLR: Eat 'Em And Smile

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  • #16
    Unfortunately, I never saw DRL on the Eat em tour. Great stuff, here's Shy Boy:

    And the closest I came to see em: Vai with Sheehan, man he sounds so close to Roth's voice it's scary!
    "Your work is ingenius…it’s quality work….and there are simply too many notes…that’s all, just cut a few, and it’ll be perfect."


    • #17
      I too love this album and got to see them on their 7th show of the tour with Cinderella (who were every bit as great). I used to have a DJ friend that called me one night. I picked up the phone and he said, Hey, it's me. Hold on a sec. I hear him put me on hold, realize he's at the radio station, so you can hear the radio feed, and he says something like, "I've got the 7th caller for those David Lee Roth tickets with backstage passes, caller hello?" I was stunned!

      Went with a buddy to the concert, and as everyone else has said, they were great. I had been a vai fan from hearing flex-able (well, I liked SOME of flex-able, some was just TOO weird for me), and my buddy and I both loved Talas, so we were very familiar with the technical abilities of DLR's "hired guns". Anyway, after the show,we go backstage into a room where it's my friend and I (we're both around 17 at the time), another 2 contest winners (a 10 year old boy and an old hippie couple), and a ton of super hot groupies who are there to see DLR, not to talk to me or my friend. We were in that room for an hour, the old hippie lady started hitting on me after a while, kept wanting me to eat her apple, whatever that meant Anyway, after an hour, we finally got to go to another room, all the groupies got pared down and either taken to another area or dismissed, and we walk into their backstage wind down area with food and places to relax. Before we can take anything in, DLR's manager comes up to us and lays down the ground rules. Don't ask for his autograph. Don't take his picture. Don't ask him about van halen. Don't try to hug him. Wait until he comes to you, don't speak to him until then. oooookay. then, after a few minutes, the band comes in (minus DLR). Now back then, I hadn't started to play guitar, so I didn't have a ton of questions for vai, but I immediately made my way to him to tell him how great he was that night. I can't remember anything else I asked him or said to him other than some remark about flex-able to which he replied, so, you're the one that bought it or something like that. Anyway, I had a couple of minutes with him, enough to see he was a very nice, thoughtful person. When I shook his hand, his hand looked longer than normal and it wasn't a firm or weak handshake, more like,.... graceful. I turned around and was greeted by Billy Sheehan. He grabbed my hand and CRUSHED it. My friend and I talked to him the most, probably 10 minutes, but again, this was 23 years ago, can't remember the conversations. Then Bissonette (the drummer) came in and was a madman, really screwing with everyone, having a good time. He came up to me and my friend and asked if we wanted a picture? Before I knew it, we were posing for a pic and he asked me, Hey, have you ever had a guy grab you on the tit? WHAT? (an aside, I'm a guy) WHAT? before I knew it, he's got his arm around my back and grabbing my pec and I just have this stupid stunned look on my face looking at him. Then, before I could say anything, he was gone, going to mess with someone else. Then it got to be a little awkward, everyone in the band was talking to people they knew, and the contest winnders were all in one area just watching. That went on for another 20 minutes, then DLR's manager finally came back in. He told us, "guys, Dave has taken so long because he was in the shower, but he's making his way back here now. Remember what I said to you earlier" After about 10 more minutes, Dave finally appears, he's in a bathrobe sandals and shades, and has a pretty big hot woman on his side propping him up. The 10 year old kid immediately gets all wound up and breaks every rule the manager gave us. Of course, though, Dave signed his tshirt and was patient with him for a minute before moving on. He came up to me and kind of slurred, "Hi". He tried to shake my hand, but this dude was out of his mind on something, and just sort of layed his hand in mine and stood there. I said something or other to him, he smiled and slurred something I couldn't understand, then moved off. After another 2 minutes, he was out of the room and we were being hustled out.
      I know that wasn't a very interesting guitar story, but wanted to share my "brush with greatness"
      For the aid of the sarcastically challenged, smartass comments will now be denoted in orange. Thank you for your support.


      • #18
        hahaha, cool story!!! now, when you see roth live, it's kinda like a perv version of don knotts doing DLR's old schitck. it can be quite disturbing. especially the couple of times i saw him and he was wearing an outfit well suited for the movie "cabin boy".

        some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

        some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

        and finally....

        i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


        • #19
          Great story! Love how your DJ friend called you as the 7th caller! But you being familiar with Flexable and Talas made you most deserving of being there than anybody. 6 or 7 years ago I saw one of the G3 tours and Vai was playing w Sheehan. Of course they're both spot on and toward the end of the show, this dude next to us, clearly old enough to know, asks Who is this Sheehan person? ...we shoulda ran him outta there!
          "Your work is ingenius…it’s quality work….and there are simply too many notes…that’s all, just cut a few, and it’ll be perfect."


          • #20
            I couldn't find either of the first two CD's at the music store, but did I found a compilation of both.


            • #21
              That'll work bro.
              Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

              "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

              I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

              Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


              • #22
                I hadn't played the whole album in quite some time until a family roadtrip/vacation last summer. Although I remembered all of the tunes quite well, I had forgotten just how blazing Vai was back then...some of the solos were simply mindblowing. Eat 'em and Smile is one of a few albums that will always be special to me...aside from the songs it takes me back to a great time and place in my life.


                • #23
                  FANTASTIC album!!!!! I gotta get my hands on Skyscraper again too...haven't heard that one in quite some time.


                  • #24
                    Quote Vai ::
                    With this band I was literally famous overnight. I loved the guys in this band and I cherish the memories of those notorious tours. I still feel "Eat 'Em & Smile" is one of the great rock records of the decade.

                    Funny things is the quote about Whitesnake ::
                    It was what it was.

                    Insert annoying equipment list here....


                    • #25
                      Great album, loved "Ladies Night in Buffalo".


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by nateb View Post
                        Quote Vai ::
                        With this band I was literally famous overnight. I loved the guys in this band and I cherish the memories of those notorious tours. I still feel "Eat 'Em & Smile" is one of the great rock records of the decade.

                        Funny things is the quote about Whitesnake ::
                        It was what it was.

                        And then Sex and Religion:
                        "It wasn't what it was"

                        Gotta love Steve's candidness


                        • #27
                          Eat 'em is one of my all time favorite records. The solo on "Big Trouble" is ridiculous, just...damn! LOL
                          Courtesy, Integrity, Self-control, Perseverance, Indomitable Spirit


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by jim777 View Post
                            Eat 'em is one of my all time favorite records. The solo on "Big Trouble" is ridiculous, just...damn! LOL
                            For me it's "Ladies Night in Buffalo"
                            JB aka BenoA

                            Clips and other tunes by BenoA / My Soundcloud page / My YouTube page
                            Guitar And Sound (GAS) forum / Boss Katana Amps FB group


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by jim777 View Post
                              Eat 'em is one of my all time favorite records. The solo on "Big Trouble" is ridiculous, just...damn! LOL
                              Hands down the most impressive solo on the album


                              • #30
                                here's a different take on this album that I had no idea existed until now. He released a spanish language version

                                For the aid of the sarcastically challenged, smartass comments will now be denoted in orange. Thank you for your support.

