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Spooky shit

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  • #16
    Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
    I would've got my gear out of there before the ghosts decided to move into my amp or guitars! You might end up taking them home with you now!
    The folks I'm living with now all believe the place is home to spirits. Things go to missing and then always turn up in one location, in a certain room. I'm not really sold on that, but certainly do believe in the supernatural.
    Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


    • #17
      Originally posted by LouSiffer View Post
      I am one of those people that do not believe in ghouls, ghosts, spectres, etc. Once your clock is punched, its the over.-Lou
      I'm the the daytime. It's not so easy to be blase when you are sitting there in the small hours listening to people running about your house slamming doors when you know there's no other fucker there. I don't know whether they are spirits or what, but they aint anything I can understand as of right now. They do understand "FOR FUCK'S SAKES, GIVE IT A REST, YOU ARE DOING MY LOAF IN!!!" and will pipe down for a while.

      Originally posted by toejam View Post
      Pussy. What kind of an example are you trying to set for your boy Wilksy? He's lost all respect for you now!
      That wee scamp has no respect for me anyway. I'll put the willies up him later and see how he likes it.

      Originally posted by Jack The Riffer View Post
      So you heard about a "hot" chick and didn't try to shag her???
      Ha ha, very good. Fuck that, I have no desire to see a spectre like that.
      So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

      I nearly broke her back


      • #18
        Originally posted by Jayster View Post
        The folks I'm living with now all believe the place is home to spirits. Things go to missing and then always turn up in one location, in a certain room. I'm not really sold on that, but certainly do believe in the supernatural.
        same thing happens at my place!!! Well, it did. My daughter moved out in January and all that stuff has stopped happening...
        Hail yesterday


        • #19
          Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
          I'm aware of sleep paralysis and never had that. I woke up attmpeting to roll over on to my side and couldn't. I could move my arms, legs and head and could clearly see the clock and light coming through the window. I'm a light sleeper. This was a matter of seconds and not minutes. I know the difference and no I was never anally probed by aliens lol
          Sleep paralysis is a standard part of REM sleep. When its not, thats where sleep walking comes into play. Your body releases a chemical that renders your body paralyzed while in REM sleep, it could happen that you wake up before the effects of the chemical have completely worn off. It seems to happen most when one becomes awake from a bad dream. Also, there is always that saying, "paralyzed with fear".

          EDIT: Ah, hell, misread the quoted post, sorry for the redundant info.
          Last edited by Twitch; 05-11-2011, 01:25 AM.
          HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found


          • #20
            I believe in everything like spooks, spectres, spirits. I firmly believe its all real, but I think it would be like residual energies, like unplugging your amp, and turn on the switch and the light glows for a split second. On the other hand, my best friend had a 3 story home with a pool table (snooker) on the 3rd floor. Not one person would be up there, but you could hear the balls dropping in the pockets and rolling down into the base constantly.
            It was also claimed (after several days of drug and alcohol induced debauchery) that an ex-girlfriends stuffed bunny grew 2 extra legs, it was then burnt at the stake for witchcraft, and actually burned with a green flame about 8 feet high. I was not present for this, but had a really good laugh about the evil bunny.
            I do not however partake in conspiracy theories, that is for my crazy backwoods inlaws.
            Cool happenings for all of you, I dig it.
            "illegal downloading saved people from having to buy that piece of shit you tried to pass off as music" - Nighbat


            • #21
              A buddy of mine lived in what you'd call a haunted house. Neither he nor I ever went in for that stuff, but your outlook changes when you actually see inanimate objects move on their own. He never saw any kind of apparition, though, which was disappointing.

              It also ruins ghost movies. People see or hear something strange, freak out and run away. We'd hear or see something strange, get up and go check it out. Maybe black comedians are right... that's why white people like my friend and I die in those movies.


              • #22
                Watching ghost films, I always think, "Fuck that, I'd be off down the road", but whenever I have seen or heard anything dodgy, the first thing I think is "What the fuck was that?" and go to investigate. It's only afterwards, sitting there going over events, the chills come and the hair stands up on the back of my neck.

