Originally posted by DRM
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I just think its totally asinine that the US military could expect you to go without pay for ANY length of time outside of a mistake on your part. It burns my biscuits and Im not a service man. Im the kind of guy that hates getting pushed around and hates seeing others get pushed around in such a manner. Im not a passive individual, when I get pushed around I find ways to push back. There should be some recourse here that can be taken. Im not saying revolt or anything like that, but in ANY other job the typical US citizen would have, if the worker were told 'Were not going to pay you until we work out a budget' in the middle of your career, the worker would walk and find a place that will pay.
I know serving our country is our patriotic duty and an honor, but feeling good that youve done your part doesnt pay the bills. Contractual or not, when you enlisted, you were told you would be paid. Theres absolutely NO reason that pay roll should be held until a "budget" is decided upon. Its just asinine.
Its like the age old idea of the worker getting paid so little that said worker cant afford to buy the product said worker gets paid to sell. How can you expect someone to stand up for their country and possibly die for it and not have the ability to full enjoy the freedoms for which they stand up for? They dont leave you time to pick up the monetary slack in another establishment, they just expect you to bend over and twittle your thumbs while you wait on a pay check. It just seems so wrong to me.
Youre defending my freedom as well and I believe you deserve more than just the mental satisfaction for doing so.