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If you are thinking of having kids...READ HERE FIRST

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  • If you are thinking of having kids...READ HERE FIRST

    So you are thinking about having kids. They look cute. You are showered with unconditional love. Its exciting watching their personalities bloom through their early years. I am going to let you in on the biggest secret kept by people who have kids from people who don't have kids: YOU ARE ONE STUPID MOTHER F#(&ER TO HAVE KIDS!!

    Now, I have 3 of the little darlings: Jazz ( 10 ), Zakk ( 9 ) and Jaxx ( 2 ) names , huh? I love them to death, but, let me tell you what to expect that no one else will tell you.

    1: Forget having a life. Simple as that. Now, my situation is a little more severe since my nearest relative is a 3 hour round trip away. Finding a decent babysitter for a fair price on a weekend is impossible unless you have family near by that are willing to do it.

    2: Sleep is a luxury in the early years. When they are infants, they usually do not sleep well. Around the 18-24 month marker, they have figured out how to get out of their cribs and into everything else. You must be on them like white on rice.

    3: You will never have anything nice. Nope. Forget it. It is impossible. This is for 2 reasons:

    The first is the fact you can not afford it unless you are lucky enough that you and spouse are making mad cash. Day care, diapers and doctors visits are expensive. If you are in the middle class pay scale, you will scrape by if you are lucky, unless, you drink tap water all the time and everything you buy is generic in brand.

    The second reason is because the little demon spawn will destroy it. My 2 year old, Jaxx, has thus far destroyed a PS3, an Xbox 360, a Blu Ray player, 2 remotes to the Wii, a digital camera and 1 laptop. It is from not watching him and being an irresponsible parent. It is that 2 year olds have the speed and stealthiness of a Ninja Assassin. Their sippy cups are like throwing stars...of which they do great damage with a great deal of accuracy. Electronics do not like it when the lids bust off the childproof sippy cups and ooze milk all over them. The lap top met an early death due to said sippy cup was hurled at such velocity by Demon Spawn Jaxx, that it shattered the screen.....but, the cool thing is, it hit the back of the screen...not the front. Little fuckers have the ability to throw a 40MPH curve sippy.

    Your car, SUV or in my case, my lovely F150 Lariat Super Crew, will start to get stinch of spoiled milk and piss. I didn't know leather seats could trap a smell such as these, but, rest assured.....they can.

    If you haven't been convinced yet to NOT have children, let me tell you how today went. I am only going to give you the 3 highlights of the day. You probably would believe me if I told you what I go though on a day-to-day basis.

    The littlest spawn, Jaxx, decides he wants to wake up at 4:30AM. He also decided that Daddy should get up too. He crawls out of crib, pushes crib near baby gate ( he is very strong for a 2 year old.....crib has wheels, but, is on medium pyle carpeting ) and uses crib as a step stool to vault himself over the baby gate in his room. This gives him free access to the house.

    He comes straight to my room and instead of just waking me up, he had a special morning surprise for Daddy. He takes his hand and stuffs it into the back of his diaper. He now has a handful of shit with the consistency of peanut butter. He takes said shit and shoves it up my nostrils and into my mouth. This wasn't an attempt, but, a completely successful mission of which had me in cmplete shock. And it wasn't just a little that got into my 3 was ALOT!!

    So after I get done cleaning myself with liquid Drano, AJAX and a toilet brush, I get him cleaned and ready for the day. Later on, he decides its nap time ( Around 10:30 AM ). I put him back in crib, went to the couch and laid down while watching TV. I wake up to him standing on top of the end table with no diaper on....pissing on my head.

    At this point, 2 thoughts have come to mind : 1: Daddy translated in toddler speak means "toilet". 2: My day can not get worse than this.


    As he is a big fan of Cailliou, he will not watch or do anything else when he is in the Cailliou mood. I have 10 episodes recorded on DVR. After the 2nd round of watching these cartoons, I dozed off with my head tilted back and mouth open. He found an old, dirty fork from somewhere that I am convinced he had hidden like a prison inmate and a shank just for special occasions like this. He takes this nasty utensil and shoves it in my mouth and pokes it through the skin in the roof of my mouth. I have been washing with mouth wash and salt water to try and avoid an infection.

    Now, if you are debating on having kids at this point, please, re-read this post.-Lou
    " I do not pay women for sex. I pay for them to leave after the sex ". -Wise words of Charlie Sheen

  • #2
    Wow...ours are boys (now teens) and although some things are true we were
    able to survive by knowing what to expect.
    Never been wee'd on though, or got the "chimp treatment"!

    All my valuables (amps, tools, etc) went out to the garage, where they were banned from.
    Guitars up on the wall high enough to avoid contact.
    Family heirlooms up high, and some are still packed away.
    Sippy cups taken away from child before they thought of doing anything but drinking from them.
    (Especially while in the car).
    No eating in the car, except Cheerios, which are not food therefore do not leave an odor or rot.
    Enough physical activity to wear them out...for a good night's rest.
    Recognizing exactly what different cries mean (fussy vs. needy).
    And maybe best, a full time Mom who never had to take them to daycare.

    Now they are exceedingly dull (not dumb, just not very wound up) and keep out of trouble.
    We're waiting for the real shit-slinging to start!
    Last edited by Cygnus X1; 11-20-2010, 09:04 PM.


    • #3
      Oh man, that was one brutal "breakfast". You convinced me!
      "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
      - Ken M


      • #4
        It is imperative you remove the sippies from them while in the car. You have no clue what scared shitless is until you are driving down the highway and get into that long drive slomber and one of these drill you in the back of the skull.-Lou
        " I do not pay women for sex. I pay for them to leave after the sex ". -Wise words of Charlie Sheen


        • #5
          Lou, you had me in tears. I thought my 2 yr old was bad.


          • #6
            I have 2 boys, 9 & 6, and I feel your pain. Though I've not had a facefull of feces, I was sprayed by it from a very sick baby while changing a diaper on my bed. Been peed on several times. My wifes van used to have nice upholstery, but now you can't really tell what color it is. I have tried to ban eating in the vehicles, but the wife won't listen, hence, it's HER van, and she cleans it, occasionally. They each have their own rooms, but you can't walk in either for the toys. Been through 1 XBOX and 2 XBOX 360s and on the 3rd now. The parents curse (I hope you have a kid that acts JUST LIKE YOU!) really works.

            I'd do it all again in a heartbeat just to get that hug, kiss and the 'I love you Dad' that can melt my heart everyday. That's the best part, then everything else is moot.
            "illegal downloading saved people from having to buy that piece of shit you tried to pass off as music" - Nighbat


            • #7
              Dude...I know it wasn't funny to you, but I was fucking in tears!!!! That was hysterical!!!!

              The wife and I made the decision long ago that all of our children will be of the four-legged variety.


              • #8
                Damn, Lousiffer, your youngest rugrat sounds like a holy terror! It really is animal-like behavior, are you sure he's not an alien or something?
                "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                • #9
                  I dunno Ron. My older two were good kids. They never got into much, but, occasionally did and learned not to really quickly. I can see this little bastard on COPS or Americas Most Wanted in the future. Maybe even running a cult of some sort.-Lou
                  " I do not pay women for sex. I pay for them to leave after the sex ". -Wise words of Charlie Sheen


                  • #10
                    LOL ~ man up dude, kids are great. If one can't put someone else first before themselves, yeah, one shouldnt have kids.

                    I've been through it all, I have 2 boys 15 months apart in age so I know exacty what your saying but let me inform you it ain't gonna get any easier. Wait until they get to pubes and teenage attitudes lol. I never thought I would want to knock the crap outta someone I love so much and have to take a time out for myself. come back and let em know if they were of age and try to talk to me like that they would be picking up chickeletts off the floor Theres some ups and downs and they'll test your patience and see what they can and can't get away with, once they know that they're pretty cool It is our job to get em to know the boundries and and get em back in line. It is in their nature to test the boundries every so often to see what they can get away with


                    • #11
                      You convinced me!


                      • #12
                        Its always the youngest child that makes you question some of your life decisions. There the ones that make beer taste so good at the end of the day.
                        Last edited by etepbbb; 11-21-2010, 11:23 AM.


                        • #13
                          This just adds to my list of 1001 reasons NOT to have kids LOL.


                          • #14
                            People are not stupid for having kids. People are stupid for thinking their lifestyle will remain unchanged.
                            I think its nice of you to share info that people should know before making that decision, but c'mon man they make straps for sippie cups so they cant throw em at your head. they make seat covers for animals that will protect your seats from smellin like piss. dont pass out and you wont get a fork in the mouth.
                            kids are part of the test of life which helps us get a certain level of love, understanding, discipline, and selflessness that we all should have. they are the bloodline which continues to help us ascend.
                            without my kids i would probably never truly understand the shit i put my parents thru or the things they had to give up simply for me.

                            oh and as for the spoiled milk....dont leave the damn cup in the car to bake in the heat and what not.
                            i'm not tryin to be and ass, just sayin...its life. but yeah to anyone thinkin of havin kids consider the changes and be sure your up for a challenge.
                            Last edited by jdr94; 11-21-2010, 01:14 PM.


                            • #15
                              Did you truly not see the sarcasm in this post? Wow!!-Lou
                              " I do not pay women for sex. I pay for them to leave after the sex ". -Wise words of Charlie Sheen

