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How many people play different scale lengths??

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  • How many people play different scale lengths??

    First off, I'm a noOb and I've just been playing for a couple of years now, but I'm wondering how many people play guitars with different scale lengths? Is it something that people get used to one length and that's it? Or do people have different guitars they play no matter the sizing (or neck) because they like a certain thing, like tone?

    I've been playing a 25" scale recently and really dig it, but have another that's just a tad different (24.75) and wondering if it will affect my technique at all going back and forth. (What little of it I have...)

    "What solace lies in the arms of fate"

  • #2
    My technique isn't so precise that such small changes will adversely affect my playing. I was probably going to clang that note or make that mistake anyway, and blaming a change in scale length or neck profile or trem rout seems like a bad tradesman blaming his tools.

    Makes little difference to me whether I'm playing 25 1/2" or 24 3/4" scale until above the 15th fret. And I really have no business being up that high....
    Hail yesterday


    • #3
      I've played 25.5" scale guitars for 20 years. I've owned a couple of 24.75" scale guitars and still have one, but I can't just pick them up and play well, so now I pretty much just stick with the 25.5" scale ones. I have problems with both the fret spacing for the higher frets, finding the right frets and bending right.

      I'm the same way with hockey sticks. It takes forever for me to get used to new ones, but I've seen other people who can just pick up any stick and go about their business.


      • #4
        Up until about a year ago it used to bother me. Now I dont notice. I have been playing on and off since 86.
        Remember, Wherever you go,.. there you are


        • #5
          Yeah, I had a Fusion (24.75") and other 25.5" guitars and it didn't really ever bother me much.


          • #6
            I don't notice the difference :think:
            Fuck ebay, fuck paypal

            "Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).


            • #7
              I only own one 24 3/4" scale at the moment, but I prefer them. I like the slinky feel

              It helps that my first real guitar was a Les Paul. and I played that exclusively for a year straight, minimum of 4 hours a day. I would never turn a guitar down based on its scale though, and am equally comfortable with both
              Last edited by Frigo89; 02-14-2011, 11:01 AM.
              Out Of Ideas


              • #8
                I have 24.75, 25, & 25.5 guitars, and I'm usually fine after a little warmup. Some people are more picky about it, and that's fine. Just try it out for yourself & see.


                • #9
                  warm up

                  I have different scale length guitars. I like them both, but I'll have to admit, once I start jamming with one scale length guitar, I usually stick with that same scale for that session. Then again, I usually stick with that same guitar, for that session. Once you get a groove goin, it's pretty difficult to switch axes. In my opinion, anyway.
                  Fender Stratocaster HRR50's Sunburst MIJ
                  Fender Stratocaster HRR60's Fotoflame Crimson MIJ
                  Jackson Dinky DK2M Burnt Orange Limited Run


                  • #10
                    I switch back and forth from 24.75 to 25.5 constantly, and I'm just as comfortable playing either.
                    Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                    • #11
                      My guitars are either 25, or 25.5. I really can't tell. Of course, I am one of those who is constantly looking at the fretboard, so that might make a difference.
                      "I would have banned you for taking part in hijacking and derailing a thread when you could have started your own thread about your own topic." - Unknown


                      • #12
                        From various 25.5 scale to 24.75
                        On my fusions, the thin neck is a more dramatich change than the scale
                        On my Epi LPC the small frets are a more dramatic change than the scale
                        In general, I don't even notice the scale change except maybe a little bit in bends
                        "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

                        -"You like Anime"



                        • #13
                          Three of my guitars are 25.5, but one is a 24.75. Doesnt throw me off any at all.
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                          • #14
                            Right on - thanks for all the responses. I need to correct myself - the Jackson I love playing is a 25.5, not a 25. And it sounds like for the most part a slight variation in scale length doesn't affect anyone really. (outside of maybe personal preference)

                            But what about something more dramatic? If someone has a 27" baritone, lets say, or longer. Do people switch back and forth there without issue? Or is it also more about how the neck, etc. feels??

                            "What solace lies in the arms of fate"