                There's a few places I won't go, simple as that. One was a huge old clothes factory I used to rent, it was once a wartime parachute factory. It was being re-wired and there was only a landlord's supply in, controlling the lights. You had to go right into the place, slide along the wall in the dark, to find the light switch. Now that was fine, I never had any worries about doing that, day or night. Never felt anything, heard anything, always felt fine...apart from the cellar.

                I could NOT look down the stairwell into the cellar, it made the blood rush into my ears. The cellar was the kind of place I usually love, there was a loading ramp outside, would have made a perfect studio, and it had the air-raid shelter behind it, blocked up, apart from enough space to squeeze into it if you were determined (not me though, too fat!).
                Even after the place was refurbed and divided up into business units and it became a kiddy dance studio down there, all bright colours and "nice", I fucking hated it, wouldn't have got me down there for all the tea in China.
                So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                I nearly broke her back


                • #23
                  So basically if I turn up at your house with a white sheet over me making Whooooah noises you'll be too busy shitting yourself to stop me leaving with your snakeskin dinky?


                  • #24
                    If there was an old woman burning nearby you wouldn't be smelling smoke, you'd be smelling meat cooking. I have a feeling the guy was fucking with you and his pal was out the back having a smoke.
                    I'm surprised you didn't just get the old tadger out and start wanking maniacally. No, it wouldn't be a sane reaction to ghostly phenomona, but you don't really need an excuse/reason for a wank do you?



                    • #25
                      Nooo, it was that horrible stink of burning hair, and you know how bad that smells. I absolutely hate that smell, because when I get a whiff, I can't let it go, I HAVE to find out where it is coming from. Or, at least, if I'm at home, or at work, I do. I wouldn't want to think, "Ah, it's nothing" then find something well ablaze a bit later on. It's one of those smells that means something is wrong, very wrong, like burning dust. The manager was actually a manageress, and she was pretty down-to-earth. I asked if she was fucking mental staying in there alone, and she said she hated it, but a job's a job.

                      I did have a shitfit one day at the gym when I could smell the same kind of stench, but as I was trying to tell the staff that something was terribly wrong in there, seriously, and we had to find what was about to go up, a bloke butted in and admitted he was the source of the ming - he was a blacksmith/farrier.

                      The thought did cross my mind that it was friction burns from me over-throttling Kojak. There, happy now?

                      As for you Mr Gartron... 1. It's a Strat. 2.Try it, while I Scooby Do-spang you with a frying pan. "You'd have got away with it too, if it hadn't been for you meddling with kids."

                      The thing is, everywhere in this bloody country is potentially teeming with the undead, it's too small, I need some virgin land to build myself a new mansion. I'm moving to Australia (well away from Vit G's Wolf Creek theme park), or maybe New Zealand.
                      So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

                      I nearly broke her back


                      • #26
                        Hobbits & sheep, man. That's way to do it. You'll have the place to yourself - all the Kiwis have already moved to Australia.
                        Hail yesterday


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post

                          As for you Mr Gartron... 1. It's a Strat. 2.Try it, while I Scooby Do-spang you with a frying pan. "You'd have got away with it too, if it hadn't been for you meddling with kids."
                          That just makes me want to try it all the more!!


                          • #28
                            Probably staged but funny to watch nevertheless.



                            • #29
                              my g/f is native american and is intune to the supernatural. Whe we first moved in to our apt. She said she would wake up with the feeling someone was watching her.
                              And A few times she saw an apparition of an older woman peering into our bedroom while we sleep. She said the lady in question was wearing a gown like thing. I should her a picture of my mom and without question she said thats her. She stopped seeing her just after christmas when she said there was something in the hallway between the bedrooms and bathroom. That would sometimes wander into the living room hallway. It makes our dog freak out a bit too. He wont look down the hallway at night. She hasnt seen anything but feels its presence but doesnt know what it is. She said she ahs also felt the presence of my dad in the basement of my parents house where my sister still lives. They also hear noises at night and have even heard the piano play like something just stomping on the keys. No music just noise. And nobody else is home. So yeah ghosts do exist. Not all want to hurt us. Those are usually evil entities of possessed people or demons.


                              • #30
                                Naw! Ghosts don't exist. Ghosts don't exits. Ghosts don't exist...

