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Current Super Bowl Odds

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Rupe View Post
    It's too hard to say that. The Jets played a great 2nd half but with a closer score the Steelers wouldn't have been playing that BS "safe" offense that they went into.
    If you want to place blame for the loss, place it on a defense that couldn't stop the run when it mattered.

    Anybody enjoy Farrior's hit on Shonn Green as much as I did? Brutal!
    with a first down on the 2 yard line, you don't give it to shonn greene 3 or 4 times in a row?
    you pass twice there? no way. lousy play calling. i heard the headsets were going dead at that time, no i;'m not syaing the steelers messed with it rupe, but it explains the bad communication going on during that goaline stand, that's why we saw sanchez running over to the sideline to get the play calls. Greene was running awfully well, wehter the headsets were working or not, pound the ball in with greene, how do you possibly throw two passes in a row down there?
    The Jets couldn't stop a nosebleed in the first half, they actually had mendenhall in the backfield a few times, they just couldn't tackle in the first half. they went to sleep. then the steelers went to sleep. was a weird game.
    Not helping the situation since 1965!


    • #47
      The Steelers/Jets game was definetly lost very early on by the Jets. They were unable to stop Mendenhall the whole first half. Just when it looked like he ran into a wall of Jets he'd still go forward several yards. Almost 100 yd rushing game in that half alone. With tackling like that they don't belong in the Super Bowl yet. The goal line stand by the Steelers was awesome too. I think that shocked the Jets. The safety was the result of a Steeler screw up not because of great defense by the Jets. What I'm saying is that despite the Jets pulling closer and closer in the second half the final score was not a good indicator of how much better the Steelers were.
      I heard today on the Radio the Packers are a 2 1/2 point favorite over Pittsburgh. I'll take Pittsburgh Hopefully the Steelers will come out of it with Super Bowl win #7
      BTW, it was cool to see Franco Harris and Rocky Bleier out there after the game. Franco doesn't look like he aged a bit. The days of Franco and Rocky in that Pitt backfield were the best ever, that was a team that kicked butt!


      • #48
        the Jets had no communication on that goal line stand,they clearly fukked up their play calling. i wouldn't say they were in shock.
        It's not the jets fault that the steelers fumbled in the end zone.
        The Jets were non exisitent in the first half, they had mendenhall plenty of times in the
        backfield, but they couldn't tackle for shit. the Steelers were non existent i nthe 2nd half,
        and the jets couldn't manage the clock to save their lives.
        You can't spot the home team 24 points in their house and expect to comeback and win.
        If the Jets get a stop, they have a chance to pull it off, but i give Roethlisberger credit,
        he didn't do much in the second half, but when it counted he got the first downs.
        Not helping the situation since 1965!


        • #49
          I still don't completely agree that the Jets called bad plays on that goal line situation. It really comes down to a guessing game and nobody in the league is as good as the Steelers at stuffing the run (which they did on 2 of the 4 plays). A good pass would have scored on the play to Keller, the other was just a forced pass over Woodely rather than throwing through a gap. In my opinion, four runs would have given them the same results...turnover on downs.

          The second half was typical Steeler football when they have a two-plus score lead. I hate it but they go into that conservative "play not to lose" mode. Ben threw 5 passes in the second half! They lined up to run, and the Jets knew it and made adjustments. If Pittsburgh had kept the pressure on, I'd be willing to bet that the outcome would have been different (although that could have presented the Jets with more opportunities as well). I figured they's be running again on 3rd down on that last possession but Tomlin actually called for the pass surprised everybody, including Ryan and most Steeler fans.
          The Jets got a huge beak when Ike Taylor fell down too...they most likely don't score on that play if he stays on his feet.


          • #50
            The jets are a rushing team first, why abandon that inside the 2 yard line on 1st down? Just my opinion, but with shonn greene running well,
            hand him the ball. As far as breaks go, i think you guys got a couple of calls, but that's gonna happen regardless. I hate the zebras.
            I didn't see the Steelers as being that much better than the Jets, I see two teams that were flat at two different times in the game,
            unfortunately the jets dug to big a hole, the sack, fumble TD to make it 24-0 was the crusher. oddly on a day that Ben wasn;t that good,
            he was still good enough to get it done when it counts. He's got that going for him, he very well may win his 3rd ring now in a very short amount of time
            in the league. He's approaching "legend" level, that's for sure. I think the Jets really blew an opportunity, I think they can play with the steelers, they did
            eek out a win there a few weeks back, oh well, back to the drawing board yet again. So sick of this shit. God Damnit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            Not helping the situation since 1965!


