Originally posted by Twitch
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Actually, when I think of him, I have to put my guitar down and wrestle my love acorn until it spits. I have been known to play my geetar bollock naked, at gigs, whilst completely pissed. Luckily no-one spotted my cock while I was playing my axe behind my neck. Phew.
More to the point is his playing behaviour - leaping off his bed in his Spiderman pyjamas, dribbling Ribena and pretending it's blood, and rubbing his pellet up against his full-length mirror like David Coverdale. And don't let's forget the worst of all - well, I'll draw a discreet veil over it and not describe it in lurid detail, but if you've ever had a sniff of one of the horns on his Warriors, you'll know what I'm talking about.