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Heads up .mil/.gov...possible we're not getting paid

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  • Heads up .mil/.gov...possible we're not getting paid

    For my .mil/.gov bros, just in case you haven't already heard. If the shutdown continues past April 1st, we won't get paid until a budget plan is approved.

    If government shuts down, so would troop pay

    By Rick Maze - Staff writer
    Posted : Friday Mar 11, 2011 12:08:58 EST

    U.S. troops could be required to report to work without pay if a budget clash in Congress results in a government-wide shutdown, according to draft planning guidance circulating in the Pentagon.

    A shutdown could happen as early as next week, as the government is set to run out of money at midnight March 17. A bill that would keep the government operating temporarily has been prepared in the House of Representatives, but it is not clear when or if it might pass.

    The government has been operating under a series of temporary appropriations, known as continuing resolutions, since Oct. 1 because of lawmakers’ inability to agree on how much money to provide federal agencies. Budget discussions have become increasingly complicated since the November general elections resulted in a divided legislature, with Republicans controlling the House and Democrats controlling the Senate.

    When the government was shut down in 1995, military personnel continued to report to work and were paid, but the planning guidance sent to the services and defense agencies says a shutdown this time will be different.

    “All military personnel will continue in normal duty status regardless of their affiliation with exempt or non-exempt activities,” says the draft planning guidance that was prepared for the services and defense agencies. “Military personnel will serve without pay until such time as Congress makes appropriated funds available to compensate them for this period of service.”

    Troops would miss a payday only if the shutdown continues through April 1.

    Defense civilian workers would be divided into two categories. “Essential” employees would be required to report to work even though they will not be paid; “nonessential” employees would be furloughed, according to the memo.

    Troops and essential civilians who report for work without pay would receive back pay when government funding is restored. But whether furloughed civilians would receive back pay could depend on whether Congress specifically authorizes that, according to congressional aides who have been doing their own shutdown planning.

    The memo, prepared in early March but never formally issued as guidance, attempts to spell out what defense missions would shut down and what would stay open in the event funding stops.

    • Military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan will continue, including preparations for any units scheduled for deployment.
    • Operations necessary for national security, safety of human life and protection of property will continue, but operations that don’t meet one of those three criteria will be “shut down in an orderly and deliberate fashion.”
    • Recruiting offices, processing centers and basic training will remain operational.
    • Emergency repairs and maintenance that cannot be deferred will be done on base facilities and housing.
    • Medical and dental facilities will remain open, although elective surgery and procedures will be postponed. Suicide, substance abuse counseling and crisis intervention will continue.
    • Dependents schools and education centers for service members will be open for use by private agencies for courses for which payment already has been made.
    • Dining halls, gyms and child care centers will stay open.
    • Base exchanges may remain open because they operate using nonappropriated funds. But commissaries, which are supported by taxpayer funds, may be closed, although the memo says military personnel might be assigned to replace furloughed civilians so the grocery stores could remain open.
    Last edited by DRM; 03-14-2011, 08:31 PM.

  • #2
    This has to be a record...almost 900 views and no replies. lol


    • #3
      Last edited by texasfury; 01-10-2012, 08:44 PM.
      Just a guitar player...


      • #4
        I'm in hiding. A well equipped group of armed people that are broke and pissed off sitting across a border from me makes me nervous...

        GTWGITS! - RacerX


        • #5
          this got picked up well on the Google search results... thats why all the views, haha


          • #6
            Well at least we have Obama Care
            I seriously Hope it doesn't happen to you guys, seems in the article a lot of things will continue to stay open. I find it hard to believe that they would cut all pay to soldiers, however if they did according to this article you would get it at a later date ,..i'm sure that's not very comforting.

            Maybe you guys could go ask the those that drafted the Obama Care bill to borrow some of those billions they hid in between them how many thousand pages...but let me not just stand on one side of the line here, all who are in the position to make these decisions for our country hold some fault, but one side in particular right now is really showing it's colors,..the tax and spend crowd.

            Bottom line, a budget ceiling is just that, and they want to keep raising it so it's not a ceiling anymore it's an elevator....of debt. Imo, they don't have the right to vote again to raise it and keep taxing the people and borrowing it form elsewhere, it has to stop.
            It's gonna hurt, but it has to stop. It's sucks for all of us, and especially those who give everything for their country. Keep it in mind this 2012 election.

            Oh btw..

            Hi Googlers, Let's hope the governor fires the idiots in WI if they don't show up for work and hires people who would be happy to have their jobs...most of America thinks you are a bunch of whining Bitches,... that's right you


            • #7
              Originally posted by Trem View Post

              Oh btw..

              Hi Googlers, Let's hope the governor fires the idiots in WI if they don't show up for work and hires people who would be happy to have their jobs...most of America thinks you are a bunch of whining Bitches,... that's right you


              Action Jackson


              • #8
                Perhaps they could increase taxes on politicians and their sponsoring corporate backing?
                "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

                -"You like Anime"



                • #9
                  Thats interesting. The money runs out, but....politicians go home..Right? But the the Reserve troops and full tim troops have to show up and place themselves on the sword, so to speak. Plus reserve troops are not allowed to have leave of any kind while active. Not over night visits. No conjugal visits. No funerals or births. They just stay on duty 24/7 thanks to a certain bunch of congressmen and senators. No other military gets this abuse, just active reserve.
                  WTF is wrong with these morons?
                  Make the politician's pay them out of thier pockets.
                  They have to pay bills like everyone else.

                  Sorry for ranting.
                  An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
                  A tooth for a tooth means we all eat through a straw.


                  • #10
                    Well, if it is indeed a breach of your contract then since the contract would be rendered void, personally Id go A, as in AWOL, but without the contractual agreement not to disappear without permission. Only seems fair, right?
                    HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found


                    • #11
                      Only pussies go AWOL.

                      I'll make it about 3, maybe 4 months without a paycheck if this happens. I feel for some of the younger guys who haven't started saving yet and also for the guys who are stuck living paycheck to paycheck to feed their kids. Also, the UN just agreed to the no-fly zone over Libya, so we'll be busy factoring that into our new budget plan as well.


                      • #12
                        No, I said "A". Theres no "WOL" with a void contract. Go get a job somewhere that will actually pay you something. Anyhow, it wasnt really a suggestion, rather it was a illustration of disgust.
                        HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found


                        • #13
                          Looks to me like it could be time for the American people and their armed forces to go all Egypt on their government.

                          Hopefully this post doesn't get me on some "cavity search" watch-list for the rest of my life hehe.
                          GTWGITS! - RacerX


                          • #14
                            Our Gov"t isnt THAT bad yet. Hopefully it never will be. I wouldnt worry about your comment anyhow, youre Canadian, your opinion could be said to be of no importance.
                            HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Twitch View Post
                              No, I said "A". Theres no "WOL" with a void contract.
                              I wasn't quoting you.

                              There's no guarantee of a salary in an enlistment contract so how is it a void contract?

