I made it in to work today, although it was closed, I still went it.
When your in IT having nobody around is the best time to get things done - nobody is in your way.
Main City streets are fairly decent, drivable at least.
Side streets? - nope, not good at all. No plows trucks have been through them yet.
County roads much like the side streets - not good and not gonna chance it.
All in all, as ugly as it was me and the family made it through this one.
Still plenty of winter ahead and left.
I'm hearing another winter storm is coming through Monday and Tuesday of next week.
That's about right, get through one and get blasted by another.
When your in IT having nobody around is the best time to get things done - nobody is in your way.
Main City streets are fairly decent, drivable at least.
Side streets? - nope, not good at all. No plows trucks have been through them yet.
County roads much like the side streets - not good and not gonna chance it.
All in all, as ugly as it was me and the family made it through this one.
Still plenty of winter ahead and left.
I'm hearing another winter storm is coming through Monday and Tuesday of next week.
That's about right, get through one and get blasted by another.