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Some news just doesnt come in time.

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  • Some news just doesnt come in time.

    Just found out a close friends wife past in March. She was a great person, may she rest in peace. Ive known them both for the better part of a decade. Ever since I moved away from home, I just dont talk to some of my friends enough. I guess this is a wake up call to stay in touch. I knew she was diagnosed with cancer in Sept. and only made it to March. Been a sad evening.
    HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found

  • #2
    Just learn from the lesson dude..


    • #3
      I'm sorry to hear this sad news, Twitch. My condolences.
      MakeAJazzNoiseHere: You kidding me? I'd suck her fartbox dry in a heartbeat. 9/29/2011 quote about Megan Fox


      • #4
        I'm sorry for your loss, man. My buddy got lung cancer and lasted a year and 3 months. We expected 2-1/2 to 3 years from what they were saying with his progress reports. Life is short and things happen and sneak up on you. Don't blame yourself, but learn from it.
        Ron is the MAN!!!!

