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Duke Nukem Forever comes out tonight

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  • #16
    Originally posted by len View Post
    newc i know you know your stuff....but....
    Blood and redneck rampage ,along with one of my other personal favorites shadow warrior were all built on updated versions of the 3drealms build engine.
    and once quake 2 came out,duke along with those other games looked like dog fuck ,not to mention you dindt have to worry about DOS based games crashing on good ole win 95

    as far as new duke goes ....its grahically and technically inferior to monolith's F.E.A.R or halflife 2 which came out more than 5 years ago
    i prepaid
    and if you read the reviews ...DNF is not fairing very well and will be in the bargain bin quite soon and i would have waited

    havent triesd
    Hell, Quake I made those games look like shit.

    Build never was a good engine anyways. Built like a deck of cards.
    I like EL34s.


    • #17
      Ah, yes..... I think Duke Nukem was the first FPS i really got into. I seem to recall that you could also play it over LAN, no? I'm not buying the new one, though.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Cliff View Post
        Speaking of jafdc's, anyone played this one?

        (I ask 'cause I worked on it.)
        Cool! Are you still in the industry?


        • #19
          Originally posted by micha View Post
          Oh well... got it.

          If you want it that way you can call any first person game a FDC except doom itself.
          Actually they're all JAFWC where the "W" would be Castle Wolvenstein
          "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

          -"You like Anime"



          • #20
            Wasn't it wolFenstein?
            Anyway, remember that one, I've been playing it with my uncle, though my father most likely didn't like the idea I was hunting people (nazis or not) with a gatling gun.
            Those were the days... a secret room behind every second swastika flag, HP for dog food and everyone was shouting "Mein Leben!!" when he was beeing shot. How theatrical was that?!
            tremstick give-away (performer series trem)


            • #21
              Originally posted by javert View Post
              Cool! Are you still in the industry?
              Hey Javert,
              Not any more. That was the last game I shipped. I worked on a couple of prototypes after that, then moved to the US to work in the movie fx business.
              Based on previous conversations, would I be right in guessing you're in the audio business?
              My other signature says something funny


              • #22
                Originally posted by micha View Post
                wasn't it wolfenstein?
                Anyway, remember that one, i've been playing it with my uncle, though my father most likely didn't like the idea i was hunting people (nazis or not) with a gatling gun.
                Those were the days... A secret room behind every second swastika flag, hp for dog food and everyone was shouting "mein leben!!" when he was beeing shot. How theatrical was that?!
                "mill" ftw!
                "There's nothing taking away from the pure masculinity I possess"

                -"You like Anime"



                • #23
                  Originally posted by Cliff View Post
                  Hey Javert,
                  Not any more. That was the last game I shipped. I worked on a couple of prototypes after that, then moved to the US to work in the movie fx business.
                  Based on previous conversations, would I be right in guessing you're in the audio business?
                  Kind of. I'm in academia (I'm a prof.) but my area is signal processing and in particular audio processing, and I teach in a media technology program (and in an EE program) where they actually do a lot of games programming.


                  • #24
                    My other signature says something funny


                    • #25
                      I'm playing this shit now on W764. It's badass!
                      "Artists should be free to spend their days mastering their craft so that working people can toil away in a more beautiful world."
                      - Ken M


                      • #26
                        It's getting awful reviews, which surprises me with gearbox.
                        GTWGITS! - RacerX


                        • #27
                          I think Gearbox only finished the development, it wasn't their game to begin with.

                          Finished playing it yesterday. It was generally ok but there are a shitload of frustrating moments like the whole underwater sequence at Hoover Dam. One thing that pissed me off is the fact that Duke can only carry two weapons at a time. Whats that all about?! Duke can benchpress more than 600lbs but can't carry more than two guns? All in all it was disappointing but to be honest after 15 years, you have to forget the unrealistic expectations and just enjoy it for what it is. It's a shame really.
                          It's all about the blues-rock chatter.

                          Originally posted by RD
                 now I have this massive empty house with my Harley, Guns, Guitar and nothing else...


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by len View Post
                            newc i know you know your stuff....but....
                            Blood and redneck rampage ,along with one of my other personal favorites shadow warrior were all built on updated versions of the 3drealms build engine.
                            and once quake 2 came out,duke along , those other games looked like dog fuck ,not to mention you dindt have to worry about DOS based games crashing on good ole win 95

                            as far as new duke goes ....its grahically and technically inferior to monolith's F.E.A.R or halflife 2 which came out more than 5 years ago
                            i prepaid
                            and if you read the reviews ...DNF is not fairing very well and will be in the bargain bin quite soon and i would have waited

                            havent triesd

                            Blood used an updated version of the Build engine that allowed for multi-tier levels - you could make a hole in the floor of an upper level to look down onto the lower level (and snipe).
                            As well it offered the ability to create remote-controlled objects. There's one scene where you have to drive a little truck in an amusement area to push a key to the Prize slot, then you take the key.
                            You could also ride in a vehicle without getting run over.
                            Redneck Rampage and Duke's versions of the engine did not allow that. The truck in RR would run you down bigger than shit
                            I don't think Duke even had a vehicle in it.

                            I spent hours building levels for RR, following the tutorial written for Duke's version of the Build engine (and noted the differences RR's version offered in my own tutorials at the time).

                            I was recreating the house from Resident Evil as a RR map, but then moved on to other things before completing it. I did have the entire main hall finished - the stairs, the circular balcony that lead to the 3 different doors (2 on the right, one on the left). Had to figure out how to use "solidified" sprites for the upper floor tiles so you could walk across them - basically "cheating" to accomplish Blood's multi-tier effect.
                            I also had the dining room (where Barry and Jill find the blood by the fireplace) and the hallway beyond that where you first meet the zombies.
                            I also had the curved hallway out to the pool area, and the long hallway where the dogs jump through the window.

                            I didn't get all of those areas set up with spawn triggers and whatnot before passing it on. I did have all the doors working, though. Basically I jut uploaded it and gave it away. Not sure if it was ever finished.

                            I still get at least one email a year from some kid in the further reaches of Eastern Europe asking for the Makemap program, and asking how to make a door (even though my tutorials covered that clearly, and can still be found).

                            Originally posted by Cliff View Post
                            Speaking of jafdc's, anyone played this one?

                            (I ask 'cause I worked on it.)
                            Yup. I really liked the first one, so it was a no-brainer for me to get PDZ. Can't say I liked it as much as the first one, but then the first one was "brand new" at the time, only having Goldeneye on the N64 to compare to it.
                            I'm usually not a fan of sequels of any kind, though, especially if the original was so groundbreaking. PDZ was an excellent game on its own, though.
                            I know quite a few people who played it and then chased down an N64 so they could play the first one.
                            I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                            The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                            My Blog:


                            • #29
                              Thanks - that's kind of you to say so. To be honest, I almost feel like apologizing for it - it had a troubled development, with half the team wanting to take it in one direction, half in the other. (This still shows in the graphical style, where the characters are anime influenced, and the environments a bit more realistic-looking.) Certainly not the game it could/should have been. Also, we really failed to evolve the genre in the way the Bungie guys did with Halo. Still, it was a blast to make .
                              My other signature says something funny


                              • #30
                                The biggest problem with all games at the time was the constrictive levels. I hated being confined to linear paths and barriers. Even now I find games that could be great, and even tout an "open world", but put in often unrealistic limits. Granted, you can't really do a "world sized" game, but you can at least make one stupid-huge, like the later GTA series.
                                I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                                The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                                My Blog:

