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Top "Stupid Newb Thread" 2010

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  • Top "Stupid Newb Thread" 2010

    So with the most recent stupid newb thread thats going on right below this one it got me thinking of others, and I thought, with the end of the year coming up, lets recap our favorite Stupid Newb threads of 2010.

    Heres my favorite for this year. A newb accuses 2 tenured members of the JCF of "invading" his privacy. I wont spoil where the "stupid" comes in, but youll notice it pretty much right off the bat. Enjoy, and please, feel free to submit your favorite "Stupid Newb Thread" of 2010.

    HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found

  • #2
    I think your example was more of the psychopath/crazy variety than stupid.

    It's interesting when you've been around a couple of years you start to see patterns of behavior.

    The massive hero worship can be a bad sign, especially if there is some crazy attached to it. The worst stuff to me is the dredging up ancient threads to make posts like "I like the taste of flour and my cat."

    When I think about what their mental images must be like I picture...

    GTWGITS! - RacerX


    • #3
      Freekin Zappa..... Anyhow, I guess Ill clarify, by stupid I mean the thought process when one reads these posts, you think, "Uggh, stupid newb" whether the premise to their thread is stupid, psychopathic, beligerant etc., it all boils down to "Uggh, stupid newb".
      Last edited by Twitch; 12-10-2010, 11:20 PM.
      HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found


      • #4
        How about that guy that was all about posting about Chris Oliva in every thread?
        Blank yo!


        • #5
          I nominate the new guy who is bumping really old threads. He even replied to my "lol, this guy is everywhere!" with simply "lol". He obviously tries soooo hard to fit in AND must have a great sense of humor since he can laugh about himself - or maybe he's a man on a mission? Perhaps he wants to make it to that 30,000 post mark soon. How can you not admire a young go-getter like that?
          Last edited by javert; 12-11-2010, 03:03 AM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Grandturk View Post
            How about that guy that was all about posting about Chris Oliva in every thread?
            .. but isn't Criss great?
            Last edited by javert; 12-11-2010, 03:09 AM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Grandturk View Post
              How about that guy that was all about posting about Chris Oliva in every thread?