            • #51
              Mark Sanchez had problems communicating with the Jets' coaching staff because the headset he was wearing malfunctioned.

              can't use it as an excuse, i know it's not why the jets lost, but i think it caused some confusion on that goal line stand.
              anyway, as i said, this was a blown opportunity for the jets. when will they be in this position again?
              and with the bullshit labor negotiations looming and the possibility of no football next year, and the ton of players
              that the jets will definitely not be able to resign, i am fukkin' so pissed off. they went to sleep in the 2nd half last year
              against the colts, and in the first half last sunday. not gonna get more chances than they have the last two years,
              i really thought they could win that game sunday, they fukked it up again. I'm an AFC guy, i'll be rooting for the Steelers I guess.
              Not helping the situation since 1965!


              • #52
                I would have ran the ball 3 times and the 4th time play action and pass to a wide open receiver . The Jets blew it at the goal line , Sanchez should have called his own plays,but I watched the 1st quarter and didnt see Mendenhall getting stopped so I blame the defense for this loss not the O coordinator. Shottenheimer didnt give up 24 points in 30 minutes the defense did.


                • #53
                  the jets couldn't tackle, they had had plenty of penetration, they just couldn't tackle until after halftime, it
                  was ridiculous. Schottenheimer did call the play though that Sanchez ends up getting sacked on, wih the eventual fumble and the touchdown
                  after it to make it 24-0, and it was on a 3rd down and 17 yards to go with under 2 minutes left in their own zone. they could have most likely
                  run for a few yards, kick it the hell out of there and go in down 17-0 and getting the ball to start the 3rd. that one's not on the defense at all.
                  the jets D gave up 17 and that was it. too little too late for the jets. they blew it. the steelers O-line was beaten up, and they lost their center during the game
                  to boot, i don't know why the jets waited so long to wake up. once they did , they played great. wrong team and town to show up against half asleep.
                  Not helping the situation since 1965!


                  • #54
                    I heard a guy on the radio today sayin they should have onside kicked that last kick. Field position is less important then possesion. If the steelers did recover and kicked a field goal ,the jets would have been down by 8. But if they get first downs its over anyway so at least try for possesion. Made me think maybe they should have.


                    • #55
                      well, they shut the steelers down completely fater halftime, so you'd think they could get one more stop, but roethlisberger
                      got them the first downs they needed. i don't have an issue with them kicking off in the end there, i have an issue with them
                      not being able to show up in the beginning, and then blow a lot of time off the clock, and fumble around with plays on the 1 yard line.
                      they could of went in there and pulled this one off. this is gonna haunt me all freakin' year, especially if these pricks cancel football on us
                      next year, it could very well happen. the god damn confounded jets, that one hurt, did i say that already? i may be saying it for months, i;m scarred
                      from it. gonna watch this again now on NFL replay and give it another look and see what else i can complain about some more-lol
                      Not helping the situation since 1965!


                      • #56
                        Watching it now...damn Jets came out flat again!


                        • #57
                          I still say that goal line stand was huge in that game. Blown communication or not, you cant be a Super Bowl contender and not be able to get in the end zone from the 2 yd line on 4 consecutive tries. It doesn't matter whether you're passing, running or whatever. Championship caliber teams get that done. Psychologically that had to hurt real bad!
                          Rothlisberger may not have had his best game but he sure knew when to move when protection was no longer there. And he hurt the Jets every time he did move. A great quarterback not only puts up a lot of completions but also can get out of the pocket when in trouble and make something out of nothing. Ben did that. They also passed for a first down when the Jets were thinking run at the end of the game to seal the deal. It just wasn't the Jets day. Hopefully in 2 weeks it won't be the Packers day either


                          • #58
                            Jets are a great team and they had one helluva season. The Steelers were the worst possible match-up they could have gotten because they play a similar style. When it comes to smash-mouth matchups, the Steelers rarely can't "out bully" the bully in the playoffs

                            Finesse teams running a spread offense are the Steelers achilles heal...I'll bet the Packers take that approach. I predict fewer than 15 runs (not including scrambles) unless they build up a lead early.


                            • #59
                              that goal line stand was everything. first down they give it greene from the 2, he gets inside the 1. then they pass it two times and give it to LT on 4th down. no bueno.
                              messed the whole game up. pound it in with greene, there's still over 7 minutes left, stop the steelers, get the ball back and try to tie it up. it's not a stretch, the steelers went into full blown sleep mode, and it was doable. oh fukk it. another season down the tubes.
                              were the jets satisfied with beating the patriots the week before, were they fried from the extra round of playing, no they are the jets and they didn't show up once again, what a shame, i think they match up great against the packers.
                              Not helping the situation since 1965!


                              • #60
                                technically both offenses scored 17 points.
                                Not helping the situation since 1965!

