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Duke Nukem Forever comes out tonight

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  • Duke Nukem Forever comes out tonight

    hate to say it but i am gonna be over at gamestop to pick up my pre ordered fuckin BONUS PACK copy tonight at midnight....
    duke 3d was the first video game i played in like 98 or whatever ..the sequel been 15 years in the making

    Your face. Your ass. What's the difference?
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.
    I'll rip your head off and shit down your neck!
    This is K-T-I-T. KTIT. Playing the breast... Uh... The best tunes in town!
    and finally ......
    Rest in pieces!

    “But does it help with the blues rock chatter?"-Hellbat

  • #2
    I'm thru already. The game released on friday over here in Europe.
    It is quite a lot of fun. The graphics and gameplay are alright, but don't expect anything new.
    But a Duke Nukem is about the (questionable) humor anyway, and you get tons of that.

    I've been gassing for this game for years now, almoust didn't believe they were about to bring it...
    tremstick give-away (performer series trem)


    • #3
      Its right up there with DOOM in my book. I still play DOOM on a regular basis. I may look into this though as well.
      HTTP 404 - Signature Not Found


      • #4
        Duke Nukem Pre 1996
        a funny platform game

        Duke Nukem Post 1996
        Last edited by Nightbat; 06-14-2011, 11:30 AM.
        "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

        -"You like Anime"



        • #5
          Didn't Gearbox end up making this? They do good shit. Half-Life Op-for and Badlands are kickass games.
          GTWGITS! - RacerX


          • #6
            Played it on the PC years ago (my Dad picked it up becuase it sounds just like our last name ) but didn't really get too hyped up about "Forever". I know it's been 15 years, but the reason it's changed hands over the years is because it was ultimately just another Doom clone that had a small but rabid following. It used an outdated engine that was surpassed by other games like Blood and Redneck Rampage.
            Once the Build Engine was made completely obsolete by the latest offerings from ID, Duke was embroiled in legal matters so deep most everyone gave up on it. Kudos to those who stuck it out, but in reality, if it's not shattering current boundaries, it's yawnable.
            They should have bought the rights to Bulletstorm and used that as a Duke Nukem platform, because it fits the style. However, since everyone else has already beat Duke to the modern-times punch and is using his old lines, he's late to his own party.
            I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

            The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

            My Blog:


            • #7
              I'll pick it up when it's bargain next month. :P


              • #8
                Jafdc? Wdhitstm?
                tremstick give-away (performer series trem)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by micha View Post
                  Jafdc? Wdhitstm?
                  Originally posted by Newc View Post
                  it was ultimately Just Another Doom Clone
                  Almost the same as Newc put it, but I guess you can figure out the "F" yourself
                  "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

                  -"You like Anime"



                  • #10
                    Oh well... got it.

                    If you want it that way you can call any first person game a FDC except doom itself.
                    But actually Duke Nukem was the first 2 1/2 dimension game were the evil aliens would lurk from above and beneath the players position.
                    Doom was two dimensions only, so actually it was just a nice looking pacman clone.

                    DNF doesn't have the graphics of a crysis, or the fine scripted levels of a half-life 2, but it's a nice mix of everything and overall good entertainment.
                    There's no need to reinvent everything if there's already good concepts to build on IMO.

                    But it feels almoust like an old school shooter, it's not (always) this: change-position -> kill enemies for 5 minutes -> change-position game like the last (highly overrated) COD series, which always bored me to death.
                    I just wish they'd have stayed with medipacs. This self-healing-system started to get boring the same moment somebody invented it...
                    tremstick give-away (performer series trem)


                    • #11
                      Good post NEWC about the old games...brings back lots of memories... at the time these games were coming out I remember buying PC Gamer for all the demos and having to save up for a whole year to buy another 4 MB of RAM to get up to 8MB because all the good games needed it haha. Each new game required editing Config.sys and autoexec.bat to mess around with EMS and loading drivers in Highmem. Good times!

                      I believe Blood was an advanced version of the Build engine. If I recall Redneck Rampage was not too far above the original Duke 3d, its game feel felt just like Duke 3d with different sprites. Blood had a much more 3D feel, but still was a 2.5 D engine if I recall..

                      This was before the internets and Bittorrents etc. You had to actually BUY games. My younger bro and I had devoted closet space to all the game boxes and manuals. It was cool, you used to get a neat manual with many games. Best manual ever????? Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe It was almost 300 pages of awesome WW2 photos of G0229 and other German secret weapons tons of history. I read that thing so much I had it memorized, great fun for a computer/aviation nut I was as a kid. That game had everything and played excellent on my first computer a Tandy 1000 RLX... 286 proc. when you flew the B-17 you could man each turret position. Hard to believe so much fun could be fit on a few floppy disks, as now you have games on multiple DVDs...

                      It was a thrill a few years later there was a B-17 and Henkel He-111 at a small airport, I was able to spend time in each one (on the ground only sadly) very cool, and made it clear how hard those guys had it up there, trying to shoot down a speedy fighter with a MG hanging out a window...
                      Last edited by FlyingSkull; 06-14-2011, 03:53 PM.
                      "We were sitting on the bus one day and there were 5 of us hanging out. There was only one beer left in the cooler and we actually all took a little cup and split it. It was a pathetic day in a rock and roll when five grown men have to be sitting there sharing a beer. "
                      Zakk Wylde


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by micha View Post
                        But it feels almoust like an old school shooter, it's not (always) this: change-position -> kill enemies for 5 minutes -> change-position game like the last (highly overrated) COD series, which always bored me to death.
                        I just wish they'd have stayed with medipacs. This self-healing-system started to get boring the same moment somebody invented it...

                        I noticed that feel the first time I played COD and the followups. This strange sneaking suspicion I was on a rail being moved through the game...... kinda like Rebel Assault... remember that one? Haha
                        "We were sitting on the bus one day and there were 5 of us hanging out. There was only one beer left in the cooler and we actually all took a little cup and split it. It was a pathetic day in a rock and roll when five grown men have to be sitting there sharing a beer. "
                        Zakk Wylde


                        • #13
                          It used an outdated engine that was surpassed by other games like Blood and Redneck Rampage.
                          newc i know you know your stuff....but....
                          Blood and redneck rampage ,along with one of my other personal favorites shadow warrior were all built on updated versions of the 3drealms build engine.
                          and once quake 2 came out,duke along , those other games looked like dog fuck ,not to mention you dindt have to worry about DOS based games crashing on good ole win 95

                          as far as new duke goes ....its grahically and technically inferior to monolith's F.E.A.R or halflife 2 which came out more than 5 years ago
                          i prepaid
                          and if you read the reviews ...DNF is not fairing very well and will be in the bargain bin quite soon and i would have waited

                          havent triesd
                          Last edited by len; 06-14-2011, 11:19 PM. Reason: i type like shit
                          “But does it help with the blues rock chatter?"-Hellbat


                          • #14
                            Damn, i remember when this was first announced and it ended up being the "Chinese Democracy" of the gaming industry. From what i've seen it looks a bit like Doom 3. If what you guys say is true, it's a damn shame because expectations for this game were so high at some point but i think people stopped caring after the first decade of development. Either way, i'll definitely give it a shot.
                            It's all about the blues-rock chatter.

                            Originally posted by RD
                   now I have this massive empty house with my Harley, Guns, Guitar and nothing else...


                            • #15
                              Speaking of jafdc's, anyone played this one?

                              (I ask 'cause I worked on it.)
                              Last edited by Cliff; 06-14-2011, 10:21 PM.
                              My other signature says something funny

