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The end of marriage

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  • #16
    Thanks guys, really. We both knew it had been coming for a while. The thing that sucks though is that even knowing it was going to happen doesn't deaden the pain any. It sucks!
    I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


    • #17
      Originally posted by bombtek View Post
      I HATE ....everything now. No that aint right.....I just don't care about anything anymore.
      Hey bombie,

      I know emotions must be raw there, but....tell me the above is not you contemplating...suicide?

      Don't do it, dude! We're here for you...
      "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


      • #18

        Yeah, man - it's perfectly natural to feel despondent and dismiss everything. You're going to feel depressed, angry, hopeless...all that. And it will suck. But lots of support here for you and there are a lot of good things said here. You can't force someone to be who they're not - being in a relationship with someone who is being fake will only be a death by a thousand cuts. A year from now, or ten years from now, going through this painful period will be seen as valuable to you and you'll probably be thankful it didn't suffer a lingering death.

        RacerX is right to show concern - and if you have any desperate thoughts, you need to call for help immediately. Talk to a friend, come chat on here, talk to 911, just talk to SOMEONE! Undoubtedly, you'll do through dark periods, but you might recall dark periods that you went through in the past and made it through. Others have gone through similar pain and have made it and you can too.

        Take one day at a time - hang with friends/family (supportive circles) and try to stay positive. And listen to some good ol' angry metal! Also, going to the gym and "venting" has helped many people ease the internal pressure.

        Best of luck to you on this hard road. Remember you are not alone, you don't have to keep things to yourself, and you will make it through the darkness, buddy!

        Oh, and get a good lawyer - preferably female. My cousin swears a female lawyer represents a man better than another man. Go figure...
        "What solace lies in the arms of fate"


        • #19
          It gets better, trust me... There is more to your life that your marriage.. It may look like the end of the world from where you are now, but when you get past this stage you will feel better than you have in years.. You have friends, family, and your Jackson family here, so don't let one person ruin you for the rest of them.. A permanent solution to a short term problem is not the answer here, realize you are not alone.. Not the only one that has gone through this.. It may be a bumpy ride for a while, but the journey will be worth the destination..

          Know that many are here if you need them, and feeling like there is nothing left is normal.. This,too, shall pass.. Let me know if you need an ear, my friend..
          Bon Jovi is like a frozen Coca Cola.. It's cool, it's crunchy, but when all is said and done it is still pop....


          • #20
            Originally posted by RacerX View Post
            Hey bombie,

            I know emotions must be raw there, but....tell me the above is not you contemplating...suicide?

            Don't do it, dude! We're here for you...
            I'm gonna reinforce Ron's message with my Catholic upbringing, which says that suicide is the unforgivable sin.... but homicide is NOT unforgivable!!

            JUST KIDDING!!!! Don't kill her, it's not worth it!!! But I hope it made you LOL for just a second! I'm sorry for your pain, man, but in time it WILL lessen.
            Ron is the MAN!!!!


            • #21
              Hang in there...
              My good friend just found out a week ago that his fiancé cheated on him...with his BEST friend...
              Friends like these...and you don`t need any enemies..

              Keep your head out!
              Cold Hollow Machinery


              • #22
                Hang in there bro. I went through it too a few years ago and it about killed me. I could never kill myself, but I had a serious death wish which caused me to do some pretty reckless stuff. Looking back, it was kinda silly, and I couldn't be happier now. The emotions will come in a big circle. Let 'em. When you feel like being pissed off, feel it. When you want to cry, do it. Don't hold anything in, it'll all work out.
                I still keep practicing though.... Mostly because I hate my neighbors.-MakeAJazzNoiseHere


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Grandturk View Post
                  Good luck, bro. Keep your head up. Don't listen to Tuesday's Gone by Skynyrd - that song don't make anything better.
                  Nor "She's Gone" by Sabbath. Real suicide music, both have me reaching for my pistol. Luckily we only have air pistols over here, so I lean out the window and shoot at the fat shit from next-door weeding his garden. Scotch cunt, fuck him and his big tree.

                  Bombtek, things will get better. One day, sometime in the future, you'll be resting your balls on some slut's chin, while her friend is out in the kitchen fetching you a sandwich and cold beer, you'll pull your finger out of her bumhole and take a big sniff. This, Glasshopper, will teach you that all women are the same inside.

                  (Unless she's on some high fibre diet, the smell will linger in your nostrils for days, often wafting in at inopportune moments, like when you are talking to the Vicar about the church roof - you'll stop in mid-conversation and your mind will be dominated by these thoughts : "Were the fuck did that come from, I have had several good showers and scrub-downs, why can I still smell it? What if the Vicar can smell it? What happens if the Vicar recognises the scent of his Mrs' balloon knot?")

                  Ahem, anyway, what I mean is, the future's not bleak, there's a million and one gullible filthy birds out there (and one or two he-she's like Wilksy-Baby) to empty your mess over, but better than that, some of them have intelligent, caring, loving sisters looking for a nice gentleman like you, who will be happy to pick your shit up off the floor and listen to you playing scales all night. (And remember the seed never falls far from the tree - if their sister is a live wire, then so will she be with a bit of a push)

                  Just take a leaf from Charlie Sheen's book, he's my hero, he's out there, living the dream. Now it's your turn....!
                  So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                  I nearly broke her back


                  • #24
                    Hey Bro, I'm right there with ya. Got served my papers the day before Valentines, thing is I want it to happen. She's being a bit of a cunt though, had me arrested for BS and it violated my probation had to spend 5 weeks in jail, lost my job - on account of that and now I'm wasting my savings on damn lawyers.... BUT, I've never been happier. I guess we just have a different perspective on this, mine was a shitty marriage to a lazy woman. Living in a bad marriage really sucks!!!! Feel free to IM me if you want to vent or whatever Bro!!!!!!!!

                    I wouldn't have said any of this sh*t on here, but thought it might cheer you up a bit! Keep your head high bro, it will get much better....maybe not as quick as you'd like, but it will get better!!!!
                    Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


                    • #25
                      Damn Jay, sorry to hear that man. In your case she's probably in panic mode trying to hang on to hear meal ticket as hard as she can so she can remain lazy.
                      GTWGITS! - RacerX


                      • #26
                        Yep Helly, that's exactly what I think too!!! It's a bit of a pain and I could be facing some real time if the jury is full of jack asses, but even sitting in the slammer is better than another day in that wonderfully bad situation..... That's all I'm gonna say publicly about it, I wish her the best and hope she can find whatever she's looking for, we have 2 kids together and I'll have to have some form of relations with her for the rest of my life .......
                        Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


                        • #27
                          Fucking hell, I wonder if she'll mysteriously find a fucking big rattlesnake in her mailbox one day?
                          So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                          I nearly broke her back


                          • #28
                            Sorry to hear that man. Although it may seem like hell right now I'm willing to bet once its all said and done and you move forward it will be better than before. Its not the end of a world dude. It will be alright and will work itself out and no doubt you'll be happier eventally with the burden of unhappiness in your marital life is off your sholders. They way it seems to work is it has to gte worse before you can bottom out and WILL rebuild and be better than before

                            My marriage is going through a difficult times as well but I haven't thrown in the towel yet but we've seem to be growing apart and bumping heads on how to best raise our children who are teenagers and having the typical teenage issues. Sadly I feel I'm raisning 3 kids ringht now and my wife is one of them....

