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Someone stole my garbage cans...

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  • Someone stole my garbage cans...

    Seriously, who steals fucking garbage cans? The garbage was not that interesting I'm sure and one of them is a green can containing only biodegradable waste. But I find myself wondering what kind of freak goes into somebody's gated back yard to steal garbage cans?
    GTWGITS! - RacerX

  • #2
    Peole will fucking steal anything. Pretty sad.
    "I would have banned you for taking part in hijacking and derailing a thread when you could have started your own thread about your own topic." - Unknown


    • #3
      Do you have to pay for the cans where you live? Here, it's about $100 each for the garbage & recycling cans (the kind you have to have for the automated trucks), so sometimes they get stolen.


      • #4
        I've never had them stolen but seen them in a neighbors lot. Our trash pick up is in the alley behind the homes and with high winds they get blown all over the place once emptied, often in the alley way (one lane, garages are in theback of the nomes) so folks have to get out and move them and just put them where they think they belong.

        Ever try to thrw away a old crapp garbage can? It took weeks and we have 2 pickups a week here...I ahd to smash the thing before they would take it


        • #5
          I've only ever had garbage cans stolen by the wind. They're usually up the street a bit or in a neighbor's yard.

          How's Vancouver? I hear they're getting blasted with snow in a few days.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Hellbat View Post
            Seriously, who steals fucking garbage cans?
            Teenagers, college kids? Kind of pathetic when you think about it...


            • #7
              Oh were those yours? sorry my homeless buddy was makin a new cardboard house an i figured he could make a stove or a firepit for his backyard. :ROTF: j/k yeah mf's will steal anything


              • #8
                As a teenager, I was a field laborer at a vineyard. All of us knew each other from school, and ended up as best friends. ANYhoo...during the thinning season in the late spring/early summer, we usually took off our shoes and left them at the end of the row. I just bought a pair of $10 Kmart cheapass sneakers the day before and wouldn't ya know it, some dumbass customer was driving out and the sumbitch stopped and stole my frickin shoes! Couldn't get to the end of the row fast enough to do anything. Four mile walk home on a shale backroad with no shoes. A CHEAPASS PAIR OF KMART SNEAKERS STEALIN DRIVING A FRICKIN LINCOLN THEIFASS CUNT! Yeah, some folks will steal just about anything. end rant.
                My hair is on fire!!!!!My hair is on fire!!!!!!
                Marshall 2205, 6100, 6100LM, JMP-1, EL84 20/20, VHT 2/50/2, Marshall 1960A & B cabs, '79 Strat, '84 Pacer, '98 Wolfgang, '08 Charvel San Dimas x 3.


                • #9
                  Some motherfucker has been stealing my Sunday newspaper the last few weeks
                  "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
                    I've only ever had garbage cans stolen by the wind. They're usually up the street a bit or in a neighbor's yard.

                    How's Vancouver? I hear they're getting blasted with snow in a few days.
                    We had some guys come by from a junk removal company last week and one of the neighbor kids stood in the front yard and stared at everything going out. I have a feeling it was a neighbor that boosted them. Needless to say I'm keeping my eyes open come garbage day.

                    We had a little rain/snow mix yesterday and are looking at mixed weather for the next day or two, but we shoul be back to good old rain for Christmas.
                    GTWGITS! - RacerX


                    • #11
                      don't underestimate those fukkin' prick racoons, not only are they arrogant
                      when you walk in on them while they are tearing through your garbage, but
                      they will give you the finger as well. don't be too quick to blame human beings on this one.
                      Not helping the situation since 1965!


                      • #12
                        I made the mistake once of putting my garbage can out on Halloween night (pickup was the next morning). I waited until after 10pm figuring it was safe.

                        Woke up the next morning and it was gone. However, while driving home from work, I found it 2 streets away!

                        Anyway, bored kids do stupid things.


                        • #13
                          All 3 of the missing cans showed up in my driveway this morning. I was standing out on my back porch talking about it with friends last night so I have a feeling it was my next door neighbors that grabbed them. I think they realized they would not be able to use them without me noticing, and probably heard me state loudly that I would go out of my way to dump the garbage all over the yard and take my cans back.

                          My suspicion is they believed the junk removal company I hired to remove some old furniture indicated we would be moving and they snatched the cans thinking they could get away with it. Never trust fuckers living in multi-million dollar homes, chances are they robbed people blind to get there.
                          GTWGITS! - RacerX


                          • #14
                            Well at least you got em back. Ha ha. Strange.

