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Need help with a workout idea

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  • Need help with a workout idea

    I thought I'd ask your advice.
    I'm going back to my parents for 10 weeks. I have a job there. I need to get in shape while I'm back there and I need to loose quite a bit of weight. My target is 30kg, but I don't expect that on such a short amount of time.
    But do any of you have suggestions as to how I can workout to loose as much weight as possible?
    '08 Jackson Custom Shop Soloist
    '09 Jackson Custom Shop Soloist
    '09 Fender Stratocaster American Deluxe Fatstrat
    '12 Charvel ProMod SoCal Japan
    '17 Gibson Les Paul Classic
    '13 Gibson M-III
    Taylor 214CE
    Dean 6-string Bass
    Morgan Ukulele

  • #2


    • #3
      Hehe!! Atkins FTW. I was thinking more about what to do instead of what to eat. I contacted a nutritionist or whatever it's called in english, and she gave me advise on what to eat.
      So now I got to get a plan for my workout. I'm doing a 10k race with my father and I want to be in shape for it.
      '08 Jackson Custom Shop Soloist
      '09 Jackson Custom Shop Soloist
      '09 Fender Stratocaster American Deluxe Fatstrat
      '12 Charvel ProMod SoCal Japan
      '17 Gibson Les Paul Classic
      '13 Gibson M-III
      Taylor 214CE
      Dean 6-string Bass
      Morgan Ukulele


      • #4
        I do cardio and run. In a similar situation I would do 1 hour of cardio 3 or 4 times a week and run for 3.5 km twice a week. If you're planning to lose weight and not bulk up it should be ok. You can also increase your run in small increments until you can do 10k comfortably.
        I feel festive all year round. Deal with it.


        • #5
          I've been losing quite a bit of weight recently, so I'll tell you what's working for me:

          Adjusting your food intake (aka diet, but even I don't like to use that word). I used to eat lots of baked potatoes, chips, white rice, and fast food. I had already cut out red meat, butter, margarine, and white sugar a long time ago, so my cholesterol has always been fine.

          But last summer my doc warned against the following foods because of my increasing A1c (glucose): White potatoes, white pasta, white bread, white rice. So cut all these out in addition to red meat, sugar, salt, fast food, coffee, soda (pop) or anything with HFCS. If you really need those carbs, just get "red" potatoes and "brown" everything else.

          Instead, eat more fruit (usually in the AM if you are pre diabetic, have diabetes, or are at risk) and vegetables. And I mean LOTS of fruit & vegetables. I believe that fruit & vegetables are some of the best types of food you can eat, and everyone should eat more. Raw is always better, but I like frozen veggies myself. Also, grains & nuts to replace meat proteins.

          So, IE, for breakfast:

          Oatmeal (not the sweetened crap in those envelopes), then add raw fruit. Yogurt. Eggs on wheat toast. Fruit fruit fruit. I also eat cold cereal with fat free (or 1%) milk.

          For lunch: Bowl of frozen veggies in a bowl, microwaved. Maybe add some chicken or shrimp. Brown rice. (I know this is boring, but you gotta do it). I don't know if you are in USA (probably not cuz you sad "kg" ) but WalMart has these 4 to 5 lb bag of frozen veggies in 4 different varieties - they're really good and when you buy huge bags they are cheap too. Birdseye is the brand.

          For dinner: Salad with tomatoes, mushrooms, carrots, peas. If cold weather, a can of Progresso (or other high quality) soup with wheat toast. Try vegetable or bean or grain style (lentil) rather than fat stuff like cheese potato or anything with (shudder) beef.

          The ideal is 5 or 6 small (or medium) portions during the day rather than 2 or 3 large meals all at once, but this may not be practical for everybody.

          For me: eating this way I have lost about 40 pounds since last summer.

          And I haven't even talked about the exercise part of this, although for me the food part was the most effective.
          "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


          • #6
            Ron has the right idea. I would just like to add if you do have starches, you should try to cut them out by 1PM so your body has time to process. Also, you shouldn't wait more than 3 hours to have your next meal (do like Ron said 5 to 6 light/medium meals but make them count) and definitely start some cardio.


            • #7
              There's fat free milk in the USA?
              bbbrrrrrwwww.... Now what's that gonna taste like?
              Sounds really creepy to me..
              tremstick give-away (performer series trem)


              • #8

                Originally posted by z1n View Post
                Ron has the right idea. ...and definitely start some cardio.
                @micha You made me laugh!
                JB aka BenoA

                Clips and other tunes by BenoA / My Soundcloud page / My YouTube page
                Guitar And Sound (GAS) forum / Boss Katana Amps FB group


                • #9
                  You've got no fucking chance. Your Mummy will want to feed her strong little soldier up, the more weight you lose, the harder she will try.

                  Contract Dysentry, you'll see the weight fall off (out of your balloon knot, mostly)
                  So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                  I nearly broke her back


                  • #10
                    when I started getting into shape I dropped the weight quickly by doing one hours intense cardio 3 times a week and being sensible with what I ate , Ron has it pretty much spot on in his post. Diets don't work unless you want to be on it for the rest of your life , but lifestyle changes and thinking about what your eating does. if it's an option I would recommend joining a gym and getting a program.

                    And just remember if it was easy a thousand fat chicks would be doing it!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Gartron View Post
                      And just remember if it was easy a thousand fat chicks would be doing it!
                      Well I'm doing my best to do a thousand easy fat chicks.
                      So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                      I nearly broke her back


                      • #12
                        what the hell is 30kg???
                        "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


                        • #13
                          It's 30 times the weight of 1000 gramm!
                          That would equal a quarter of five sixteenth of a barrel on sundays or something in your system.
                          tremstick give-away (performer series trem)


                          • #14
                            How are you planning on commuting to work?

                            I dropped 10kg in three months a few years ago simply by getting off the train one stop before mine and walking home the rest of the way (about 50min). If I had a snack at work, I would get off the train two stops before mine and walked home from there (an hour and 20min).

                            If you aren't planning on using public transport, perhaps you should ride a bicycle to work instead of driving a car. Someone mentioned joining a gym, but I don't see the point in paying money to lift heavy things because if you work for a delivery/moving company, you get paid for lifting heavy things. In my opinion, it's best to incorporate your "workout" into your daily routine (commute, walking the dog, etc.) so that you can and will continue to do it.

                            Good luck.
                            Until you get weaned off the boobie, you are going to have to do what the wife wants too. -Rsmacker


                            • #15
                              Ace & Ron are both right, I'm 6'6 & had gotten up to 286 Lbs. I started riding bike , watching my intake of foods, & less or close to Zero fast food. I have allergies to most foods so my diet is limited already. I'm down to 265 , was 250 but broke 3 ribs & fractured my sternum so excercise was limited. Now I'm back onto light wieghts & riding bike for 2 miles 3 times a week.
                              Zero Soda (pop) water , or Tea , or natural jucies plus what fruits & vegis I can eat. Red Meat once a week. Everything else Chicken & tuna. Good luck I suggest the cardio also, once the Dr. clears me I'm gonna start back in Kung Fu aswell , good for the soul , mind & Body.

                              Just wanted to Add CONGRATS Ron You've been working hard !
                              I'm hopeing to get back down to 230 myself
                              According To The Prophecy

