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Blazer....! He knew the score!

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  • Blazer....! He knew the score!

    Woe is me. You think I'd know better by now, but I don't. Here's my latest nightmare.

    So I poked a fat bird the other week (yeah yeah, ANOTHER one) and she has been sending me text messages demanding another portion. Now, needs must and on Saturday night, I succumbed and agreed to go and pick her up from a club and "take her home" (up the arse). Alas, when I got there, she was pissed as a rat, absolutely shitfaced, fallover-in-front-of-laughing-policemen drunk. I shovelled her into my car and her first demand was 1. Cock.
    2. Chocolate.

    Now even I won't ball a fat bird in the middle of town so we set off somewhere quiet, via the petrol station to get her a Mars Bar. Bad move. The only other thing to pass her lips that day was 3 bottles of red wine. Soon the Mars Bar was heading back the other way...all down the side of my motor. Being the forgiving sort (and wanting a BJ at least), I let that one go and found a quiet spot to put her to the sword.
    But no, she hadn't finished barfing, and was getting more incoherent. Buggering fat birds is only fun if you can wave Mars Bars in front of them, just out of reach, to get them working hard, so I decided this was a lost cause.
    Me, being a gentleman of sorts, didn't just push her out in the middle of nowhere. Nope, I took her home to her husband, he he, whereupon she promptly puked and shat herself on the doorstep.

    Phew, lucky escape, thinks I, climbing back into the Shagmobile, and making a quick getaway. Hang on a mo, I can see the seat is wet - the nasty pig had pissed herself in my fucking car!!! Well, no use crying over spilled piss, so I left it till morning to clean up (along with the stripe of vomit down the side)

    Morning came around and I got stuck in. The thing is, the piss appeared to have dried. We all know piss on car seats doesn't dry overnight, so......eeeww....I had a sniff of the seat. Minge juice. She was absolutely fizzing and had creamed all over my car seats.

    I tell you folks, there are few things as vile as stale Fat Chick clunge juice, my stomach did somersaults. The terrible thing is that I can't get rid of that stench, it has pervaded my whole car. I wind the window down and a cloud of clunge drifts out, it's atrocious. It's at the point where I don't want to get into the Gash Mobile, I simply cannot stand it.

    So, what's the solution, apart from setting fire to it? I've considered doing a first-thing-in-the-morning piss on the seat, after 12 pints of Stella, in a bid to neutralise the stench, but I fear a chemical reaction that will sear my nostril hairs.

    What can I do? What would Blazer have done?

    Incidentally, they aren't bucket seats, and it was my Land Rover, not the Jaguar. Fucking hell, I can't even imagine that happening in my beloved Jag. Luckily it's a fat chick-free zone. This justifies that decision in my book.

    Oh, and I forgot, the pig texted me next day to say she thought her drink had been spiked! No pet, the 3 bottles of wine on an empty stomach did it, not some mystery drink spiker.
    So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

    I nearly broke her back

  • #2
    Kill her.


    • #3
      Never mind her, WHAT ABOUT MY FUCKING SEAT??!!
      So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

      I nearly broke her back


      • #4
        Karma. Heh.
        "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


        • #5
          Poetic justice
          Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

          "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


          • #6
            Fabreze, or if you can find it, something called "What Odor?" (or "What Odour?" in Britland?) - something made of various citrus extracts and essential oils. Remove the seat from the vehicle and strip off the cover (if it can be) and douse the padding. If it won't come apart by reason, and force is out, then douse the shit out of the seat, top AND bottom. Maybe get some syringes and inject the solution into the foam.
            I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

            The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

            My Blog:


            • #7
              I suggest you have some "cheery bloke" have it "out for a go" and abandon it at a pikey campsite.
              Blank yo!


              • #8
                Get some "natures miracle" its for dog piss and puke. works freakin AWESOME! I have an aunt that had an old cat, and the cat had some medical issues as was pissing in the house. the vet advised using natures miracle. she could not believe how well it works. I used it when my dogs were in the puppy stage while house training them. that shit works miracles, literally. get this...... I even tried it on a spot I had from a dog that pissed there 3 years ago and still had an odor after 3 shampoo jobs and manually scrubbing it 4 times. it actually worked!!!!!!! hell, it might work on fat chick spooge too.
                "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
                  Never mind her, WHAT ABOUT MY FUCKING SEAT??!!
                  Kill her with the seat.


                  • #10
                    it's a Land Rover - can't you just hose it out?
                    Hail yesterday


                    • #11
                      Ah, it's a Discovery, not an old snotty farmer's Land Rover.
                      It's rancid, it's gone really musky now and I gag when I get in the car. I'll look for some of Nature's Miracle, the thing I don't want is to have a seat which reeks of a mixture of clunge and cleaner, or when I get a whiff of fabric cleaner somewhere, I'll associate it immediately with minge, and stinky minge at that.
                      It's my favourite meal, the breakfast of champions, getting stuck into a big weeping axe wound, but this is making my eyes water and I don't want to develop a Vag Aversion Syndrome.

                      Grrrrr, fucking fat birds and alcohol, a lethal combination, and the reason this country has gone down the toilet, most birds are overweight these days.
                      So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                      I nearly broke her back


                      • #12
                        Thanks for sharing that. Reading episodes of your life is always disturbing.
                        tremstick give-away (performer series trem)


                        • #13
                          IF you get the seat fumigated proper, NEXT time you go chubby-chasing get some type of seat cover, like vinyl, plastic, pleather, something that doesn't go through, but puddles for easy cleaning.
                          I looked at the date on this one to make sure it wasn't a threadsurrection from years ago. Thought it was about when someone pissed in a seat that was eventually torn out. Good stories as always Rs.
                          "illegal downloading saved people from having to buy that piece of shit you tried to pass off as music" - Nighbat


                          • #14
                            This is a beautiful story, the kind that draws me ever back to the JCF. Made my mangina moist, it did. Regarding the seat...pour white wine on it, it will kill the stank of minge and filthy concrete.
                            Tarbaby Fraser.


                            • #15
                              Rsmacker, try vinigar

                              Disclaimer: I won't take responsibility for fucked up seats, though they can be considered as such already
                              "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

                              -"You like Anime"


