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gig w/ 'spensive axes?

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  • gig w/ 'spensive axes?

    Gearing up to hit the gig scene and I'm debating gigging with higher-end $ J/C axes. Would you play it safe & gig the utility axes or throw caution to wind and showboat the custom shops & USA models?:think:
    I don't collect axes as investments or to put on display nor do I buy 'em to have 'em busted up or stolen.

  • #2
    Ive played lots and lots of gigs with my demartini charvel. I keep it close by and when im loading the car my gf stands next to the case for it and also my wayne charvel i usually bring as well. I wouldnt gig with anything less
    This space for rent


    • #3
      Depends on the venue. Cleaner rooms that don't have the brawls, etc going on every night I take the good stuff (USA Jacksons & Charvels). Some of the not-so-nice places def gig the lower end gear (I sometimes joke & call these "Import Nights"). Like you I don't collect them for investment, I buy them to play. With all my gear though I keep a close eye on everything & never unload/load & leave anything that could be swiped easily. Even during break I keep a close eye on things. I am surprised how many guys will load their car after the gig & let the stuff sit there in the parking lot while they hang out in the club.


      • #4
        Did two shows this year with my custom shop bengal. One was a private party and the other a club that I knew very well. If I was playing somewhere I didn't know and didn't have a lot of control I probably wouldn't use the customs but would use a USA.


        • #5
          Just handcuff the guitar case to your wrist.

          Got to go with what feels right in terms of security and how close you can park to the venue and who has access to get close to the gear and if you have friends that can watch your stuff while you're hauling an amp outside, etc.
          Jackson KV2
          Jackson KE1T
          Jackson KE1F
          Jackson SL1


          • #6
            Don't get me wrong, I'd dig tearin' it up on the cs Star, the XTRR, the RR1 Bengal or even the Gibby Firetiger Axcess LP. Just would never forgive myself if anything happened to 'em.


            • #7
              I'll be gigging with my RR1T in about a month. I will also be not far from it at all times.
              GTWGITS! - RacerX


              • #8
                why wouldn't you use your best tools in your toolbox to do the job? I'm mean your talkin C/J's not $250,000-$500,000 59 Les Paul's


                • #9
                  Oops. Looks like this got sentanced to the Non J/C Talk dungeon. @ Shawn Lutz- I'd prefer to use the best tools. Just can't afford to replace them if they break or get stolen....


                  • #10
                    It's all about Proper Planning and Precaution.

                    I always took my Les Paul on gigs, but I stored it behind the drumkit or my amp when not playing, as well as piled the excess footage of my 50-foot cable on the stage in front of the axe. I'm used to walking around in a snake-pit of cables, so it didn't phase me, but a would-be thief would go through Hell to get it
                    I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                    The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                    My Blog:


                    • #11
                      I always gig with my best stuff the KV2T, KV2 and KV Pro went to almost every gig I played since I bought them. Occasionally the 86 Soloist comes out too. All 4 travelled to Texas with me when we played there. Just have to be smart with them on the road.
                      Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers's been a while and this should get NASTY!

                      Check out the new band at -


                      • #12
                        Just make sure you put them back in the case IMMEDIATELY you finish your set. As a sound engineer it pisses me off when someone plays a blinding show, then sets their guitar down to soak up the praise at the bar. Meanwhile, I'm trying to get packed up to go home, going at full speed, and tip-toeing round someone's pride and joy which is safe from theft, but not from being knocked over. How many times have I seen someone pull a cable, and see, 30 feet away, at the other end, a guitar toppling over in slow motion? Lots!
                        So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                        I nearly broke her back


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
                          Just make sure you put them back in the case IMMEDIATELY you finish your set. As a sound engineer it pisses me off when someone plays a blinding show, then sets their guitar down to soak up the praise at the bar. Meanwhile, I'm trying to get packed up to go home, going at full speed, and tip-toeing round someone's pride and joy which is safe from theft, but not from being knocked over. How many times have I seen someone pull a cable, and see, 30 feet away, at the other end, a guitar toppling over in slow motion? Lots!
                          Now that is really good advice.
                          "illegal downloading saved people from having to buy that piece of shit you tried to pass off as music" - Nighbat

